Is the itching unbearable? Have the yeast infection creams stopped working? I bet you would like to have regular sex again. Well, guess what? You will. In fact, the solution is quite simple. Throw away your anti-fungal creams and start treating the cause as opposed to the symptom. If you struggle with yeast infections, you have too much Candida Albicans – a type of yeast that lives in your gut (gastrointestinal tract) – and it has likely been multiplying out of control for a very long time. Treating Candida from the inside out is a must if yeast infections are a problem for you. If you are tired of shying away from sex because of embarrassing discharge, redness and odour, this article is for you. And ladies, you’re not the only ones who need to be concerned with yeast infections. Men also get them, especially men who drink a lot of beer. Gentleman, perhaps I have your attention now too?
Candida is found in a healthy gastrointestinal tract along with other bacteria. For the most part, it is completely harmless; however, problems arise when Candida gets out of control. Chances are if you’re on the birth control pill, excessively use antibiotics (even when you were young), suffer from high levels of stress or live on junk food and love to eat sugary treats, you have completely altered your gut flora and have created a great home for Candida to grow. When Candida spreads in the gastrointestinal tract, yeast infections often become an issue and until the Candida is eliminated on the inside, yeast infections keep coming back. The chances of yeast infections returning after treatment with over-the-counter creams is high because applying a cream locally doesn’t address the overgrowth internally. To break it down – you need to treat your gut, not just your sexy parts.
So, you are eating too many carbs and drinking too much booze, which until now you didn`t realize are food for Candida. I know that you love these treats, but you do have to give them up for at least three weeks if you are invested in getting rid of Candida for good. With your internal environment overloaded with yeast, here are some simple recommendations that you can take in order to start feeling better. And if you are still hesitating to do a Candida detox, that’s cool, but I’m sure you understand that if Candida is left untreated, it causes unwanted diseases and releases harmful toxins into your bloodstream. Do you really want this?
My advice? Treat the root cause, which is Candida overgrowth in your gastrointestinal tract. Acutely, use a naturopathic anti-yeast preparation like Seroyal’s HMF Candigen, oral anti-Candida nutraceutical like Candibactin by Metagenics, and a high-quality probiotic daily – your body needs ‘good’ bacteria to help combat Candida. To prevent further growth, implement proper hygiene and commit to some lifestyle changes – remember poor dietary choices feed Candida and the goal is to starve these tiny microorganisms. This means eliminating sugar in all its forms, increasing your intake of fresh green vegetables, loading up on garlic (you can get odourless garlic capsules), practicing safe sex because you can pass Candida onto your partner, and talking to your Naturopathic Doctor about the latest laboratory tests for Candida Albicans. You will need to build up your defences against Candida which can take some time. The good news is that there are lots of other benefits that come with a Candida detox – you’ll have better digestion, will drop a few pounds and will enjoy a boost of energy. Now what are you waiting for?
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