Have you ever woken up and you could’ve sworn you actually experienced that “falling in love” feeling in your dream? You feel warm, cozy and almost like you’re in a love bubble? Sometimes you can see the object of your affection clearly in your dream and other times it’s just a feeling. You may find yourself having these “love” or “romance” dreams both when you are in a relationship and when you’re single.
I became increasingly curious about them lately so I started to ask others about their experiences. What I immediately found quite surprising is that men tend to have these dreams as often as women do. I think many women are conditioned to believe that men only have those ‘wet dreams’ like they did during puberty. This isn’t the case. One man in his 30’s shared that sometimes the love feeling is so intense when he wakes up that he finds himself thinking of this woman for the next couple days until the dream wears off.
I decided to do a bit more research on this which led to me to Carl Jung’s school of analytical psychology where he spoke of each of us having our male side (animus) and our female side (anima). Jung explained that, because a man’s sensitivity must often be repressed, the anima is one of the most significant emotions of all. It often manifests itself by appearing in dreams and can be the source of men’s creativity. Jung goes on to explain that males fall in love with women who embody the qualities of their “anima”. The yearning for men to fall in love is to connect with their anima psychologically. That romantic, mysterious feeling is between you and your hidden psyche, which is feminine if you are male. When we have a crush on someone we fall in love with the idea of that person. That is the anima. There is magic in it.
Dreams about love can cause feelings of growth and calm in the dreamer. Dreams have the ability to color our mood and emotions for days to come which is why when you have a good and happy dream, you often feel that way for the rest of the day.
Oh, and by the way, many experts ask you not to get too caught up in the meaning behind the object of affection in your dream (in case it makes you feel uncomfortable when you dream of a co-worker, neighbor or even someone else while you are in a relationship), it is more about the feeling you have and whether you feel expansive and relaxed.
That is your connection to love.
I’d love to hear from you and your “love” dream experiences. Please feel free to share in the comments below.
Sweet Dreams & Live Love,
I just recently had a dream where I “fell in love”. I’ve been thinking about it all day, it put me in a good mood but the fact that I don’t know the girl in my dream bothers me.
You and I had the same experience.. and until now.. It is still bothering me.. I really wanna know who he is.. and I still can’t stop falling in love with the guy in my dream
Hi Kate,
Allow yourself to fall in love in your dreams. It’s a beautiful thing and allows you to connect with that warm feeling more often. Make notes as you wake up in the morning rather than letting it bother you. You will find it gets easier to cultivate this feeling in your waking life.
I really want to know does he really exist in the world ,he have a black.skin and a charming face and the height of 2m so when i stand with.him i was at his shoulder
I also dreamed of this guy,always ..since i’m 12,and now i am 20… different places but only 1 scenario, i will walk into him and then he will give me a hug and kiss my forehead and honestly , i can feel it , his hugs and kisses? I try to hug my boyfriend but his not, and what i don’t want about that dream is that i can’t even see his face , when i hug him too i was just sniffing on his chest and feel his hug , i feel safe everytime he hugged me,. And i also fell in love with him , until now, is he real in the waking ?
I had a dream too similar to Jeans and I cant remember the persons face and its really bugging me
Hi Pamela,
THE GOOD NEWS is that you were BOTH created together by GOD.
When GOD deems that the time is right then HE will cause you BOTH to meet for real in the flesh.
I dreamed since childhood about a magically gorgeous petite blonde girl.
Then, I met her for REAL!
She was my TWINFLAME.
We INSTANTLY remembered each other (from before our birth).
We were together in infinite love and bliss at ONE with each other and woth GOD before we were made to forget each other and being separated by GOD and sent down to Earth.
More and more TWINFLAMES are finding each other.
She is my GODDESS and I am her GOD!
I saw a similar dream like yours. i have had my heart broken for over two years and haven’t fallen for someone since then not even like someone for a second… but last night i saw a stranger in my dream i was so in love with him and so happy i can not describe he was in love with me too we would cry cause we were too happy and i would ask him to promise me he will never leave me cause i was extremly happy..he would talk to me about his passions, invite me in his house, but then for a moment everything changed and i found out he wasn’t really in love with me but i didn’t want to believe it. i woke up really happy and sad at the same time how will i ever find in my real life that stranger with blue eyes and innocent face i wanna cry..nothing is in my hands i hoppe i will find my true love one day and be happy as much as i was in my dream
I also got that dream yar..
Then the very next day onward I don’t have interested to see a other girls in my real life.. she remains me in my mind… But I don’t remember her full face.. she is White skin and slim… But in my dream her family didn’t allow us to join.. but she came with me … Later her elder brother throws her mother and father out of this Home and then they came to me I had taken care of them …by giving my half porperty to my father and mother and another half property to her mother and father… So that they feel like own home….
Is it possible that the guy I dream about (that I don’t know) can be dreaming about me too?
I asked the boy I dream about of he dreams about me too and he said yes. Not the same exact nights but repeatedly just the same.
I had a very similar dream except the scenario is a repeated one I often have. His reason of being there was to take me back to my partner That i just knew I was lost and fighting a giant monster like thing with roots tripping me. It was long dream but he appeared at the end i saw my partner whom I am engaged with but I told him sorry and turned to look at this other man and said I want to dance with you and we danced and I looked straight into his eyes and I was in love i felt it so deep and he said that what you did was wrong and I work for the newspaper you can’t tell anyone about us. But it felt as he meant tell anyone in real life because we both new this was a who different dimension he took me to his small apartment and we payed down together stared into each others eyes deep in love and stickwityou song came on randomly and I SWEAR I HAVENT HEARD THAT SONG SINCE FRESHMAN YEAR IM 24 I looked away from him one second n he disappeared when I looked back at him n like that out of sudden I awoke. But it was dramatically real. And my partner is the best he’s a sweetheart we never argue never touched the cheating part or anything major like. But it left me confused because I’m doubting my love for the man that has never hurt me because of this man in my dream that isn’t the best looking but he is the one my soul mourned for. I’m battli with myself and I don’t know what to do about it I just want to fall asleep again and try to see him again.
I once I had a dream that I fell in love with my best friend, I was not bothered at first but then I soon to realise that I like him
I had a dream similar with the same outcome (likeing your best friend) and last night, I had a dream where I met this girl. The dream started out where me and my sister were driving to her college, and then I was dropped off at my friends house. And one of his neighbors that lived down the street (in the dream I don’t even know which friends house I was at) and there were two girls looking and talking about me in the distance. Then one girl approached me, a black haired, girl wiTh bangs, and a beautiful face, and was of Mexican decent, and white decent. Me and her talked and we fell in love. We went to see a movie together, and she leaned on my shoulder and held my hand. I held her hand and occasionally grabbed her thigh. At the end of the movie, I kissed her mouth to mouth, and at first she didn’t like it but then accepted it. After that I heard my mom outside telling me that it’s time to leave, (she was waking me up for school in real life so my dream started to fade) and I walked out of the girls house, and looked back and saw her wave with a beautiful smile on her face, and winked at me. I winked back, got in my moms truck, and started to drive away and out of the dream. I woke up, wrote down all the information and now I feel really happy. I have had a wet dream, but romance dreams, are way better and satisfying then sex dreams. I actually try to avoid them. Thank you for reading. By the way, I am 15 years old, in real life and in my dream, and so is the girl.
So this has been bothering me 2 nights ago (December 29 2015) I had an amazing dream at this very familiar place and there was this boy and I felt emotionally attached to him and I fell in love with him I can’t remember his name and face but I know I am in love with him I really want to go back to the dream and see him.
I had a dream that I fell in love with a guy and he had a blue shirt on but I never saw his face and me and him got married and had a baby and I still can’t figure out anything about him other than that blue shirt.
I had a dream that the world was ending and i met this girl in a my neighbors house i really liked her and when i was dieing in my dream she called me and said some stuff but for some reason i could not understand her i miss her though.
I’ve had dreams like that too. They are different boys each time and I love all of them. They have different personalities but I believe they are the same person and are all the things I look for in a soulmate. I can will myself to go back to my dreams sometimes it doesn’t work but when it does I fall in love with them over and over again.
I just woke up to look this up cause there was a girl that i wanted so bad and it never worked and i dreamed about her all nighy last nighy and before i woke up she fell asleep in my arms and i know who it is but it kind of hurts in some ways cause i fell for her and never got the chance yo have her
I had the same dream and I can’t remember his name or face and every night I cry tight because I want to see him again I remember his amazing sawnd how he was hugging me and looking at me we were in love with each other I really miss him so much😢 the dream happen like 5 days ago I want him back to my arms
What if you in a dream ‘fall in love’ with someone from your class?! What does that mean?!
It’s just a what if scenario you brain develop when you sleep
It’s happened to me very strongly with a different girl every night for the past month. Starting to get super depressed because of it.
I totally feel you. I dream virtually every night of differant girls that i fall in love with…sometimes i can go back to slepp at night several days in a row and continue on my dream from the night before which is an amazing experience or though not lucid!! but in doing this i feel quite depressed when i end up dreaming of something else and also makes me feel slightly depressed!
and also the love i feel in my dreams is 10 fold as intense as any love iv ever experienced in real life, is it possible to “Actually” feel this way
I was waiting for someone to say this Chris. I’ve been having these dreams for maybe 10 years and every time I wake up from one I feel like I’ve been cheated out of something spectacular and it feels like my heart is broken for at least a few hours afterwards. What I hate about it is that I have been in a very loving relationship for almost 4 years now and it makes me feel like I am cheating or that I am ungrateful. I often have great loving dreams about my boyfriend as well, but I still feel very lost and sad after the other dreams. I’m actually starting to hate having them at all.
I donot the girl and her family but I love her I have a good realationsship her brothers it’s my dream
Mine are very similar with the way I feel after waking up, I feel super depressed and I yearn for the girl in my dream
I dreamed about girl that I fell in love with her and when I woke up I was deppresed because it was just a dream….
This happens to me but the girl is always a different person and at 1 point of the dream she leaves or disappears and i neber see her again
This happens to me very often, and as soon as I wake up, my heart and mind are f*cked up. I got up 15 mins ago and this just happened.
Wow, same thing, it’s the second time that I dream of having a girlfriend, the first time was in a quite fairy world with magical wars, and I managed to find love there, but then she just dissapeared, but I knew it was just a dream. Today I (sadly) dreamed of having a girlfriend, the first thing I remember is that we were eating all togheter with my family, she was really kind, polite, and not just beatiful, she was litteraly perfect, so perfect that I cannot even manage to remember her face now that I woke up. But what made the dream feel terribly real is that my house my perfectly reproduced, it never happened else than in nightmares. Then we went for a walk outside, and once again, everything was the same as in the real world. Then we went in my room, which was the same again, even the pages open on my computer were the same as they actually were before I went to sleep, then we watched a movie while a hugging and kissing like two lovebirds, it felt just so real and I was feeling so good, then after that I can’t remember what happened but we were now in a public place(this time I didn’t know where we were), then while we were waiting in line (we were facing each other, not side by side) 3 dudes came, two got really close of her and the other was talking to me like to distract me, then I heard clearly heard the voice of my dad but I hadn’t seen him anywhere, telling me that it wasn’t good and that I had to do something, so I walked up to her and took her hand to make those dudes understand, then I don’t remember, I just know that I was back at my house and she wasn’t there, no more of gentle smile, perfect voice and that damn perfume felt so real, but now it was empty, I just felt so empty and terribly sad and I woke up, alone.
I don’t know how much time the dream lasted, but I went from pure happiness to complete dissaray, and now I just feel sad and alone, the fact that she dissapeared really hurts me, it simply reminds me that I have no one and that I am alone.
I never knew what that warm feeling was until I dreamt someone loved me. It felt so good. But then I woke up to the true despair. No one will ever love me.
@Ilana you will find someone. These things take time 🙂
I am a male, and I have been having similar dreams over the past few years.
Incredible sensation of love. I have experienced similar feelings throughout my life, but never to this degree. I would say that I have been “in love” a few times. But when I wake up after the dreams, I cannot believe that person in the dream is not there anymore. And I will spend quite some time thinking about them.
So, yes. It certainly does happen to guys too. I just wish I could meet that person.
This is what I felt for hours after the dreams I still do but I realized sometimes my dreams become reality and that helps
I experienced this one first when I was still 15 years old. The very thing is when I dreamed about him continously once every month with the same person but with different scenarious. From then on I start wondering who he really is. Every year that guy visited me in my dream, it just feels like I feel so safe with him that everythings alright. He even told me that “We don’t know he might be true”.
I really can’t stop the feeling though, like yah I’ve been inlove before but not as how I do with this man inside my dreams.
i had a dream about a girl i didnt know felt that same feeling and the area i had the dream i know it and im honestly considering going their later
Hey! Is this thread still active? Anyhow, i wanted to tell you i had this vivid dream today.. i met a girl who looked like Pam Beesley from the office show and her name was Pam too, we fell in love and then kissed and then minutes later i woke up to realise she doesn’t exist and nor did anything happened. I feel absolutely lost and empty now, feel like my soul has been sucked out from me. Just sad.
Same!! Same
This happened to me and I just can’t stop thinking of her
I stumbled upon this site so I thought I would share this. I’m a 40 year old married man with 2 children. I have been falling in love in dreams since I was a small child. I have felt this feeling twice in my life with a real person but sadly neither of these individuals ended up becoming part of my life. As I age these feelings of love fade in my wakeful life but once or twice a year I fall staggeringly in love in my dreams. It affects me for days and it breaks my heart that I do not have this in real life with my partner. I obsessively google this phenomenon but it always says that I am missing something in my life..I wish I knew the deeper meaning.
Last night i saw a girl in my dream, actually i cant recognize clearly her face, but it was not very very beautiful girl. Was a normal girl but i cant really explain how i fall in love with her quiet,her sweat smile, helpful,caring. I hug her and i felt i had all the world in my arms. I hope i will meet her one day. I know its just a dream but lets hope.
me too omg i jut have today and still wanted to find out this guys evetually i don think he appear in my country . i saw a show that they really met their love in the real ife
This happens to me and im only 15 🙁 idk what to do. I cant stop thinking about her. I know who the girl is but she never liked me. And then last night i had another dream with a different girl that i didnt know…help?
Hi Michael,
I’m only 14 and I’ve had those dreams too. It’s the most incredible feeling! I haven’t been lucky enough to actually see his face. I don’t know if this helped but I just wanted to say that it seems normal to have dreams like that.
I had a dream that this guy had said something sweet but flirty to me as I was leaving from somewhere I don’t remember & I had turned around & he was so handsome he smiled at me and he walked away. I had then followed him quickly and started to beg him to please to look at me
because after that one glance of him he wouldn’t look at me anymore. I have no idea why but I started to cry and yelling at my mother that she can’t tell me who to love & in that moment I felt a very strong love for that guy. I then left once again and ran off balling my eyes out masarca all over my face & then I woke up with real tears falling down my cheeks. That’s so crazy how I didn’t even know the guy but right off the back I felt like I’ve had fallen in love w/ the little sweet/flirty comment he made. Now I’m here curious & wondering who he is & if he’s real… 😩❤️
I do too! I had dreams of me falling in love but they were different people. I would always fall in love with those who did bad to me, for example, I dreamt about someone kidnapping me, I was a badass and escaped, then I saw him at the beach and fell in love with him. And then There was another one, it was kind of in a PVP setting like fortnite (don’t know why. I don’t play fortnite at all) and there was a blond guy on the opposite team and he captured me and I guess I fell in love with him. What’s with guys capturing me and me falling in love with them? I don’t even know these guys!
Michael, I have a dream about the same guy I know and it makes me wonder why I always fall in love with him in my dreams. I’m 15 too!
I am 14 going onto 15 this year and i have also had this type of dream last night. People always say that basically the last sorta things you think about but i was never thinking about girls really all ive been thinking about is like motorbikes and gear and all that sorta stuff for Christmas. But just to get to the point i had this dream about this girl and not a lot seemed to happen but i was at a park just sitting there and a see a beautiful girl around my age and a guy was bothering her a lot about wanting to do bad things with him and etc. so i run over there and tackle this guy and told her to run and so she did but this man never retaliate but just got up pushed me to the side and started walking after her but then the scenery changed to my backyard and the clouds were dark and it was pouring with rain and i found her hiding and asked her why she was here but she never replied the whole time and instead took me to her place whilst cuddling me without a word or sound then this man came along and beat me up and takes off because of her father turning up. We arive at her house i was nice and dry in a pair of her fathers clothes laying by the fire in her arms and later that evening we went to sleep together infront of the warm fire. What bothers me about it though was that she made me feel warm and kind inside which honestly I haven’t felt in a very long time and i just know that im not gonna get the same feeling ever again
I’m also 15 almost 16 I’m not sure if we are going through a phase or not . I have a boyfriend although things get complicated for personal reasons . I’ve been some what depressed and I took a nap I ended up dreaming. It felt so real . When I touched him when I hugged him he made me happy and I feel like I might love this guy in my dreams I can barely remember his face or him name but I know it was something real but it’s only in my dreams . I just want to redream it and see him and remember. I keep thinking what if he’s actually out there what if he’s dreaming of me and trying to find me and it’s make me upset and frustrated. And I don’t know how to tell my boyfriend because I feel crazy.
I’ve recently had a dream when I fell in love with a girl and she fell in love with me too! She gave me her full name 😶😶. I checked her Facebook and she actually turned out to be real, what should I do now ? Please someone help !!!
If you had one one of of these dreams and dont know what to do think of who you love but not the one in the dream and think of your real true love. And think about how your love would feel if you told them you loved your dream man 😘 love life ?
I had a lucid/vivid dream 5/26/2015 I don’t know where it took place but i thought i was going too a class or something, i felt i went too this place before earlier in the dream (cant remember) when i walked in i was so surprised and felt very uncomfortable because i saw a nakid women sitting in a chair, she looked kinda fat. and i heard moaning from upstairs. (idk why) the woman said “you are next” i said “i think ill wait outside..” and left running! i wanted too get out of there. when i did this boy came running after me (that i know from my school) I was kind of mad but at the same time forgave him.. for idk what. I didn’t know him in the dream but i think i knew he was thinking about me.. we held hands and walked off into what seemed like my old neighborhood ( i dream about it alot cause i was there most my life) cause i move alot. So the scenario kinda changed. It was like we were falling in love. Then i told him i lived in that neighborhood as a child. He didn’t talk much but he would give small replies. But it definitely felt like this dream took place in the future, but it didn’t seem like something that would happen. Then i think police cars or something were coming down the road. I felt an urge too go inside my old home. which was like my current home in the dream. so we both went inside. then i cant rlly remember what happened next i just remember. We were in a shop buying food and i think we were married. This really makes me think. Out of all my dreams this is one of the only ones i saw someone at my school in, besides another (he was only a crush) and nothing happened. Plus, this dream has the guy whos in all of my classes! 😮 I’m not surprised but im kind of depressed cause schools almost out and what if its just me comforting myself in my dreams. And he doesn’t even like me.. I’m a pretty girl but where i go to school I’m not popular.. And i know me and this guy aren’t going too the same highschool next year.
Me too.I’m only 17.I keep dreaming about this person.I’m in love with him.I’ve never seen him anywhere.when I wake up,I can feel him but its only a dream.I keep seeing him in my dream almost 7 months.I know one day I ‘ll meet him.I hope you all will meet the person that you’re dreaming about.
So i had a dream last night about a girl. But it all started in some city in Saudi Arabia.I was going to this mall that was on the water in a bus. When i got to the mall i got out of it and went to a beach where ive seen her and immidietly we fell in love with each other. We swam in the sea together for a while. We hugged and kissed. It was the best feeling in the world! She had dark hair and she had a tan but not like she was arab. I was so happy and she was too. Then we went to out apartments and i woke up. Im 15 btw. I wish i could meet the girl in my dream because i dont know her. Heelp!
I have love dreams and have been having them since I was 9. I’m 15, too.
It doesn’t matter who in the dream it is. Love dreams don’t have much meaning behind it. Sometimes my love dreams are about guys I would NEVER date, guys whose names I can’t even remember, guys I’m just friends with, or guys I like or just find attractive.
Just because you have a love dream about someone doesn’t mean your subconscious desires them or anything. My love dreams are usually strong enough that I still have feelings for and think about the guy I dreamed of for the rest of the day, although sometimes I’m easily able to not think about him much if I really don’t want to like him. In fact, in the love dream I smile in my sleep, I can physically feel the guy I’m thinking of if we touch, I can see his face and hear his voice, and I wake up feeling like I’m blushing.
When it’s a guy I can stand I learned to just embrace the feelings or happiness that I feel after a love dream instead of trying to ignore them. Sometimes love dreams help me see the good in someone but usually love dreams are all in good fun.
I keep having the same dream about this girl and she is perfect in fact to perfect she was stubborn could get hands dirty knew her cars but she looks like my ex am I falling in love with her again help me please?!?
I want to stay with her. I have had this dream three days in a row but the dream changers same girl same smile
Could that have been me? 😂😆
I think your subconscious is telling you that you miss your ex. I know I said in a reply above that love dreams usually don’t mean anything special, but your love dreams seem to. Wait about 2-3 months and see if you still have them. I bet they’ll wear off by then.
Btw, you have great preferences for girls.
The same experience happened to me and I keep falling in love with this guy in my dreams. I don’t know who he is or how he looks. I never see his face, When I wake up, I wake up happy and bubbly, I feel like I meet the man of my dreams. Sometimes I wake up wishing it was true.
Me too. When I have a dream like this, I don’t wake up happy. I wake up angry. Angry because it isn’t true. That may should selfish. But the love I feel is so strong that when I wake up and it isn’t true, it’s like I went through a breakup. It hurts that bad.
I feel the same way but more depressed. The past three nights it’s been about three different guys. The names were Giovanni, Dexter and Dillion. Last night was Dillion and so far the best. We didn’t even do much but I have such a connection and love for him. I wish he was real I want to dream of him every night. His serious face but loving heart. In my dream I broke up with my current boyfriend of nine years for this guy because he was cheating on me in the dream. Where is my Dillion? I almost remember the phone number.
I have this same dream too.been in love with the same guy in my dream for over a year now.though I love the feeling,but I don’t know what its mean
I am bothered by this for days realizing, this girl I fell in love in my dream was just dream and the fact that I’m never gonna see here again or get to know her again since it was just a dream
Last night a had a love dream about a guy who probably doesn’t exist. The dream was so cute. I fell so hard in love with him. I saw his face, knew his name, heard his voice, and could feel him as I rested my head on his shoulder. It was very, very comforting. I really hope I dream of him again.
I feel the same way. I keep on having g dreams about this guy I knew but I’m in a relationship what does it mean?!!?!?!?!?
It may not mean much unless you start to like him even without having love dreams about him,
The same exact thing happened to me.
I had one last night.. WOW
This is a very late but heart felt comment. Last night i had a series of chaotic dreams leading to one thing. Me and a girl. This was not a sex dream even tho im a 12 yr old male(kinda). She was next to me and she brushed her lips against mine. I felt like she was a part of me and i couldnt live withought her. She was the first time i have experienced true love. Although i know she is not a real person i ask if anyone out there has a name called rosaleta please reply. Anyone please respond if u have had the same.
Me to, i had a dream about a guy and in the dream we fell in love and it has been two days and i can’t stop thinking about him and it bothers me that I don’t know who he is ,in the dream his name was gray
I have a bit different scenario, the girl I’m dreaming of was like really my girlfriend (but i’m single) we were so sweet and clingy, we even go out with some friends, and the last part i told her to save my number, she told me no but come back here and find me. than I wake up asking myself is it really a dream or is it real but how can it be real how can i go back and find her.
My friends know that I hate girls and that’s true but the girl that was in the dream wasn’t a human like her discribtion made my friends tell she was sort of soul but I really fell in love with her I don’t know really what to do it’s been three days and I can’t stop thinking of her she is Mabey the only thing I loved and I think it’s something bigger than I dream I did my best convincing my self that this is not true but I just can’t. Btw I’m just 12 years old in the deream she told me her name but I only remember some letters from it
Same it’s been like 5 months and I still remebrr her, I feel like I know her, but I can’t find out who she is.
Even I have the same problem…. I would really love to meet this guy…. But I don’t remember seeing him before
We are in the same boat.. I’ve been dreaming about this unknown guy since last year and i fell in love with him. Sometimes i felt weird for falling in love with a person who i don’t even know if he exists but for sure i fell for him
I had the same exact thing, I can’t remember who she is or even what she looked like but I loved her so much.
This happens to me all the time I wish I knew the guys of my dreams I’m really in love with him and I’m actually happy in my dreams and feel really loved ❤️️
It was lovely experience
I feel you
Me too it actually makes me sad when I wake up and find I’m still in my regular life when I feel so strongly that he has to be real somewhere in the world waiting for me
Me too
Kate, I had the exact same dream and feelings. This has been happening for about 2-3 nights now, I don’t know who the boy is but I know I keep falling in love with him. It’s so adventurous. We go swimming and we go exploring… then I even had one of us making love. Him meeting my parents and everything. I was so happy…. it was so vivid and felt so real. I just really want that in real life. Can that be why I keep getting dreams of falling in love??
Same experience. I fell in love like crazy today in my dream and I really want to now who the girl is
Same Here. This Afternoon I Had A Dream of Meeting a Wondrous Beautiful Girl. It Was Love At First Sight. When I Woke Up I Was Still Thinking of Her and Wondered if she was real. I’m Still having the calm and relaxing feeling. I wish i could have at least ask what her name was.
I saw a really beautiful girl in my dream i was riding my bycycle she was in a bus stop she was talking to her friend i don’t know how i felt i thought for the first time i fell in love with a girl when i woke up i know it was just a dream but i went in search of her but i didn’t find her but once i seen a girl just like her but she was far away from my reach .all i koow is her name nithya.
sooo ! Abhin would you love this girl ,if she is real !!! all I have to say to you is keep on dreaming man !!!!!!!
at least you know the nam e because i dont even know her face,my dream was like seeing a movie in 60p
Aw man, you should’ve talked to that girl anyways 🙁
I just experienced the same thing last night, I don’t know who this man is but it felt so real. Can’t get it out of my head!
I have being texting and talking to that man on the ither siee off the ocean he is a marines and asked to be transfered in europe to be closer to me next month it be the first time we meet each other he is the last thing i think about before drifting to sleep and first thing i think about when i awake and it is the same for him . We dream off each other not just sexually but on every level i even felt when he was in some dangerdue to his work it is really strange but so true at the same time we gonna meet in flesh next month i really do think he is my soul mate
I feel the same way! Where you just want to find out who this girl is? All I know is that that dream felt soooo good that I will continue to have this dream and keep it going till I find out who this girl is! Tonight will be the 3rd night of this dream if it happens. The 2nd time she was kinda sad tho and thats what bothered me the most! I need to fix it and I will!
Well to start this off I’m fifteen, I’m a female. I’ve never experienced the romantic kind of love, only brotherly. I’ve been having these dreams. I mean, I’ve had them for the past several years. In these dreams I feel so completely loved, I feel safe and protected. But when I wake up I don’t continue to be happy. When I wake up I feel empty inside, lonely and sad. I go from having this amazing dream where I feel so completed, like this part of me I didn’t even know was missing is now found, to having nothing. I don’t know why I feel this way when everyone else seems to be happy after they wake up. Maybe it’s because I’ve never felt love? I honestly don’t know.
I felt this way after my dream too. You can only hope that you have one again the next night.
Yea, and thats what im hoping for every second. Just to meet her again.
I feel the same way I am a bisexual girl and I fell in love with this girl last night in my dream she was so perfect of course everyone has their own definition of perfect and I woke up praying that I could dream about her again and I hope she does exist I really do I’ve been searching Instagram and Google like crazy looking for her lol I wish I could take a picture on my phone and I would wake up and it would still be on my phone but sadly it doesn’t work that way… I wanna ask her things and maybe she’ll lead me to finding her its like I’m in love like deeply in love I just hope I dream about her for a while cuz I don’t wanna forget about her at all
a while ago, I had one night where all I dreamed about was dating (and falling in love with) this boy. During the same night, the boy and his family left town without a trace and I was heartbroken, both in and out of the dream. LAST NIGHT HE RETURNED!! it was a dream where me and my sister were living together and then these 3 brothers move right next to us.. Ezra, the boy I was dating tried to talk to me but I was so hurt by what happened in the other dream I turned away, and his brother talked to me about why they left etc. We agreed Ezra wasn’t the best at handling the situation. Then through the rest of the dream it was just flashbacks of when we first met, and falling in love. At the end of the dream my sister was telling me she hoped we got back together, and I woke up feeling so lost and hopeless. I NEED TO GO BACK TO THIS DREAMWORLD AND FIGURE STUFF OUT
I woke up this morning after having a wonderful dream of being with a women, but she was not visual in my dream. I feel it was a past girlfriend but not sure. Was a very powerful feeling.
Hi so i had this dream where i was with a boy i didnt know who he was but he was very sweet and kind to me and that we were also dating each other and we had a great time together but before my dream where i wasnt asleep i was texting my crush and we had a good convo and he called me beautiful and gorgeous and he was sweet and kind with me could this mean anything like maybe i had that dream because of my crush butit wasnt him in my dream it was this boy i didnt even know can this mean something good is gonna happen between me and my crush because i dream i was dating someone could that mean soon me and my crush will date soon?
Hi once again , i really want to know what this means , so i had this dream where i was with this boy thay i didmt even know at all and apparently we were dating and i never felt thos kind of connection in an actual relationship , i felt so loved and we would hangout and have a great time together in my dream , but here’s something i need to say before my dream, when i was awake still iwas texting with my crush and we had a good convo and he said such sweet things to me and he was also kind to me, did i have this dream cause of my crush? Or could this mean something good is going to happen between me and my crush ? Or could this also mean that we might date soon ? I dont know what my dreams means and i would love to know, can anyone help me and tell me what this means !!! Please !!!
I am 13 and i keep waking up to these girls i fall in love with and instead of feeling great and nice i wake up angry an sad that it is a dream i am mad also because i do not know who they are i wish i knew i wish……. I am on the verge of crying
Ow I had a beutiful dream about a guy and I was in love but I wanted to kiss him but I was to scared to in front of a caners
same here cj
Hi Im Kyle Del Rosario and Im 18 and I had a dream I fell inlove with the girl on my dream today at 12:30 i dream a girl in a war but not totally war No guns no Bomb it’s just like war of swords with shield and I’m with the girl on my dreams that I’m really fell in love and before the war starts she kiss me on my lips,forehead,chick and she hug me tight and i woke up and i see her face I know she is not citizen in my country she had pointed nose maybe this girl is from USA and I still thinking and figuring her face.
I know what you mean Cj I had a dream about a guy and I just fell in love with him but I don’t know who he is. Even in my dream I told him I love him and he said the same thing back. I remember in my dream being in a vehicle with him and saying that he had to go somewhere but I can’t remember if he said las Cruces or Arizona. I begged him not to go and he said okay and we kissed but right after the second time I woke up. And I have had this warm feeling inside of me and it feels like my heart is aching to be with him. Usually when I’m in a relationship I feel guilty and not comfortable so I always end the relationship and with this guy in my dream I was so comfortable and happy.
i cry the girl i loved in my dreams was gone i allways cry so mutch when i have dreams of my dream gril
Hi there I really need help. I had a wonderful dream once the guy was exactly what I want my dream guy to be, I was at a random park with my friends and the was really tall handsome blue eyes charming guy that I never met before, he said my name and when he did that I was froze and speechless I couldn’t speak at all and I had the strangest feeling and when I woke up couldn’t stop thinking about it and my heart was warm and fuzzy feeling, and now I forgot his face but still think about it, what does it mean is it just a dream or something else 😢
I think you were simply dreaming about your idea of a perfect man 😉
I know my self and he’s going to forget if I don’t wright it down so remember when u woke up and u started crying about that dream u had. That’s what I’m going to talk about its the girl with long blond hair. Do you remember her if you do FIND HER IN REAL LIFE I’m saying this if u do remember her if you don’t just keep reading Ok. As we speak I’m crying to wright this but I don’t want to forget and if u remember u don’t either. LETS START FROM WHERE I CAN REMEMBER
It looks like I’m at a meeting in a car park that’s has 2 storeys where on number 2I’m sitting down with my friends and a girl appears. IV forgot a chunk of my dream and IV forgotten her face. now the announcer says you can ask her 1 question. My friends was rushing over to her as well as kids. But I could only stair at her she was so beautiful to me. I walk off to the other side of the car park and walk back I meet my friends to ask where she is. Once I new I whent to her and said “can I ask you my last question” she dident reply we just walked and as I was asking her my question I thaught up that question was “have you have fun?” So I asked her “i know this is the last time I’ll met you so my final question is-” I got cut of and another guy came and was talking to her after that I awoke I’m not angry because it’s a dream and I’m going to forget this tommorow unless I have the same dream. I TYPES ALL OF THIS WHILE CRYING
i dreamt about it too. i cant stop thinking about her. its like when she holds my hand its realy cozy. and when i woke up its like i still want to sleep just to see her
Yea i know i had a dream and i was a explorer in some other countries and i found a tribe and the girl was just beautiful and she just begged me to stay because she was raped by the men of the tribe for fun and she wanted me to protect her and she layed with me and cuddle and never let go of me and we fell asleep together. The next day my other exploration member maggy came and found me and i hugged her and maggy and the girl be came friends and thats all i remember until i woke up and i fell sad and hopeless and i want to see the girl again and this is the strongest feeling i have ever felt of love and i just want to see her again and it makes me want to love someone
I finally looked this up and found all this I’m 28 and have had the same dream a few times over the years I yearn for this man when I wake up and want to meet him and think a bout him till It fades after a few days. I never can remeber his face I always thought he was out there somewhere now N I’m thinking a ton of ppls body’s must act somewhat the same at times during dreams ..
So, I’m a lesbian and have been dating the girl for 2 years. She wants to be a guy, but still goes as a woman. Two night ago I had this dream that I fell in love with this, and when I woke up it was the best feeling ever. I couldn’t tell who he is though… then, last night I had a dream I had sex and fell in love with this girl! And woke up happy again! Why am I having these dreams?!
I once had a dream in which I fell in love. It was like we fell in love and grew old together. I could only remover major events such as having a child or getting married. Before I woke up I rember being old and then hearing about something I didn’t like. Anyways when I woke up I felt really sad as if I missed someone…
I dream I’m in love with someone but either can’t remember his name ordinate know how to get it touch with him.
I just a hare a dream where I was falling in love with this girl who I don’t know she was beautiful but the dream was like that one plot line in movies where two strangers who live in different places meet for the first time and they only have a few days before they have to get back to their lives and during that time that’s when they fall in love. At the end of the dream she finds me and see points at her chest and says this is my heart and she gives me a paper that says “I love you” even though we have only known each other for a few days then I woke up and I felt happier. What does this mean
OMG, the same exact thing happened to me this morning!! This handsome guy with a slight moustache and dark brown, medium long hair was so dreamy I couldn’t stop thinking about him. later today I was searching for “handsome men with slight moustache and brown hair” to see if that guy actually exists…. sadly, I didn’t find him… ITS LIKE I CANT LEAVE WITHOUT HIM!!!
Yeah I have been intensely thinking about my dream since I woke up this morning. My dream is always different but it was the same characters and the same boy. My dreams are based off an Anime called ouran highschool host club.after I finished the show I was really sad, but I had almost never thought of the character in the show like I think of the character based off him in my dreams. I realized that I had fallen In love with him when I asked if it was the last day of practice or camp (I don’t know really were we where) and he said yes. He looked as sad as I did to see each other leave. This was because we had a strong bond in my dreams, whenever I looked back at him he was always looking at me, it was a charming gaze. When I found out he and I were going to separate (even the whole cast/all my friends) I immediately tried to write down all oftheir phone numbers,where they live, and there address but it was to late one of my friends in the dream ( who adored the guy who I and him had fallen in love with each other) was driving somewhere. By the time I realized I wouldn’t have enough time I woke up. I really would like to see this guy in real life, I’m heart broken.
This is a very late but heart felt comment. Last night i had a series of chaotic dreams leading to one thing. Me and a girl. This was not a sex dream even tho im a 12 yr old male(kinda). She was next to me and she brushed her lips against mine. I felt like she was a part of me and i couldnt live withought her. She was the first time i have experienced true love. Although i know she is not a real person i ask if anyone out there has a name called rosaleta please reply. Anyone please respond if u have had the same.
Dude I had a dream where I was in a flying titanic then all of a sudden I saw this girl smokin we hit it off but then the the titanic started falling but slowly for some reason. She was having fun on the lower side of the ship but she slipped and she fell to her death. I was sad like really sad when we got saved by the flying lifeboats and other flying boats I decided to jump but not from sadness from anger. I want to go back and change it
Same with me I had an amazing dream that I was in love and it was just amazing and the only think that bothers me is I don’t know who I fell in love with in the dream. I feel like I obviously knew who it was in the dream but as soon as I woke up I didn’t know who.
hey there,i had a dream in that i was falling in love with a strange girl like i dont know her name, but she was so cute😘and we both had a conversation for some time and while talking with each other she suddenly started crying by telling that her neighbour saw her talking with me.she hugged me tight n cried for some time…n she took my number n went of to home then suddenly my friend woked me up,then i felt 😦💔heart broken my hearts beats starts faster when eva i remember that girl..i said 🙁i love her n she too replied i too.i get tears too when i remember her..i ll always pray god to meet her again.she was a simple girl..we both were just talking on the road side…i need that girl🙁😔😟
Yeah me too. I had a dream about a girl and I don’t even know her. It also left me happy all day and I couldn’t stop thinking about it.
I had a dream where I met the girl of my dreams and we kissed and fell in love but I don’t know who the girl was. I would really like to know how is it possible that I have never seen this girl but I fell in love in a second in my dream
I fell in love with a girl, I truly did and we were happy together, until my friend Conor in real life showed up in my dream, in real life Conor gets all the ladies, and in my dream he drove a wedge between me and my girl I still don’t know her name, but they started to like eachother i got left out of everything , they fell in love , so when we were all hanging out cause he was where ever me and my lady were, I just left and sat on this random bench like a 20 minute drive from where I left them , that was it, we fell deeply in love and he took the girl of my dreams , any explanation to this please help me I. Can’t stop thinking about this girl
Me too , It is really annoying
I just had a dream about this guy and he had black hair and was tall and slender, but other than that I couldn’t clearly see his face.. and I don’t even know his name. Do you think these people are real? And man am I late to these conversations.😂 I am 15 with brown hair and brown eyes, very tall, and slim.
just had a dream where i was in my bed with my crush and she liked me back and expressed it, playing then kissed me and after cuddling i woke up and realised it was a dream
Same here😩😭
I recently had a dream where I woke up in Iowa and a woman my age helped me get back to my state. While we were doing that, I felt a connection towards her and we ended up hugging a couple times. It felt amazing to know what love felt like but when I woke up, I just cried knowing all of that was a cruel joke.
I know right! What was worse is that that bitter taste of rejection was left behind on mine, meaning she left me because of some unknown reason I was not told in the dream. Double the burden, smh.
Well I don’t even know the girl in my dreams but I cried a lot when she died in my dreams.do you know who killed her in my dream Tai lung from kung fu panda one!
Dude, I’ve had the same dream it bothers me so much that I don’t know who she is!
Everyone is talking about having a specific dream about a significant other but has anyone had a recurring dream about a child/small animal they were caring for for what felt like forever and then wake up to realize that the baby and the intense maternal bond created wasn’t even real? I keep having this recurring dream about my baby being malnourished that is miles away from me in dream world and I’m having to hurdle through obstacles (like crossing oceans and whatnot) to get to him and then when I get to him, there are more obstacles, like no food and as soon as I’m about to find food to help him, I wake up depressed at the fact that I couldn’t help him even though I fought all night to just to wake up and him not be there. It’s weird but some part of me feels like I’m completely neglecting him for yet another night of being hungry. If only I would have slept longer or something. Ugh.
I also fell in love with a girl I do not remember when I realized it was all but a dream I was deeply depressed knowing that I cant even remember her face
Same here
Same! We held hands, we even kissed (I’ve never kissed anyone before so it would’ve been my first), but I somehow felt comfortable giving it to this girl that I met in a day? But man, she was the best cuz she loved me too and.. I miss that dream ;-; It was really nice experiencing an actually feeling of love..
I had the same thing happen to me. I can’t figure out who it was in my dream and it is making me go crazy
Yesterday evening, after I fell asleep, I dreamed of a girl, we were on a date (in a Restaurant).
We talked a lot about our favorite things and how our families were. After the date I brought here to her doorstep and she kissed me on the cheek. I also asked if she wanted to meet again, she answered with only the word “Definetly”. But then later I got a text from her saying that she is very sorry but her parents wouldn’t let her. She told me that she would still go to my band performance the next day. Then when my band got ready on the stage, I walked through the door with a white shirt and a black pair of pants. Only holding my guitar with one hand. As I walked past the crowd, I didn’t see her. After that I woke up in my bed wishing my dream was real and I could have called her to tell her that it’s okay.
I had this dream today that i fell in love with a girl and shes my friends friend should i tell her?my dream was:i was walking aroud and saw her and like she new me we instantly fell in love and then the day passed but in the next one i met her again and we kissed
And the fact that I know her bothers me.
On July 2, 2018, I had a dream about a really cute guy.. He had a big white t-shirt, basketball shorts, and Nike shoes. He gives me vibes that his name is Alexander. But I never saw this guy in my life.. I remember him giving me a Love note.. and I only dreamed about him once.. I dreamed about him 2 days ago… and I want to know will I ever dream about him again? If not.. is there a way?
I had one as well but I felt almost depressed all day because I knew the person and the person was already in a relationship
What does she look like? I’ve been feeling the same thing aswell
This feeling is incredibly strong for me. I don’t know if it’s because I’m so very empathetic or some sort of depression. I can’t stop thinking about this dream and they so often feel more real than anything ive felt before and leave me in sort of a funk of sadness for days.
we had the same dream. I had a dream with a boy. Hes almost my boyfriend on that dream hes sweet and attractive. Hes the man on my dreams. I kept thinking of it all day. I dont know his name sadly.
Same here
But how can I find her
I had the same experience! We met and i was sitting on the couch and some boy with black hair on the side and white hair in the middle like perked to the side. Sat next to me. We played some games and then my cousin came and asked who this loser next to me, i told her that he just came over and my cousin demanded he leaves. I asked for his snapchat he whispered “audiets” then he left. I woke up thinking about him, and i fell in love. I searched up the snap he told me and no result. Now i feel sad because i dont remember his face only his appearance, white hoodie,ripped jeans,white and black hair… I hope we meet soon. If anyone has seen a guy matching my description please message me on snap: nadthidallama
Same thing happened to me..
I’ve had this exact same thing ! Cant stop thinking about this person !
I had a dream just last night about a guy who i was starting to catch feelings for and this dream was so amazing i fell entranced in this guy and the can’t stop looking at him or thinking about him… I can’t help but wonder if his feelings are as deep as mine but it may just be my subconscious exploring my hopes and he has a girlfriend haha
I’ve been having the same dream about the same guy over and over, but I STILL can’t make out any features except tan skin, dark hair and a smile. It annoys me ’cause every time I try to think of what he looked like I just got a headache.
I had a dream last night. And it was of this girl. I have never seen her before. I have never herd of her before. And we apparently were dating in the dream and I have never felt that connection of love in an actual relationship. And in the dream we did everything a normal couple would do but the feeling was different. This isn’t the first time i have dreamed about this mystery girl and in both dreams i felt the same feeling and i have been thinking about this girl all day and i just want to fall back asleep just to get that feeling again. I have even wounded if this girl was real because if she was i would defiantly love to meet her. Is this normal?
Hi Anthony,
This is completely normal and very, very common. Love is an expression of your spirit so when your defences are down in dream state, you can have the opportunity to experience love very intensely. When you wake up, hold this feeling of love in your heart for some time before you leap out of bed and start your day. And allow this warm feeling of love to show up during the day as much as possible, rather than focusing on the fact she currently only exists in your dream.
See, I can’t shake the thought of my “dream girl” being real. It seems to me that she would be the closest thing to a soulmate as possible. I had the same dream as Anthony, and the same feelings when I wake up. I almost wish I could get her out of my mind so I didn’t want to find her as badly, but I truly feel like I NEED to get to her somehow.
Hey guys i let’s rally woke up from a love dream crying that the girl ( because I’m only 14) had left and went to another country. And the weirdest thing is I never like had feelings for her but we were friend. And now when I go to school I can’t look asthma her without thinking of this dream and love
I keep falling in love with this girl in my dreams and when I wake up I feel sad as if I’ve lost her. I just want to go back to sleep so I can be with her again, it’s such a strange feeling but I wish that it could come true.
Hi Dalton,
Try not to feel sad when you wake up. Lay there and connect with the warmth and good feelings your dream has provided. It is giving you an opportunity to feel those feelings in your dream and then re-create those exact feelings in real life.
I had this dream a few days ago. When I woke up from the dream I texted my best friend about this and she saids that I am lonely. I not dating anyone or have a crush but it’s amazing when I dreamed about it. It’s like love in a best a way as possible. I really want to dream about this again, but I can’t. For me it’s frustrating because I really want to know this guy. Ever since that dream it’s hard to sleep. I really want a full answer why this is happening. By the way, thank you. Everything helps. 🙂
Hi Amber,
Your best friend may be right but it doesn’t mean that loneliness is a bad thing. Love dreams can’t be forced so don’t bother getting frustrated when you can’t dream about this person. That is a waste of energy. Your mind is trying to remind you what love feels like so that in real life, you don’t accept anything less. Appreciate these dreams for reminding you and be grateful when they occur. Be more proactive in your search for your next relationship and make sure you are spending time with positive people, not people who are speaking negatively about love and relationships all the time.
I’ve been in a relationship for 5 years, sort of mediocre love, and had a dream last night about a man I’ve never met before, I was so attracted to and in love with him, like heart aching exciting euphoric love. . When I woke up I was completely devastated that this person most probably doesn’t exist, or does somewhere in this world, but I may never find him. Is my subconscious trying to tell me something? Is it a form of escapism?
My dreams are usually all over the place but i just had one Where this beautiful girl would keep popping in and out. She was like part of an erotic dance group and she would always pop in with the group they were all in black lingerie and she would always see me and get overjoyed and hug me and say she loves me nothing sexual and we would joke around and talk. All my male friends would see this, me with such a beautiful girl that adores me so much. Maybe this dream shows that im shallow because i had in the back of my head that everyone could see what a beautiful girl i had. But i wake up depressed that it wasn’t real. Im single and a lot of times i feel lonely all i want is someone to hold and be friends with like i was with the girl in my dream. But i feel like I’m not made for intimate relationships I’m not very expressive at all i keep emotions bottled up and i think i come off as a cold asshole and i don’t think that’s attractive to anyone. The rest of the dream was an adventure. I stopped a bank robbery killed some monsters beat a guys ass. It was all fulfilling. Maybe im sad my real life aint like that. Im sorry im just venting.
The same exact thing happened to me! its like I really wanted to know his name but I just couldn’t!
it was so weird cause I really, really regret not asking my dream guys name. I even tried looking him up on the internet but there were no close relations to the guy I met in my dream….
I had this dream recently where I had fallen in love with this guy. I have never seen this guy but it felt as if he was real and that I knew him. All day I have been wanting to fall back to sleep and dream of him. I have never experienced this love before nor have I dated before. I really want to know why it feels as if he was really real?
Hi Cleo – it’s natural to want to fall back asleep and dream of him. We don’t have our guard up in our dreams so it is much easier for access that part of our heart that can feel deep love. That is why it feels so real, because it is. What you can’t control in your dream though is who the receiver of your love is and that’s why it can get confusing. Just focus on enjoying the raw feeling. Christine~
I’ve been having dreams about falling in love with a man for the past couple of nights. The dreams don’t bother me, although I do sometimes wake up feeling sad I can’t be with the man. I’m bisexual but I am more interested in women on that deeper romantic level than I am with men. The men in my dream change every night, but I still end up feeling so attached to them. I have been holding in all my affections for someone I’ve recently become interested in (she doesn’t really like any real human connection at all so I’ve been respectful of that). Maybe it is like Jung says, there is an animus in my psyche that I fall in love with to release my built up feelings for this girl in my life. It actually makes sense now!
Excellent point Kirsten. It does make sense. Any sort of repression we experience in our waking life will show up in dreams. Gender is not important, the feeling is. Enjoy your dreams! Christine~
Ive had 2 different dreams within the past week of falling in love. First one was i feel for a hispanic guy but i dont remember who he was, ij real life, just that i was deeply infatuated with him and it bothered me the whole day tp figure out who he was. We were ‘together’ for what seemed the last bit of the dream. The second dream was a white guy who was a coworker or classmate and same. I became deeply infatuated with him as well. He made me feel butterflies but only difference is we couldn’t be together for whatever reason.
Not quite sure what’s causing this dream seeing as I’m in a long term relationship and neither of these guys are him. But they’ve made me feel a deep love in while
That is one of the biggest gifts that love dreams give us MM. They remind us of the deep love we are capable of experiencing in our waking life. Christine~
I had one of these dreams recently, and it was the strangest experiences. I remember that I was lying down next to some imaginary boy, and that I didn’t feel protected or protective, proud that he was mine or lucky to have him. I didn’t feel safer in his arms than anywhere else. I just felt happy, on some strange basic level that I have never felt before. It felt much purer than any other emotion, like we had passed all jealousy, or possessiveness, or pride. I’m so glad that others have had similar experiences! Just wanted to put in my two cents.
Thank you for sharing Jane! I like your description of how pure the emotion felt. Christine~
I had a dream about falling in love with and old friend that I don’t speak with any more. It felt extremely real. I woke up disappointed that it wasn’t real but I have a girlfriend. I had the same girlfriend in the dream. I woke up feeling very guilty and still do.
Hi JD – I do hope you have released any feelings of guilt. Dreams are often not literal, moreso symbolic. Your dream may be simply telling you it’s time to take steps to deepen your relationship with your girlfriend. Christine~
I dreamt this morning of being chased by police. And this one officer caught me. I said I give up when I knew he had me. I was already falling in love then. How came over my house and told me, you need to calm down sweetie. I started crying and he was there for me. I handed him a piece of paper he gave me his number. He ran to his house to grab something… and I woke up. He felt the same way I did. How he looked at me and I at him. I wish he was real I would leave my boyfriend in a heartbeat for this man.
Hi Lana, thanks for sharing. Sounds like a very vivid dream. Look for ways in your currently relationship to deepen your connection. One of my favorite quotes is: “Intimacy is the byproduct of telling the truth”. Christine~
Hi Christine,
I’m single for almost 1,5y now. I had
A dream where i fell i love, it was amazining & it made me feel great i wish i could be with this man forever. And then I woke up… After that I woke up this feeling was still there, but it hurts. Everyone I’ve confessed my love (3people I think) have all turned me down. It hurts to feel this way but know that the only thing real about this is that feeling. Isn’t there a way to stop these dreams ? I just don’t want to feel it anymore, I feel like a lost case.
Hi Karisa, thanks for sharing your experience. I think your dreams are trying to remind you of the pure part of your heart that loves to love. The right person for you will not turn you down, that is the truth. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if the right person for you confesses their love first. There is no way to stop these dreams, enjoy them, enjoy the feeling. 🙂 Christine~
I am a 14 year old boy who is amlost turning 15 but from january I have been having dreams that sometimes scare me and make me wonder ig the girl in my dreams maddison is real.I can honestly say I have never seen her in my waking life but she has been in many dreams playing the same roles as my crush and we both unconditionaly fall in love with each other. I can always feel her touching me in my dream and I waking life I heared her say my name like wispering it to me.in every dream I am not able to see her face just her long dark brown hair blowing across her face and when I wake up my body starts to feel weak and my hands and heart hurt.maddison has touched my arm in waking life and I was able to feel it.I need your help to tell if I’m not going crazy? What does this all mean? Is maddison real and not just my imagination. And how can I connect with her truley to be able to the see her in waking life please help me.
Hi Kash, thank you for sharing. First, you are not going crazy. 🙂 I am not a dream expert but I would encourage you to explore topics like: lucid dreaming and past life regression just to see if what you learn from books on these topics helps you understand the dreams you are having. Start first with lucid dreaming techniques to help you interact with her in your dreams. Christine~
I just woke up from an amazing dream! It was so vivid and lucid. I was so in love. The dream contained how we met, our first kiss and it kept flashing forward in time up until telling our families of our engagement. I have never experienced anything like this. I woke up so depressed she was gone. I wrote every detail down. I feel like I still know so much about her, and I have a weird feeling she may actually exist somewhere. Or I could just be going insane. I can still feel her lips on my cheek and her smile still in my brain. The feeling of love was so strong though. More than I thought could exist.
Wonderful. Thank you for sharing Kevin. May you have more dreams like this. Focus on how it has put you in touch with that part of you that craves deep love. Christine~
I had a dream last night about Katy Perry (the popstar). I dreamed that I met with her by chance in a restaurant and that we had been friends at university and during that time at uni, I had made attempts to show her that I liked her but she hadn’t realized I was trying to show her my feelings. But during this chance meeting I told her that the actions I had done at uni were an attempt to show her I liked her. After hearing this, she too told me she felt the same.
Before this dream I always thought Katy Perry was attractive, but I woke up from the dream feeling love for her and a yearning to find her and tell her. Not because she is Katy Perry and not because I think she is attractive physically, but because the Katy Perry in my dream was a really really lovely person.
5 hours later I am writing this and I still feel that feeling I had in my dream just as strong and I feel guilty because I love my girlfriend so much, but I feel like I love Katy Perry too and would do anything to tell Katy Perry how I feel and also to have her say the same to me (even though I know that she wouldn’t have a clue who I was!)
What a great dream MB. I wouldn’t focus too much on trying to contact Katy. Who knows, you may have the chance one day. Don’t feel guilty about dreaming about her either. Cherish the dream and focus on deepening the love in your waking life. Christine~
Im 15years old. And I still haven’t had a real boyfriend my friends always bother me about it . but I just haven’t found the right one plus I’m still young you know ? But I just had this dream where I met the most amazing guy were hugging laughing , talking kissing it was so magical I never felt so happy I’m my life. I felt like I was gonna marry him . but I woke up and I just feel so sad and disappointed. Why can’t that happen in real life ? I’m just so tired of being alone which is dumb cause I still have the rest of my life hopefully . I just don’t know , I hope you can give me some advice
Hi Stacy – you are right, you have your whole life ahead of you so you dream is the beginning stages of getting in touch with that feeling of love you are bound to experience in real life in your own time.
Hi i’m Julian and I’m 20 .. I have been having these different dreams but with the same girl .. I actually started to be with her in my dreams last September 3rd 2014 .. She’s like always in my dreams and they’re like so real . I started creating a dream journal to write them down there so that I can remember the dates. I dream about her 20 or more times every month , We’ve never met before . I don’t know what’s happening . These past few days she didn’t appear in my dreams but after that I saw her again , last night and the night before that and the weird thing is , my dreams became black and white dreams .
Hi Julian – I’m very glad you have started a dream journal. It will be very interesting for you to read back through and see how things evolve. It’s believed that the more you journal your dreams, the more messages are revealed to you. Something to think about.
hi im 16 years old and I constantly dream about falling in love. Most of the time its with strangers. The last dream i recently dreamed was of me meeting this guy that i never expected to fall in love with so deeply. its like from the first moment we laid eyes on each other we both fell in live with each other. He always found a way to find me and talk to me as so did I. Then one day i was getting off a bus or train cant quite remember, when he grabbed me as soon as I got off and took me with him. He had rollar skates on too i remember that. But anyways all i can remember next is that we were now in the western times. We got married chance we got and had adventures in the western time. Idk but dreams like this happen often. Everytime either in a different time period or different part of the world such as paris which is my most place to dream about love in. Wish i could know more as to why i dream so much of these dreams.
Thanks for sharing Cecilia. I recommend starting a dream journal to track your dreams. Every morning, get into the habit of writing down all the details you remember and then read them over from time to time. Answers will start coming to you.
I had a strange dream, I was walking one day when I accidentally ran into a girl my age ( 12 years old) and we fell in love at first sight and She had been named Amona. She has the most beautiful eyes. Every time I looked at them I felt pure happiness and love. I had never had this feeling because I never felt loved that way. When I woke up I started to look for her from a reaction but I realized it was a dream And thought to myself. I’ll see her again I havE to
Thank you for sharing Damien!
Years ago i was having sleep paralysis. Happens a lot to me (this sleep paralysis) but this one dream was exceptional. I woke up terrified, i cant move my body but i see my room as it is. Then i felt a presence in my room. I saw him sitting beside me staring at me lovingly. Then he carefully leaned forward and kissed me. All my worries and terror evaporated instantly. T was replaced by a warm feeling of peace and love that i had never experienced in my waking life. Then i woke up carrying those feelings with me. My room looks the same as it was in the dream except the stranger wasn’t there anymore. I was in a good mood for several days after that. Until now it still makes me smile.
Wonderful to hear the details of your dream Sheryl. I’m not surprised it left you in a good mood for several days. Dreams are powerful that way.
I’m currently in a relationship with a girl. We actually live together. For the past 3 or 4 years I have pursued living a “lesbian” lifestyle but have never really fit in. I don’t trust men so I have never allowed to let myself fall in love with one. Over the past few months, I’d say 4 months, I have had at least 1 dream a week about falling in love with most amazing man I had ever met. He is a different man every time but with the same characteristics and it’s a different dream every time with the same excitement. Our love is so perfect and easy. I have never felt so happy in my life! He is everything that I want. Beautiful, funny, passionate, artistic, kind. I can actually feel these things. When I wake up from the dream, I am so sad. I miss him. I think about him for the next few days. I wonder if this dream means anything.. For now, he’ll always just be the man of my dreams.
I like how you said “man of my dreams” because it is just that. My personal belief is that you can’t control who you fall in love with so just peacefully accept and enjoy whoever shows up in your dreams. Start journaling to look for common themes and messages you can draw from your dreams. Piece everything together and listen carefully to your heart and intuition.
I am married with children and I had a dream last night that I was on the east coast (must have been on a vacation by myself) in a convenience store picking up a few items when a man came and helped me grab an item off a top shelf for me. He proceeded talking to me and we spent the day together. Very romantic day spent together. He even took me home to meet his family. We kissed and It was truly one of the best days I’ve ever had. I woke up right after we kissed. My mind has done nothing but replay this dream over and over. Who is this man and why am I feeling these feelings? Why do we wake up and feeling devastated?
Thanks for sharing Amanda. I believe we wake up feeling devastated because in waking life, we are now dealing with our mind. When we dream, there isn’t a filter on how we should and shouldn’t feel. We just ‘feel’ and act and move without judgement. Enjoy the feeling you had in your dream and treat it almost like a movie. Take a look at where in your life you need to possibly be more expressed or how you can create this same feeling in your relationship.
Hi Christine,
I really need your help. I am in a relationship and getting engaged after a month but the problem is I keep dreaming about someone who I dont know at all. I meet him in my dreams and I fell in love with him. I dont know who is he but I really am mad about him. He keeps my mind busy all the time. Please guide me.
I had this amazing dream last night about leaving my current boyfriend with whom I’m living with and we have children together for someone I’ve never met in my waking life. I didn’t have children in this dream and the whole dream was very bright and sunny. He was nothing like my boyfriend. He was such a sweetheart and made me feel so so loved. In the dream we spent a few nights together and my family loved him. It was really intense. I don’t feel guilty or bad about this dream, just trying to figure out why I would dream something like this? I love my boyfriend immensely and we’re planning on a future wedding.
Hi Jenn – you love your boyfriend immensely so allow your dream to inspire you to deepen your connection. Let him know what he does that makes you feel loved.
Incorrect, dreaming about being with another man is a clear sign to move on.
I had a very odd dream last night, filled with chaos and love. The chaotic part isn’t important, it only clouds the real emotion I felt. My boyfriend was in the dream, we have been together over a year now. I know I love him in real life, there is no doubt about it. But in my dream he was dying, with many others. And in this moment I was overtaken by grief and sadness… and at that moment I realized that I simply could not live my life without him. It was such an overwhelming emotion. I would have rathered die the same horrible fate, than continue in a world without being by his side. (I know this sounds suicidal but keep in mind I was dreaming) And in the end I sacrificed myself. During these last few moments of my dream I cannot even explain the love I felt for him, it goes beyond what words can describe. It truly was so odd, it was something bigger than I have ever felt. It was the most lucid and vivid dream I’ve ever experienced (and I have lucid dreams ever night) It’s opened my eyes to a lot of things, and the most important is that I know what I felt in the dream truly exists. And now- I feel that much more in love him today- after experiencing this dream.
What a wonderful experience you had Nicole. Undoubtedly symbolic and intense. Thank you for sharing.
today i had a experience like no other, i was thrown into a into like a graduation dance or celebrations of some sort, it started with me on a bench and these 3 girls i started to talk to. they all seemed about my age 18 or so, and they had all looked absolutely amazing in there dresses and about not but one seemed to stick out, i eventually grew the balls to ask them if i could go in with him and what not, only because i liked this one girl in particular but her friends seemed cool to. it flashed forward and we were inside dancing. and again a few moments later flashed forward to where me and the same 3 girls were in a house watching a movie, when it came time to lay down i had no intentions of sex etc, but i just wanted to lay with this girl and be with her, but the dream ended as i went to bed with her. i felt love?, i have never felt so strongly about a real relationship to be honest, and the last one i had was 3 years ago
okay so to just say something weird happened today, i went to the drug store and this girl i knew from school worked there , gorgeous blonde like the one from my dream. i talked for maybe a minute while she was puting my stuff threw the checkout. later like just a couple hours ago she added me on facebook and started chatting with me :), i looked thew her pictures to only see a picture of her and her sister and her cusin , all that look like the girls from my dream, from what i am thinking and this girl has added me and started a convorsation with me, normaly i dont talk to anybody on facebook and i realy don’t actualy know why i even have it but this kinda startled me when i looked there her photos because of my dream, maybe dreams come true.
Thank you for sharing Warren. The subconscious mind is very powerful and we never know what messages are being sent from the past or future. I am not an expert but I believe it is entirely possible to dream about things that will happen in your future.
I have been sleeping with ear buds for the past 6 years that play my own blend of white noise because I am easily distracted by sounds outside my house. I have always had ultra realistic dreams, but using the ear buds has caused me to remember most of my dreams in vivid detail. Somehow it bridges reality with the dream state. I am able to tell in which order the dreams took place, the dreams never fade away, they are as potent as a real life memory. It has always bothered me that the people I spend time with in my dreams, are not real. I often wake up crying because I am devastated that the people were not real. I had a dream a few hours ago about a girl, and I fell in love with her. All we did was hold each other and cuddle for what felt like a 20 minute dream. I was so in love, so happy, finally got what I wanted out of life, then woke up crying my eyes out. Prior to this, I have only had a couple brief dreams of girls, which is strange because girls are my favorite thing in life. Perhaps I never dream of girls because I never had a girlfriend, so I had no experience to build a dream from. In my dreams I have seen and read small words or sentences, and I always see full color, and the detail seems impossible for the brain to generate. Once I was dreaming of standing outside in front of my empty flowerbed. While I was looking at the dirt in the flowerbed, my ear buds went silent, and in my dream I went deaf, the ambient sound vanished and it woke me up. As I woke, the image of the flower bed came with me in full detail, rocks, cracks in the dirt, various weeds. So very real, I could not believe the brain can produce such detail. When I was about 15 I started training myself to have lucid dreams. Within a couple weeks, I had a few dreams where I knew I was dreaming, the first one lasted a good long time, I made a truck fall from the sky, did a super jump off the hood of the truck, then made a balcony full of people collapse, then I woke up. The rest of the Lucid dreams I had, I woke up as soon as I became lucid. The excitement of knowing I was dreaming would bring me out of it. I quit lucid training for fear that I would develop worse sleep issues. Being 30 years old, I have zillions of dream memories, they stick with me like authentic memories. I am able to break down my dreams and pinpoint how the brain looses focus and adapts, for instance, if I am in a place or a room, and get distracted by a person or object, and focus on the person/object, my brain quits thinking of the place that im in, so when I start looking at my surroundings again, I am often in a different place. In our dreams, we lack the focus that we have in reality, which makes things change rapidly. It must be a fail safe to keep up sleeping, so we don’t question the strangeness, instead we accept everything as a fact in our dreams. I dream things that make no logic, yet my mind accepts it, because we are used to accepting things that happens in reality. I can go on and on.
Thank you for sharing Seniff. I hope you will continue to explore your dream state as a place for creativity with no boundaries.
I just woke up from a dream that i was in love in! The “feeling of love” I had was that intense and felt that real that when I woke up I was disappointed to find that it was actually just all dream.
I had the same dream when i woke up this morning.
Hey I think I’m having the worst time of my life I’d like to talk about it to some one
I keep dreaming of this girl who I have a crush on. The dreams are very real although I’m afraid to speak to her in person
Ive had the same dream, its a crazy feeling. But in my dream i knew the guy, but i had no emotional attachment to him in reality. I just crave love itself. I woke up thinking ‘damn, why’d i have to wake up’. I feel like my dreams are more fun than my actual life.
Was that to me ruby?
Thanks for sharing Ruby. I know that many of us have that feeling of “why did I have to wake up?!”. In those moments it’s best to put your hand over your heart, remember as many details as you can and then record them in a dream journal. This helps the process in having more and more dreams that you enjoy.
I was at school and I was told to bring attendance to the office and I decided to just go sit somewhere alone and a guy came buy with fabrics and I totally loved him he sat next to me and my insides were flipping he looked me dead in the eye and said hi and I casually said hi back then I said I know we just met but can I have a hug and he opened his arms and hugged me tight and I could tell he didn’t want me to let go so when he did he said to me you’re Beutiful ad then someone told me I should be in school and he blocked me from that person and he said leave her alone and then the person went away then he kissed me on the cheek and sat for a second thinking and then he grabbed me and pulled me onto his lap and started kissing me I was hesitant at first but then everything was just quiet and then after he grabbed my hand and didnt let go and kissed me one more time and I said I should get back so when I got up we watched eachother untill we couldn’t any more please reply to this dream and tell me what it means
Hi Ariana – thank you for sharing. I am not a dream expert but I encourage you to write down the specific details of your dream and then consult some books or websites that may analyze certain aspects. I think you will find it helpful, especially if it is recurring.
I had such a wonderful dream about being truly loved by this attractive guy that made me feel such wonderful feelings only because I beleived he truly loved me. It was so vivid I could feel everything. I mean the comfort of kissing him and knowing without a single bit of doubt that he truly loved me back. No strings attached, no hidden agendas. It was great! The alarm went off, I just lay there in bed and relished that feeling for as long as I could. Wow!
Thanks for sharing Mel. I’m glad to hear you took the time to relish the feeling. That is the best way to receive a dream like that. It’s a gift and by appreciating it, you will have more of them.
I had this dream tonight and im so emotionally disturbed.
in my dream i fell in love with a girl ..
and my love for her was so intense ..
and by the time i get the guts to ask her out ….
this other guy takes her. i feel so ….. :/
then suddenly she something happens i ask her about my feelings and something happens…
she is mine and that guy comes he says she was her love… and i woke up..
it was so disturbing i feel like shit..
i feel kinda depressed…after waking up my mood my emotions are off….i just feel like :'(
Hi, im a girl and i am in a relationship currently. However, i will dream of other guys in my sleep which i am normally attracted to. When i dream if this co worker , i woke up feeling that i like him even more and i really love the dream, we kissed, made love and i am just lying down on his arms. I could not stop thinking of him the whole day i and i get very flirty with him.
Sometimes it makes me guilty towards my other half. I love him too, but somehow i get attracted to other guys sometimes especially bcos of all the dreams. 🙁
This happens to me occasionally, but waking up from it doesn’t feel good. I feel like I lost someone important. It feels like something special was nothing more than a delusion. It hurts and all I want is to go back to sleep and be with her forever.
I had a very emotional dream last night, I don’t think I could even begin to put it into words. But in this dream I found myself infatuated, falling in love with this mystery boy I have never seen before, I can’t even remember his face, but it wasn’t the looks I fell in love with. It was how he treated me and how well we connected in my dream that stood out to me. I am an 18 yr old female who has yet to have a serious relationship, I find myself yearning for a man who will treat me differently then all of these little boys. Who will take my virginity but not out of lust, but out of love. Well that’s what happened in my dream, I found the most perfect, sensitive, sweet guy. And he took my dream virginity (haha) then he got shot in some altercation and I was devistated in the dream. I woke up this morning feeling hopeful, that maybe there is a guy I can actually connect with out there. I guess all my emotions and concerns from the physical world are translating into my dreams and that is pretty neat!
I am recently married, not even 6 months ago and I had a huge argument with my wife yesterday. So last night I had an incredibal love dream with a feeling of forbidden love. The only problem is the dream was of a women I have never met, NOTHING like my wife and in the dream I was conscious of the fact that I was married. In the dream this misterious woman was trying to convince me to divorce my wife so I could b with her. Like I said this dream was incredible. But it scares me because I’ve never had a dream like that. I can’t stop thinking about this woman in my dream.
I keep having dreams of guys. It started 2 years ago. The first dream I had of a guy, was my high school Teacher. OMG Everytime I saw him I melted. I dreamed about him and I every night for a week. The dreams were so real. I then got in a relationship. The dreams stopped for a while . Then they started again! I started falling in love with my teacher who was only 5 years older then me …
Now I’m dreaming of guys older then me like 10 years my senior. And I fall inlove with them in my dreams. But I’m with my fiancé in my dream but I cheat on him. We have a baby together. He doesn’t work and is very immature. We fight all the time and it starts over the smallest things. I am also finding older guys very very attractive! I wonder if this is because they work? And are mature? And I know they could provide for my self and daughter? Idk it’s just weird I am dreaming of lots of different guys every night that I know.
Last night I dreamed about an old friend of mine – I person I’ve been great friends with since we were teens but haven’t seen very often since we’ve grown up. There was always a bit of a romantic spark between us but the timing and circumstances were never right for us to do anything about it (we were living hundreds of miles apart, or one of us had always just begun seeing someone on the occasions we met up). Although I haven’t talked to or seen him in over a year now, last night I had such a vivid dream that he came looking for me to tell me how much he wanted us to be together. And my feeling was that it was all I’d ever wanted. I woke up this morning, next to my real life boyfriend and instantly felt so depressed that I wasn’t with the old friend instead. (And of course then went straight to Facebook to see what he has been up to lately and managed to convince myself by looking at his posts and pictures that he’s be a way better boyfriend than the one I have!) It’s now the afternoon and my day has been a complete waste so far, I’m so stuck in a sort of depressive dream hangover, feeling sad and questioning whether I’m happy or not with my whole life, that I haven’t been able to concentrate on anything else. What should we do when a dream like this affects your life in such negative ways?
I had the best dream today and I can’t stop thinking about it, so my dream was about my boyfriend(I’m single but LOVE just fascinates me) in my dream he plays a sport, hockey or some type like that. So in this dream the coach won’t allow me to see him because he’s hurt, he’s okay, but he needs his rest. So I find way a find to find him, and I cuddle up next to him and comfort him, I keep trying to pick up the pieces of the image but I kinda lost his face. I don’t know the guy in my dream but it felt so real, and I’m just hoping my dream is real and he’s real. I know he he was white but not so much on the pale side and he had a little bit of blonds hair and just the right amount of perfectness. I just hope I has this dream again tonight.
Hi Christine. Is it normal when this type of dreams keep reoccurring? The first time I Fell inlove in my dream was back when i was 16 years old.”I was walking along a highway and as i continued to walk I met a girl and we walked together, we had a conversation (Forgot What our Conversation was About) as we walked she grew tired so I had to carry her. I looked at her face she had a beautiful smile that could calm a mans soul.” Even now the memory of her smile still makes me happy and calms me down. I wrote it down in my note’s cause I did’nt want to forget about that dream. The most recent dream where I fell inlove was during my afternoon nap. I saw her a couple of time and I just fell inlove it was like love at first sight. I wanted that girl to be real and It makes me sad knowing that she’ll only exist in my dreams. I wish i could have at-least known her name. The place in my dreams looked familiar it was a college dormitory, maybe if I go there she’ll be there. I Hope. Please Reply If You have time. Thank You
Hi there Christine
I just woke up from one of those dreams and found this site. My first dream was when I was 17, 2 months after my first love left me. She was also the object of romance in my dream. We were on a hill one warm summer afternoon, I could feel the smooth breeze, flowing over the horizon from the sunset and I could smell nature, as the sun was just above setting I looked at the beautiful sky, which turned from the most beautiful red orange clouding from the sun to a blue deep purple as darkness approaches. That’s when I saw her. Looking at me smiling with a white dress, I went up to her, she put her back against a tree, held my hands, told me she loved me, inclusive of the nickname she used for me. She became the object of my obsession for years to come.
The dream, I just had felt the same. Only this time, it’s a girl I don’t know. I was driving my friends, to a different town and a certain girl with emo style hair was with us. She was travelling through and doing odd jobs for a living, going town to town. I remember every conversation of this dream. Regardless of the days in it passing so quickly, the day she told me she was leaving. We sat in the diner for hours and watched as cars passed and drove off into the direction of the sunset I would not see. I confess my love, we kissed and held each other, till she left. Only looking back once. I feel so deeply sad.
I keep having these very intense dreams of me falling in love with someone from work I meet alot of people everyday at work I have dreams of us eating lunch together sittting outside her asking me specifically what would i do without you when you leave (leaving to airforce in 3 months) im not the type to think of myself in a relationship but the feelings I get are overwhelming makes me want to search for it I can’t understand what’s going on tho
I felt the same i saw who i have never met or seen in my life.for the first time in my life i felt love and i think she is real and i am going to find her
I had a dream a few nights ago, and it’s still in my head, where an old friend of mine (we tried to make a relationship happen, but our schools were too far apart to keep in touch) and I saw each other suddenly, then i ran into his arms and we hugged tightly for a while, it felt so real, the material of his shirt and how wide his shoulders were. Then I clearly remember him saying, “your eyes, I never thought I’d see them again.” and that still makes my heart skip a beat. We then kissed, and it felt so real, I remember the feeling of his lips and the way we were holding each other. Since then, haven’t stopped thinking about him.
Im in a relationship but keep dreaming about a girl i know from university, who I use to be close with….
5years I have been dreaming about her…Its effecting me quite alot. Its not just now and then. Its basically every time I dream or remember my dreams the girl beth is somehow in it, we,re laughin loads and I cant help but kiss her all the time.
Im waking up and thinking about her loads.
I know shes ok as I speak to her now and then. I tell her she has been in my dreams but dont let on that its like im falling in love with her in both dream world and atad in reality, I jus say you was chillin in my dream last night.
Its got me thinking do I love my current girlfriend as much and I like this girl beth…or are my dreams jus clouding my judgment
I’ve had many dreams I can recall where I’ve been in love with someone. For years, I’ve dreamt of having a beautiful girl in my arms. Laughing together. Sleeping and cuddling together. Just walking on a beautiful beach at night with warm weather holding hands. I’ve seen this ‘woman of my dreams’ in many dreams. It’s always the same person. (I literally dreamt these things i mentioned with the same person)
Here’s the weird part. I have never met this person before. Ever! But i have been dreaming of her and its the same person in all my dreams. Sometimes i see their face and other times i don’t. But i feel it’s the same person. You know when you see something. Smell it. Feel it. That you know what it is? That’s how i feel about this mystery woman. I feel so much love when I’m with her. I feel so at ease and at peace. Nothing matters when we are together. But she didn’t exist! It’s just a dream…
Is my subconscious mind telling me something? Am i a little clairvoyant? Will i meet this person? Or is my intuition telling me and showing me what i really want in a woman?
Wow, this is EXACTLY me. I keep having these dreams, where there is usually one person in mind (they all tend to be people I’ve seen in TV shows or something similar), and like you said, I feel this overpowering sensation that I can’t explain, and when I wake up, I don’t understand how I could feel something so powerful in a dream when I’ve never felt it in real life (I’m only 14).
Sometimes when I kiss people in dreams, I can actually feel and remember the warmth and feeling of their lips, too, which is more understandable, but still weird.
Its nice to have romantic dreams, but it also leaves me wanting more, and sometimes I end up trying to think about it hard before I go to sleep so I can have another dream like that.
But I’m glad to know lots of other people have the same experience. I thought I was crazy.
Last night I had a crazy adventure. I ”fell in love” and my subconsience kept telling me it was a dream but i can remember we were at a school, big school, and i can remember ever detail, but never her face, i know that she has a kind lips though. And I can feel the warmth of her hand in mine and it just feels so natural. But last night we ”fell in love” together and it seems like I was protecting her from something. Like someone was after her and it got to a point where all the sudden I was looking for her…but she was gone. I would think I saw a glimpse of her go through a door I would run to it but no one would be there… don’t get me wrong I woke up feeling like i fell in love hardcore and i just wanted to see her again. fun stuff dreams are. I’m 21 by the way.
Last night I had the same dream as everyone here had, I was in a lake, where I saw this guy whom I haven’t met or seen before,a total stranger, it was love at first sight , the dream was like I’m with a friend and he’s with his friends, but so many times our eyes met and staring at each other, his a tall Asian guy, fair complexion, his wearing a white jersey,lose pants and a cap facing at the other side..his face was so clear and my heart remembers it,but when I woke up I barely remember his face, It was a great feeling, a feeling that I’m really willing to know this person,the willingness of falling in love with him only if I know where to find or meet him.
Same thing happened to me last night. Glad to see I’m not the only one.
Anyone else wake up depressed after a “love” dream? I have one probably twice a year and always wake up when I am certain we both feel the same way and no sooner than I open my eyes the sadness sinks in.
Yes. To me its the feeling of never being able to be with that person in the dream
I’ve been “talking” to someone for three months now, and we do have feelings for each other. Well the other night I dreamt that I told him I love him and that I actually did love him. Last night, I had a very intimate dream about him and well I do feel happy. In a way, I feel like it either made my feelings stronger or just revealed feelings that i wasn’t aware of them being that strong..
I dreamt of a girl ! it was soo real that I could hear her voice in my head even now !! my heart said to me that she is the one ! but after all it was just a dream !! that was the saddest part suddenly I woke up , I don’t know who this girl is but I keep on searching until I find my dream girl , next day when I was going to my aunt house, I saw the girl in fancy shop ,the actually looked like the girl in my dream !!!!!ah she was soooo pretty !!! I liked every bit of her !! Wish that I could dream her everyday!!!!!! $v$
Two nights ago I had a dream in which I fell in love. It just started with her, a date, and a kiss, and I woke up. I know that I know her in reality, but i cannot for the life of me remember who she is besides that and its killing me. I feel like the strangest thing about it all is that it is the first time I have ever felt love (I am 13) and yet I can find no other way to describe it. I just think its interesting that you can experience something you have never felt before, more than you will likely ever feel it again (I figure the subconscious magnifies it considerably) in a dream. Also, if I am interpreting what you are saying, do you mean to say I fell in love with a female version of myself? Thank you for helping put my mind to rest.
Hi, I woke up for a dream a few minutes ago and not very much into the meaning behind dreams but for some reason this one stuck out. I am a 31yr old male… “Started off being in a music studio where I was writhing music and a female walked in the room I’d never scene before but instantly it was like a fair tail. We sang and danced like no one else existed, I remeber picking her off the ground, as we spun around the room in joy. It was almost like we were looking for each other all alone in finally met but in a dream? And I’m in a relationship that I’m happy in… So what could this possibly mean? I love the person I’m with but I must admit the dream was rea and the feeling I received from the dream was greater then any I’ve before. This almost left me feeling guilty when I woke because I truly care for the person im with but like I said the feeling in my dream was greater then ANY I’ve ever experienced in real life. What could this possibly mean. Note also I’ve never scene this person before my dream. Feeling guilty and confused any insight on this would be great thanks.
I had a dream two weeks ago and bearly decided to google my experience. I had a dream with a guy, I don’t necessarily fall in love with him I’m already in love with him and my dream seems to start in the middle of my relationship with him. In RL I don’t know who he is I’ve never seen him before. When I woke up from my dream to face reality I felt depressed and I was quick to cheer myself up but for the past two weeks I feel a empty hole in my heart, I miss somebody and I don’t know who, (maybe I do) I guess the only option is to move on
i had dream of a girl two days ago! i don’t know whats wrong with me i’m dreaming a same girl ! i think that she is stuck in my mind ! but i liked her alot , i think i know her but i don’ t !!!! All i know is that her name is Sreeganga
I fell in love with an classmate, in my dreams . Before the dream ,he would always get under my skin asking me what grade I was making in my classes and etc.. I couldn’t stand him ,just because he was so damn smart but so nosey … but any who , the dream felt so real and we fell in love . It was soon romantic !. but I woke up and couldn’t shake that feeling off.. so now I’m way nicer to him and I seem to have this high school crush on him.. Smh. This dream was two nights ago and I’m finding myself flirting with him because when I see him, I feel like the dream was an actual memory that we’ve shared.. lol I catch my self before I go to far. But he flirts back and I think it’s cute .. sometimes I even think he may of had the same dream.. lol
I had a dream about this boy. He was amazing, he made me feel loved protective and safe. I’ve had dreams about this unknown boy for a couple of nights. I’ve never seen this boy in public or in the real world. But I “LOVE” him. I’ve never been in love before? Is that weird. I’m only 12, but I feel as if he’s my world. In a recent dream we were holding hands and walking down a train station ( I think, its all a bit fuzzy, but I clearly remember the feeling and I’m having that feeling now ). I felt so safe and protected. I remember him shrugging of my hand and the disappointment I had. But he pulled away his hand because he kissed me. It was so warm, and nice. I LOVE HIM. P.S; Recently I’ve been thinking about love and kissing. I THINK IM READY FOR A RELATIONSHIP. 🙁 <3 AM I TO YOUNG? IDK
Hmm. I felt this 3 times this year. (March-april) I can’t remember the first time but I remember the 2nd and last. In My first dream I fell inlove with a stranger and Ive been thinking about him all over the time. Second time was last Last night. I fell inlove with a different stranger. I met him at the church and we fell in love to each other. He said he will go to L.A but he want me to be with him. So I came with him. I asked his name and he said Angelo. But i really dont think so that is his real name so i took his bag and saw some paper written his real name. I cant remember it. So it keep bothering me all day. Both the first and second stranger in my dream were handsome. In my third dream, which is last night, I fell inlove with my friend which I dont use to talk with. I texted him in my dream and then he replied to me with a very long message which says he’s falling inlove with me but still he’s inlove with his ex. This guy used to be very special to me before. Bcoz I have feelings for him. But no more now. I dont want to lose our friendship. Instead, I’m just going to find out who’s the stranger in my dream last last night. Hoping that I’ll found him. 🙂
Hi Pam,
Your dreams are vivid! The way you are explaining your dreams indicates that you have an active subconscious and quite possibly could be a psychic dreamer.
A psychic dreamer is a person who can predict the lives others and their own future though their dream state. I always suggest to my clients to keep a log of their dreams to make it more easily track-able when attempting to look back on their dreams when they finally unfold in the waking state.
The fact that you had three dreams of falling in love is interesting. The one you had of “Angelo” was an indication that you will be meeting a person in waking life who begins with the letter A. A is the 1st letter in the alphabet, and in numerology the number 1 represents many things. All the numbers have meanings 1-9 and tell the person’s character, however, in your case the letter was A, so you would read the meaning of 1 in numerology to see what kind of person you will be meeting.
Now the person also may begin with a J or a S as well. Why a J or S? well J is the 10th letter, however, again, in numerology, the double digits need to be broken down to a single digit and you do that by adding the digits together ex: 10 would become 1+0= 1. So with J you would add the 1 with the 0 and you would get a 1… similarly so is S a 1 because it is 19th letter in the alphabet, and again, broken down it would equal 1+9 = 10… you will need to break 10 down again to bring it to a single digit 1+0= 1… so in essence the person who you will be meeting will not necessarily begin with an A, but also a J or S.
Once you write your dreams down and keep a log of them you would eventually see that you can predict your life through you dreams.
Speaking of predicting dreams, the one you had about your friend was very significant. You are predicting change in his life. It may not have to do with relationships per se, however, it will reflect something he loves or is committed to. For example, it could mean he’s changing jobs, or has a change of heart on a vacation etc.
Overall, it is important for you to keep a log of your dreams and read them from time to time. You will start to see that they are quite predictive.
i hhad a dream last night about a girl i dont know and i keep tellin how i love her and i carry her in my arms all the time but also in that dream i know to myself that our relation ship wouldnt last cause i had no reason why i liked her. i just like the feeling of being inlove and be there beside her .its really bothering me cause thats the very opposite kind of me in reality. im very shy and wouldnt do those things i made in that dream
Hello Yaji, your dream indicates that you will be helping a friend, one who you love dearly, can even be a family member, through an issue. The situation will be tough for them to carry on their own and will need the support of others, mainly you, to help carry them through it. This issue will not last long, as you indicated that in your dream you knew this relationship was temporary.
I had a dream when i was 18. I was very depressed at the time. In my dream i was in a room which was all white. Sofa curtains ect. There was someone there talking to me. I never remember the face. But he helped me snap out of my depression.
Everything i was told came true. I was told i was going to marry at 23, which i did. I was told my marriage would be over my 26. Again true. I was told why my marriage would be end and i was going to have a difficult time but was to remain patient. The last day i had is recurring dream the person/angel told me to look outside and pointed towards a window. Outside i saw myself standing on a beach near the water. back in the room i turned towards the angel i asked what this meant and this angel smiled and said keep looking. On the beach i saw a man walking towards me. Never seen him before. Never really remember his face. But his smile was so perfect. As i am looking at him I see behind him i can see the hollywood hills.I am watching myself from the window and turn around just as this angel is walking out and i hear him say … that is your future You will be very happy. The only tears you will ever cry will be tears of joy. Everytime i feel weak or alone lost scared, ready to give up from the hell my soon to be ex husband put me through for past 10 years. I see this man on the beach day or night its a brife flash but i see him. Its a reminder to keep fighting, life will get better. I have something to look forward to. Someone amazing will walk into my life soon. And make everything ok.
I don’t know what to make of this. Is he real or just my hope of someday having finding a place to belong. My life has been very scary lonely. It was 16 years ago when i had that dream. Everything i was told came true except this.
Hello, this is very real and absolutely a testimony to the power of the almighty creator. For this to happen, and for you to be so encouraged to keep on keeping on indicates that you have a very special message to pass on to the world.
This message may not be passed on until you still experience a few more tough challenges, as the old saying goes “God only gives you what you can handle.” and the strongest angels are usually given the harshest of harsh trials and tribulations. Not so you can be hurt and be worn down, but more so you can strive through it, learn how to deal with it and then teach the masses how to get past it well.
Your message might come as a book for others to read, it could be public speaking, or even just speaking to others who are depressed that might be family and friends etc…
Keep up the good work and stay strong.
i am also having this feel good dreams but i need help too.First i m a 19 year boy. i know the girl in my dreams she is/was my childhood friend .We used to spend some time while we we young about 10-11 year.but this has gradually decreased to about once a year,yes once a year!. I am also feel lonely sometimes after watching some heart touching romantic movie or novel, so i think i had such a nice relationship cute relations. i want to know is this because of movies or should i actually try to come close to this girl and finally start dating?.
Dreams are like we going for movie,shopping,just being funny cute laughing,smooching
Can you help me want should i do? i really like the feeling
Generally in dreams when we kiss and make love it’s actually the opposite meaning in waking life. It could indicate an argument or even resentment. When you have these dreams perhaps you went to sleep thinking about her, or maybe she was in your subconscious mind and you are missing her, and somewhat upset that you don’t share as much time together any longer.
You could reach out to her and ask her how she would like to go on a date, however, chances are if she wanted to she would be more in contact with you… but it would never hurt to try.
In the alternative, if you are open to dating then perhaps check out some of the prospective mates that Eligible has to offer on the site.
I’m 22 and male. Dunno why I feel so guilty about my dream. Probably because I don’t often have dreams I can remember, maybe 5 a year if I’m lucky or when ill. But had a dream last night that I met a woman (not my gf) it was like I was 14 and head over heels in love for the first time. Woke up with all the intense feelings in my head and they are still floating around now – though they are fading- but I just needed somewhere to vent as I couldn’t talk to my gf about it or she would flip.
Hey this dream does not necessarily indicate that you will be meeting a new gf. Haha, cute that you felt you had to vent here instead of to your gf, I respect that!
However, back to your dream. Many times when we have a dream like yours, if sex was not involved, because sex indicates an argument or disagreement of some kind, then it just means that you will find a interest soon or perhaps great will happen that will bring some new meaning into your life.
Hi am 22yrs old and single .I have been fallen in love with this man in my dream for almost one year now and the more I dream I keep fallen deeply in love with him and I can’t just stop thinking about him. I know him and he is my lecturer, I don’t know if he is having d same feeling towards me he is still single but he is much older than me. all I know is that he care about me and he show interest in everything about me.
I’m not the type of woman who falls in love or has flights of fancy for a man. I would go as far as to say that I have never felt love at all in any point of my life. Therefore, I was, for a lack of a better word, ‘shocked’ when I experienced dreams in which I felt this overwhelming surge of what I feel love would be for a dark haired man. I would say that I’ve only dreamed about him perhaps three times in my lifetime, I’m 23, and it is almost always the same person. I do not know him in my waking life. What concerns me the most however, is that these dreams always take place in a apocalypses dreamscape. I often wonder if it is my subconscious telling me that I may never be able to feel love in my waking life unless my life is falling apart around me. Hence the apocalypses theme. Is this my brain telling m that tragedy has to strike before I’m willing to let go of control and let myself love?
i just had the dream last night. i dreamed that i met a guy and i ended up falling in love with him. my emotions were soo vivid that when i woke up in the morning the emotion was still there. thats the first time i ever experienced that
I had a dream the other night that this guy that I loved was moving away and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I remember the city he “lived” in, but I don’t even remember his face. When I woke up I felt so heartbroken and had a horrible feeling of dread in my stomach. It took about 10 minutes for me to convince myself that it was just a dream and that guy doesn’t exist.
I keep dreaming about falling in love with, or sleeping with other guys in my dreams. I have a boyfriend who I’ve been with for a year and a half, and I don’t have the same sexual attraction to him that I used to. I love him and I always think that id never be able to find someone who I connect with the same and as well as I do with him. But I love having the dreams. I don’t want to wake up and if i do I want to go back to sleep to be there again. I wonder if it’s partly to do with the fact that I find it difficult to accept that I would only be with one guy from now on, and that I can’t imagine never being with anyone else and having that amazing buzz you get when you first meet someone. I don’t know! Could do with some help please!
I have been having dreams lately with not one guy, every night I dream of another guy , I have a relationship, and the worst part is I even fantasize with his friends. I dream of guys I don’t even know . And every night I fall in love with another guy . I would like to know if this has some kind of meaning , I’m really confused since my partner is an amazing man
Please help
Just had a dream about a girl I never met, she was sit and I was doing something in my room she came don’t remember much what we speak off but it ended we kissed. then I woke up. I was still sleepy tho so I close my eyes again and after that I was in school an english teacher was there saying that if I want to understand languages I have to understand emotion behind people. Which is weird.
Whatever never accorded to much importance on dreams, came here just by curiosity since someone told me its impossible to dream about someone you never met.
I just woke up from such a dream, it felt so good to be in love again…… Just now that im awakeni feel like something has been taken from me …. I miss her
I can never remember my dreams. But when I do, it’s always the same girl. And it happens 8 or 9 times a year. And I can tell you everything that happens in these dreams. And I’m just curious as to why I remember her. And none of my other dreams
Iam not the only one glad to see this , well i had a dream with these gal and i was loved and i evn had kids 2 already had 1 boy and she was preg i like this dreams but my problem is that i fell inlove with people i dont know Eg iam black but i had family with chines gal i love her and i dont know where i wil find her she realy gave me lot of love than in reality
last night i dreamed about that i was in a tropical country and i met a little boy, then the boy told me that he had a sister that had about the same age as i had. everything scaled so quickly that the next thing i remember is that i went around the town with that girl, he kissed each other, took pictures and lots of other things. i felt so happy and filled with love but then i woke up. all of the sudden tears started to ran down from my eyes, i was not crying but i couldnt help the tears to fall down coz i felt so happy and inlove and i dont even remember how she looked like x.x
I have been having these “In love dreams” about a guy I’ve never met, and It’s causing me to become depressed. Because it reminds me that he might not even be real, but when I dream of him I feel warm and He’s amazing. I’m glad other people have had dreams like me. It helps to know I’m not crazy. I have been looking it up a lot, just to see if anyone has ever met them and a lot of people have actually met them. So there’s hope. And thank you! <3
This is isn’t the first time that this happened. Just this morning, I dreamed of a guy whom I don’t know. Maybe I met him before, but I really can’t remember him. he was so sweet in my dream. He even proposed to me. And I am head over heels. I am with my partner for five years now. We already have a son! He was also in my dream. And I was so sure in my dream that I really want to be with dreamguy and that I would break up with my boyfriend. The setting in my dream is so high school/college. I feel so guilty it feels like I’m cheating on my boyfriend. It’s been hours since I woke from my dream but I still can’t stop thinking about him.
I just had one of these “romantic” dreams and it was way better than a pervy dream. First it started out as the two stupid agents from Paul and they were chasing me because they thought I was TE guy from transformers. Later down the track I found myself sitting in cinema seats at a beach and in one of the agents stole my huge packet of warheads and I kicked the other one down to the shoreline but so he didn’t get wet. Then I ran at him like a ninja from naruto and used my toes to do this unknown water style jutsu. A few moments later this giant cute ocean blue girl came out of the water. She was wearing a blue and white striped bikini and underwear and she just sat on the agent. I don’t know what happened to him because at this point my romantic dream was nearly over. It was as if she and I knew each other so we cuddled and we were both in a car somehow. I started feeling sad and I was kinda crying too. We were still cuddling and that’s when the warmth and coziness started. For some reason I missed around her stomach region twice but just small pecks. She laughed and asked me if I love her and I remained quiet and then she asked me again and I said I don’t know then I felt the tears and sadness and warmth come across me again. And then she asked me what She would feel like if she wasn’t a jutsu but in her normal body and I told her she would feel warm, cozy, smooth, her hair would be silky and my very heart and soul would be at peace. I was crying now because I probably knew that I was conscious of what my dream person was doing and that means my dream is about to end. I told her that I would find her in my dreams and that she would have to wait for me and she said ok and then my dream ended when I pulled up the drive way … by myself with no girl their and that’s when I woke up. The cozy and warm feeling dominated over the sadness feeling but the sadness feeling was most definitely still there leaving me both happy and terribly sad. I really wanna meet her again but knowing my concious it’s not going to happen even though I said I’d find her which I would like nothing more to do than to find her but the same dream rarely happens twice to me in the two nights.
btw I’m a 15 male
Please help me because I don’t know if this will be in the waking life or not
If this makes you feel better, well maybe she is your soulmate and this is a memory you soul is giving you so you can find this girl. I know this all sound cheezy but why not?
I dreamt about a boy who i fell in love with but I can’t remember how he looks like but i know that he’s not a stranger i know him but i just can’t remember him it was such a beautiful dream like every thing was soo real and i can still feel it in my heart I can’t stop thinking about him I’m trying to remember him but i just cant like I want him to be with me i know that i know him but i just can’t remember who he is . Is it just a teen dream or there’s something behind it???
Wait what? People actually enjoy theese dreams? I cant understand why? When i wake up from those kind of dreams i get pissed off and angry for the rest of the month cuz i cant handle how amazing it was, id rather live in the dream than anything else, nothing compares to it. It makes my life seem like somethings always missing and im just depressed
I have this huge crush on a guy at my school. The thing is, I’ve never talked to him but I do know his name and I know his is a friend of one of my friends. One time in the hallway he look directely at me and I felt butterflies in my tummy. Now it’s vacation and since school is over I remember dreaming of him four times. I’ve had other crushes but never dreamed so much of the same person in two weeks only. I really don’t know what to do…
I have a dream recently about a pink haired girl that was shorter than me and she also came along with a story. She was an exchange student from a foreign country that I can’t remember, but I think it was either Japan or China. Anyways we met by helping a stray dog back onto it’s feet by feeding it some food and taking it to the vet. Soon my dream probably time skipped not by years but to important events like for example we went to go see an concert about a band and from then on we had the best relationship I could ever ask for. I became heartbroken inside the dream as she got back onto the plane and left back to her home. When I woke up to remember this dream I actually cried for a few minutes thinking that it was all real. She still lingers in my mind to this day and I’m not sure what it means. . . Another quick dream was this blue haired girl that spent my entire dream trying to tell me something that related to my lively hood and I just want to get a few personal or maybe professional opinions on this. Any help on breaking down these dreams will be a lot of help!
Hey everyone I don’t know if my first one got posted or not since I didn’t see it but I’ll run through my dream issue once more. My recent dream was a few hours before this comment was posted and I need some answer for both of my situations; Well my first one was about a pink haired girl that was an exchange student from Japan and she was in America and the state I live in as of right now. Anyways we met on a crowded side walk that had a wounded stray dog and we both attended to it and took it to the vet to save it’s life, that event made us love each other and we just smoothly transitioned into a relationship. this dream would jump from event to event that would question or strengthen this relationship and soon towards the end I begin to actually wake up and fall back into that dream, during that I walked over towards her and told her I was going to last much longer in the dream state and I told her I had blast meeting her, but I didn’t want it to end. She told me this “I love you more than anything, and when you fall asleep again please come and find me, so we can fall in love again.” When I truly woke up I ended up crying for a good few minutes and when I gathered my sense I got onto here in search for what she meant in that quote. I need a Professional or understandable opinion on this. Please I need to know what this meant!
Someone help me:((
so it’s been 2 months since I havent met my crush but why he always appears in my dream even it’s just a glimpse but still.
Is there anything go wrong or??
Hi. There’s this person/ guy who has appeared in some of my dreams since I was young. He just pops up randomly. He aged with me. And he was always supporting me through something. Then about last week, I dreamed that his birthday was coming. I was running a list through my mind of what gift I should give to him when he suddenly appeared, approached me and asked what gift I’ll give to him. I replied jokingly that there would be none. Then he asked if he could hug me as an advanced gift. I hugged him and we couldn’t let go of each other! We were just there, hugging for a long time. Then I broke free and a feeling of love and longing which was so strong kept through me. The dream ended when I bought his gifts. These feelings are still with me till along with the warmth of his hug, If ever he’s my soulmate, I hope I’ll meet him soon!
My names Jon and I’m 18. I had a dream last night that I fell in love with a girl that I have never met before. She was good looking, funny, and I almost remember her laugh, but can’t remember exactly what her face looked like. I just remember meeting her in a public place, and I just remember how comfortable she made me feel and how we were constantly laughing. Later in the dream we wound up getting married. The feelings I had toward this girl were so intense that I woke up in a frozen feeling and I didn’t even want to get up, just think about this girl. I’m 18, I talk and do regular things that high schoolers do w girls but, I’ve never fallen in love in real life. Someone, please help me out to what this dream may of meant.
And the weirdest part about this dream is that I know for a fact I have never found true love in real life. And I know this sounds crazy, but I think I know what true love feels like solely from this dream.
I dream about falling in love a lot lately. I never used to at first. I wonder what caused me to suddenly start having these type of dreams. Sometimes they’re about a non-existent person, but twice now the object has been an actor from TV shows I like. They’re sort of a different person in the dream, but look the same and usually have the same name. The weird thing is, they’re actors I didn’t even particularly think were that attractive before. I guess it’s the same principle as dreaming about someone you know that you don’t have feelings for in real life, but it still puzzles me. If you’re going to have a dream like that, why wouldn’t your brain pick someone you already have a crush on? Does it mean you just crave romance and your brain randomly picks a face from your memory to represent your lover? Last time I did develop somewhat of a crush on the actor afterwards, and I never even thought he was cute before.
I just had another one tonight actually. Which is the reason I looked up this article. It’s very strange dreaming about having such passion for someone that doesn’t really mean anything to you in real life. Or at least nothing more than: they’re cool and I like their work. Does anyone have any ideas about this?
So I had this dream where I fell in love with a stranger. He didn’t seem to be a stranger in my dream, but now that I’m awake I don’t recognise this man. I appeared to be really comfortable with him in my dream, like I’d known him forever…and I still feel that way? What does this mean?
At first I dreamed about my assistant band conductor teaching me how to play the flute but I was a horn player instead. Two days later I dreamed of him again, this time both of us are dating. When I woke up I can’t help it but to keep thinking about him. Two days later, I dreamed of him again but both me and him are not dating. Instead he was asking me why did i waste the money and learn the flute while I can just ask him to teach me for free. The 2nd dream made me can’t forget about him and with the 3rd dream make it even worse. Plus during the past few band practice I noticed that when i kind of make mistakes he blamed it on my section mate instead of me. But it maybe because my section mate is one annoying boy that talk too much nonsense and everyone get annoyed which make my conductor have that chance to shut him up. Plus I have a crush now but whenever I thought of both my crush and my conductor I don’t know who to choose… By the way I’m only 14
I used to dream whole day after coming from school about my classmate.I don’t know what it is but it is something. I always meet her in my dreams but when she is actually right before me i am not able speak her a single word and just start to look her without any intention.then she used to smile at me and goes away.Is it we call love without having single conversation or just a temptation from beautiful girl in 14 . Is it a physical attraction because most of my dreams involves a kiss.I felt myself very lonely after coming from school.Is this is right time to propose her or it is normal in this age.
Same this has been happening to me lately, Except its with someone I haven’t seen in years, it happens over and over like once a month and its really starting to bother me. At first it was a calm feeling but now I just feel kinda sad. By the way this person is married so I haven’t reached out to them, that combined with the numbers of years its been since I spoke with them would be awkward to say the least.
I dont what’s happening to me lately. I have just this idea of a man and i am totally in love with him. I feel like he is somewhere in the world and someday will come to me. I am so much obsessed that everything seems so real.
Can anyone tell me if there are people like me? And why is it happening? I want to know about this feeling.
Thank you
I just had a dream last night about this very handsome and sweet guy with longish, slightly curly hair and bright blue eyes with freckles on his face. I don’t know him and I’ve never seen him before, we never spoke during the dream and at the end we just hugged each other so tight and kissed. I would love to know if this guy really exists and I’m confused about what this means.
Had a dream last night where I met my perfect dream guy. Being in relationships makes me very uncomfortable but this particular man in my dream was different. The way I felt was so captivating. I wanted to be with him never wanted to leave. Loved his mom, his family, him in general. Now that I wake up and realize I probably won’t ever see this man again kinda is upsetting! I’ve read before that everyone in your dreams are people you’ve met before but I didn’t know if this is true or not! If so I’m about to go find my dream guy!
What did he look like??
I had a dream where I fell in love with my best friends’ friend (like I don’t even really know him sometimes we talk through my best friend like not in private) And he has a girlfriend. I fell kinda weird right now because it affected me. I feel like I actually LIKE him right now. I hope that that feeling goes away.
I’ve been having random dreams where there is always a constant; this girl. I have had the dreams on and off for as long as i can remember and this girl is always in them, always the same. I can’t describe what she looks or sounds like but I know that she is the same. I can just feel it. I feel an extremely intense love for her that…….that i can only assume she is my soul mate. I feel as if I’ve known her my whole life and yet at the same time i don’t really know anything about her. Whenever I wake up i can always still feel her presence for a few minutes after i wake up, and i feel an overwhelming sadness as that presence drifts farther and farther away. I hope that I meet her someday. I hope……. Well I hope for many things lol.
I just now woke up from a dream where ive fallen in love with this girl who was frozen for some time.she was very pretty and my age. In that dream we’ve been through alot together. Its was weird cause she had some kimd of powers, i had them too. We drove through portals and stuff. But the main point is: i fell in love and wanted to confess this to her, but when i did she was gone… I woke up sad and lonley. But also somewhat happy that ive experienced this level of love
before getting up in morning i get a dream very often. in this dream my lover is my school mate i love him but he dosent know . but this dream is apposite . he comes to me cares my lips with his fingers and kisses me what type of dream this is??
i’m a pansexual genderfluid and i just had a dream that i fell in love with two people of the opposite sex. it was really weird but i loved the feeling i had when i unexpectedly kissed the girl. it made me feel great when she kissed me back as if she felt the same way i did. she was just so perfect.
when i met the boy, it felt like we instantly fell for each other. we were standing on this type of billboard with flowers beneath our feet. we were laughing and smiling and just being happy in each other’s presence.
although none of them talked and i didn’t hear their laugh, i was in love. what really fucks me up is the fact that i’m actually in love with someone and in a one-year relationship with them in real life. although i love my boyfriend, i would still want to meet these ‘soul mates’ from my dream
I’ve had a couple dreams with my coworker in them lately, but last night we fell in love in this dream. I really like him and I have for a while. It was a very intense love. But now I feel saddened instead of happy because I feel that hole still empty and realize that it probably will not happen.
so i had that dream about a guy i barley know he is my friend’s brother .the dream was intimate then i had another intimate dream the other day that was a year ago .since then i liked him so much and the feeling grow much more now because i talk to him now
I had one of these dreams last night about a girl I recently started talking to and it made me realize I truly do love her…
I am a male and I had a dream that I was at a party and I saw this beautiful girl. she was about uo to my shoulders on me and blonde. She fell into like 3 feet of water and didn’t come back up so I went and pulled her out and gave her mouth to mouth and she woke up and threw up on me. After that I started to talk to her and she was amazing. It was like a perfect match for me. We went and got a drink at the bar but we were both underage . She just walked away with our drinks and we had actually connected. And the setting changed where she was driving and we were going down an old dirt road nobody knew about and when we got out there was a mini school bus in the middle of a river ( obviously run down) and we sat on a big rock and drank our drinks. When we went back to the party there was no one there and we wanderd around and these people came to pick us up because it wasn’t safe to be there and I got in the back of the truck amd I turned my head and saw her running back towards the river and woke up. I tried going back to sleep right away to see her again but it didn’t work… I actually felt the connection we had and still feel it while I’m awake.
This page didn’t help me at all. This is the second time in the past few weeks I’ve fallen asleep and fell in love. The girl each time was perfect that I know she was everything i could have ever wanted in a women. Only thing is once I’ve woken up I cannot remember what she looked like, or anything about her. The only thing I do remember was that I felt love for her and she was everything I could have ever wanted. The dreams were very realistic. Both times during the dream it felt so real everything about her was real until I woke up. All I can remember is that I felt love for her. I don’t know what this means but it’s strange. I’m a single man. This is very strange because in life I’m actually very content being a single man. I work I come home and I keep to myself. My personal life I don’t really go out of my way to chase women anymore. Most relationships of mine have ended badly so I don’t even bother anymore. But these dreams are very realistic. I wish I could revisit this dream later and meet her again but both times I do remember the girl was not the same. She was the same in qualities I would love however I do know that her hair color was different In each dream. The first time it was a blond girl second time it was light brown hair girl. Freaky to wake up with those feelings. What does it mean?
I don’t even know why I looked this up now I’m 30 now and had a dream when I was like 8 or 9 where I fell in love with a girl my age at the time obviously.
But it wasn’t just her it was the place like if I had picked it out of a story book I remember woods a little village kinda maybe I want to say something like in the jungle book lol. I never saw her up close only the back of her hair from a close distance and she had a red dress.
But thanks to that dream I can say everytime I’ve been to a nice river a tropical forest I really really enjoy it like in that dream. And the love of my wife and daughter I can relate it also. It only happened to me once and never forgotten.
The woman in my dreams: This is the second dream in a row I had waking up and passing back out to finish the dream with you in it! Who are you? it’s so vivid I remember everything to wake up to nothing. In my dream last night we found a way to talk to each other through Dreamworld and reality. But I woke up to find the sign didn’t work.
I know this sounds crazy but the dream wasn’t so far fetched. Everything about you is perfect to a tee so where does the moral of the dream come in to play? It always starts with you working at a store then we connect. From there we are closer then ever asking questions only to find out I’ll say the same thing or we’ll say something at the same time then smile at one another.
Yesterday’s dream starts off the same and ended wishing we could still have contact. I didn’t think anything of it. Last night’s dream starts off the same but this time I wake up in the middle of the night to turn off my music that’s blaring at 2am to know that song was playing at your work. I let Camo out for a pee and go right back to where we left off.
So now your friends are helping us keep the connection stable. For sure I’m in love by now (I’m making a post not a novel so I’m leaving a lot out.) So I wake up and check my phone instantly to see if you texted? That was the key to us having contact. There’s no text message. I never got your name but I’ll never forget your face so whoever you are if you’re real I’ll know right away and I hope you’ll do the same.
So who are you? Why come to my dreams? Why am I having the same dream over but different things happen? All I can say if our bond is so strong I hope to dream of you tonight and get the moral of this dream and what I’m supposed to do in reality.
Ryan Luken <3
In my dream it scared me how real it felt, she told me her name and where she was from ( Brazil) and our connection felt like nothing I felt before with anyone, not even my wife..I’m terrified I can’t stop thinking and wondering if she’s real
Ive had many many dreams about this guy (lets call him Vincent). I know him in real life, we dated and after we broke up still had (and have) feelings for each other. But it is kinda on and off. I eventually got over him, because things just never seem to work out perfectly between us. And last night I had a dream about it. Nothing extreme happened, he only kissed me, but it was the most sensual moment of my life. I didn’t expect it, because I thought he was over me. And then we were laying there and out of nowhere he gave me the softest most perfect kiss and I was over thrown with butterflies and love. I was immediately in love with him again. So I woke up this morning and suddenly it feels as if I’m not over him anymore. Al my feelings for him suddenly came back. I feel conoletely in love with him again, but I don’t know how he feels anymore. This dream has actually made it hard for me, because now I cant stop thinking about him. And I was actually glad that I finally got over him
( I am a 23-year-old straight male )so I just woke up from a romantic (no sex) dream about a girl I never met or seen in my life, for the second time. Doth times it’s been the same girl and both times i “fell in love” the dreams are very realistic to the point that you can’t tell it from reality . The dream always ends the same way I try to contact her and never get a reply. When I wake up instead of having that happy feeling people say they have Well I just feel like The first day after you break up with a girlfriend both dreams both dreams have occurred within three months of each other…. Just wondering with these dreams mean
Hi there … i’m 22 and single
I dream that i was in love with a girl but i never saw her in my life
And i was feeling the touch of her hand
The kiss in her lips ..
And i was feeling to much joyful
What mean of this dream ???
I just woke up, and I had a dream that I was dating this boy. I can remember everything that happened, I just can’t remember what he looked like. Ps I’m 13. But it was the perfect relationship, and I’m still wanting to know what he looked like, and what his name is. I am single.
Hi! Omg, I just woke up from a dream and ohhh am I in love! I was at my elementary school playground and saw these kids tossing around the football and wanted to join. This one girl kept on flirting with me and she was soooo cute and just my type. After awhile everyone left except for her and I, she had dirty blonde hair and was very petite (just my type) and we went over to the play structure and started making each other laugh and started holding hands.. then I just started holding her in my arms and it just felt so right. I feel like she’s gotta be the one! How do I find this girl?? Maybe she’s on this page somewhere in the comments?? 🙂
I just recently had a dream. I woke up and I was upset because the guy wasn’t with me when I woke up. I loved him. Its true about love ❤ at first sight. I’ve never believed it but now that I have done what is right for me I love being I relationships. I haven’t had a boy friend in my life because I though they would be bad having but there not. I miss my dream today. I’ll still be thinking of him later. I love having someone there comforting in any
i got fell in love when i first saw her a year & half ago, she stood a beautiful charming girl. i was very shy and hesitant to even talk to her and i never did (little bit though).
She’s been with my one of good friend who is like a brother to me since more than a year.
i am still in love with her since the first time i saw her, but it was a usual feeling to me of her, thinking about her sometimes a day. but 2 days ago i survived a dream in which she came, like a miracle on a strange land (some school in the dream) she asked me to meet somewhere alone (the auditorium) i quickly replied by a nod. in a split second we were there facing each other near as hell but till far… the place turned pure white sort of magical and there was her and i admiring each other feeling really low i didn’t utter anything, it felt like all my wishes came true but then i left on the call of my waiting parents! there i was reflecting the reality in my dream, leaving her without letting her know. i felt stupid but hit by reality that i had sacrificed my love for my brother the dream reflected that. After all it was me who was such an inhumane who did not act quickly before my friend got to her (because of my size and that i’m overweight i’m still lacking in guts).! when i woke up i felt deep pain in my chest and am bearing the lone and heaviness in my heart since those 2 days! i can’t resist it and i’m unable to describe it anymore, it hurts! what is this heaviness? why is it there? never felt like this before please help me please i beg 🙁 i’m sorry to waste your time.
Sorry if anyone finds this disturbing.
I am 12 yet I have had this same experience.
I am not interested in love right now, I think study is more appropriate for my age.
Which is why it confuses me to experience such a thing.
If possible, I would appreciate anybody’s help.
Hi I’m twelve to but I’ve never been in love with a girl but my mom. I feel the same way but yet in the dream it felt so real.
I dreamed about an unknown stranger who is a boy. he was with his friends when he hugged me suddenly but i felt safe and secure and happy. Later on in the dream he betrayed me. After that he hugged me and said he will love me forever. I woke up from my dream feeling empty
I’m single for many years now. Been almost 3yrs since last intimate encounter. Had 2 dreams of intimacy, no sex with young man whom I don’t really care for. Then dreamed of making out with someone from high school. ( he’s on my fb) and then dreamed of my ex kissing a fat blonde girl( he doesn’t like fat girls). I realize I am wishing I had a man in my life lately but dreams are weird.
The dream was like 40 mins ago it was very long really took me two big pages but i rly felt in love with a girl and while walking with her i cried cause i knew she’d be gone and she gave me a key and told me this key is a key of my dad’s caffe u can meet me there and i lost the key and i went crazy looking for her and i finally found the key i kept running till i found her inside the caffe sitting we kept talking n went to walk a while together n asked for her number she said sure n we both forgot when she went to her house i rememberd about her phone number i ran and knocked on her house n told her give me the number she gave me it…
I really cried in real life after i woke up i’m amazed that i really loved a girl in a dream
I’ve dreamt about about a falling in love with a long time friend, although I have had a crush on him quite a while ago back in highschool, but I never dreamt of him before now, or at least of what I can remember, but now what makes it awkward is that I’m in a relationship, a long distance one but still.
I had got this dream where i fell in love with a guy like crazy…and he takes me to places where there are beaches and beautiful nature..and we are totally into each other emotionally and the dream ends in a tragic way.. he gets drowned in the ocean. I dont understand how and why.
Got this dream three times…in little different ways.. :/
And it affects me till today. Whenever I go to beaches, I’ll be the quietest person and I always feel like there is some connection between me and the ocean.
P.S: I don’t know to swim.
I’m twelve years old and I just had a dream about a girl named Celia(I don’t know if I spelt it right) and I feel so sad now. Being in that dream was the only time I have ever felt love for someone who wasn’t family. The dream was sort of whacky(because I’m twelve) but I distinctly remember standing with her watching a water fall and feeling better than I ever have. I can’t help but hope one day Ill meat Celia.
I’ve been dreaming about a mysterious guy ever since I was 6 years old. I first felt that I love him when I dreamt of him again when I was 14. In my dream we were dancing to the tune of Dolly Parton’s song “From Here To The Moon and Back” under the moonlight and everything seems perfect until I wake up. I cried like a baby after having that dream. It felt so real I wanted to see him. It hurts so much every time I look at the moon because all I can remember is him. Sometimes I think that I’m crazy but deep inside of me, I’m hoping that I will see him again. Even if i don’t know who he is, it feels like we’ve known each other for a very long time but we got separated. I feel like I’ve lost him but I know he’s going to return. He’s the only man I really loved even though I don’t know if he’s real, that’s why I never had a boyfriend. Not even one. Because I know he’s waiting for me and I’m waiting for him too.
It’s me again, I want to tell everything because I’m hoping that maybe the man who I dreamt about will read this. Well my dream started of with me and my grandfather going inside a mall, we were walking until I noticed that there’s a dance party going on. My dream is set in the 1960’s, I guess. Anyways, someone pulled me and then started dancing with me and that’s him. When I looked him in the eyes that’s when I felt my love for him. The setting changed and we are now dancing under the moonlight to the tune of “From Here to The Moon and Back”. Something interrupted our dance and everyone in the mall started running. My grandfather held me and dragged me away from the mall while I look at my love falling away from me. I reached my hand out while screaming for him but then I woke up. I woke up crying because I never felt this kind of love before and I lost it very quickly too. When my friends ask me why until now I do not have a boyfriend. It is because of him. It’s weird I know but deep inside my heart I know it’s real. I never got to see his face very clearly but I know that he has a brown hair and a little bit curly and his not that white either. He looks tanned but not too much. He’s not my ideal guy that’s why I’m confused why I dreamt of him and not just any dream but a special one. I hope I can see you soon.
<3 Anne
I’m a single 38 year old male. I’ve been single for close to 7 years, by choice, after being in relationship after failed relationship, nearly non-stop since my late teens. I have recently started having these dreams where I feel like I fall in love, a feeling I thought I forgot. I haven’t felt this feeling while awake in many years. I had one last night again and today I have felt depressed and lonely all day. I usually feel this way after having one of these dreams. I’d give just about anything to feel the way these dreams feel in my reality, but it’s as if I’m dead inside. I don’t want to go through the pain of a failed relationship again. I think my mind is trying to tell me to let that go, and open myself up again. I just wanted to share this with someone, anyone, since I don’t talk about this with my friends and family.
Hi. Just last night I also had a dream of whom I do not know. Maybe it is time for you to know more people and get inlove.
Last night I had this dream where a guy came in his car to pick me up to my office. I don’t know this person, but he was seriously handsome. At some point we were having sex in the car! That is so weird for me, I’ve never even wished to have that kind of experience. But there we were, after a while I asked him to go to his place so I could take a shower! :/ Next thing I remember is that we were taking a bath together, but he suddendly became so scary! He was really mad at me, so I treated him with extreme care so he wouldn’t hurt me. I got dressed and left his place. The next day (still in my dream) he texted me telling me that he was so sorry for his scary behaviour, and told me that he was on some medication and that made him act that way. At that moment, in the dream I felt like falling in love with him, to be honest in real life I would have run from someone like that, but in the dream I felt like I wanted to take care of him. He continued to text me and he seemed to really need me, I wanted to see him, but my family didn’t let me go to him. So he became really obsessive, but instead of the reaction I would have had in RL, all I wanted is go with him, and take care of him. My heart felt a lot of different emotions in a single dream, and right now I feel kind of sad and I honestly I still feel this need of seeing him again. So weird. I hope I dream of him tonight. T_T
I just had one of these. It’s great cos I feel SO good the rest of the day. The feeling is SO vivid. It happens to me every once in a while. It’s always an unknown mystery woman.
I fell in love in a dream to another man but am Married… Hmmmm….
So, I didn’t really get much sleep this past weekend and i finally got sleep last night, only to have an amazing dream. This dream started out with me and a few of my friends laughing and joking around in a stairwell in my high school. As a joke i guess, I held the girl i really, really like in the way you hold a baby. We then go up the stairs, and as I maneuver her so she wont hit the walls or railings, our faces come close, and we stare in to each other’s eyes, and i felt blissful, whole like I never felt before. I’ve always felt a sort of emptiness in a part of me, I want to love someone fully and whole-heartedly,
like in The Fault In Our Stars, and I know that it will make me whole. I looked into her eyes, she muttered “I love you”,
and we kissed in a way that, I wouldn’t know how to explain. I’ve been thinking about it all day, and it has had such an effect on me because there was this other girl I wanted to warm up to. This girl that was in my dream is different though, imagine me duplicated as a girl. We like the same drinks, shows, hobbies, youtubers even!, and I don’t know what to say to her because she has a boyfriend. I know my feelings are strong, and that is how they will remain until I notice her starting to like me.
Hi. Just this morning I dreamt about a guy that I do not know. I have seen him in his face until now I can picture out his face but not that as clear as I had in my dream. What I felt in my dream feels like it happened before. Until now that I am about to go to bed I have been thinking about that dream. What I actually feel right now is that life goes on but even if I am so very busy today it strike in my head that’s why I am disturbed and feels like keep on reminding me the feel (the same feeling of love that I actually felt in my dream) I am single right now. If it means a soulmate I would hopefully meet him one day. And to add up more specifically, this is not just the first time I have dreamed about dreaming somebody that I didn’t know it’s just that It was my fist time to dream of a guy that (in my dream) I knew him, we were lovers, it was all clear I wasn’t doubting and feels like it was in HD and I can almost clearly see his face specially the form of his face up to my waking mind feels like the same feeling. Only that, I do not know him. I do not know where to find him. That only bothers me.
I dream’t that me, my family and our family friends went to Europe, went to a few tourist attractions and had quite a bit of fun, it was a great dream. Later in the dream I found out that our family friends rented a huge house in the Swiss mountains. When I stepped on to the front porch I immediately felt as if I knew the house, as if I was there before(which was completely impossible) I could hear my family friends’ children running and screaming with enjoyment. I walk around in the house to check all the rooms and put my bag down. Next thing I knew I hear light footsteps coming down the hallway, I was alone in the room, when I turned around to see who was coming(because I none of us walked so softly, as if weighing only a feather) a girl walked into my room with some hot coco(it was freezing). When she walked in I remember having the physical feeling of a racing heart and a warm fuzzy feeling. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, she had long silky, but curly, jet black hair(which was weird considering we were in the Switzerland) and she had the most beautiful eyes, a mix between a bright lively blue and a grass green. As I am writing this, it is 3 days after I had the dream, so some of the stuff is a bit blurry. Next thing I knew was that we were walking down a snowy path away from the house, she had her arm tucked into mine(like folded into). We were laughing and telling stories about our homelands and just chatting and asking about each other. Then came the part that I still vividly remember. We walked of the rode for about 15 meter and onto a snowy ledge. She knew the spot and wanted me to see it, it was the most beautiful view I had ever seen. I turned to her(still clinging to my arm) and I looked into her eyes and I immediately fell in love, I felt that love feeling in the dream. Next thing I knew the ground gave way under me and I was clinging to the ledge with my fingers, for some reason I was not scared(it was a 300m straight drop down onto pine trees), she pulled me up and we walked back home. In the dream I couldn’t get over how much I was falling in love with this girl. We stopped in front of the house and she gave me a peck on the lips. I vividly remember how real it felt. The next part was a bit blurry and all that I could further remember was us cuddling in front of a fire. I was so in love with this girl, I completely ignored my family, all I wanted to do was be with her, nothing else. As we were cuddling she looked up at me and I gently moved her hair over her ear and caressed her cheek, we kissed(like a french kiss) for about 10 seconds, this felt more real than a real kiss I experience in real life. While we were kissing the dream ended and I woke up. When I realized it was only a dream, I felt so lonely and empty, I missed her so much, I started crying(which now that I think about it is very weird because I am a very emotionally stable and secure person), I cried and cried for 10 minutes. That day all I though about was her, I got in trouble in class for day dreaming. It felt that reality was melting around me and all I cared about was her, the day’s emotions was a mix of love and sadness. It is 3 days later and the dreaming is fading, but I still miss this girl from my dreams.
I am a 19 year old man, single.
Can someone shed some light on this please?? It is gnawing at the back of my thoughts.
Searching online I stumbled across your Article Cerise and I wanted to share my dream from last night. I’m staying at some sort of hostel or bathhouse on Thurs night and I meet this dark haired older man with a damaged leg from an earlier motorcycle accident that left him slightly crippled but he is handsome, intelligent and fascinating. From our talks he makes me feel like I’m the center of his universe and I come away so enamored and in love with this man, he’s all I can think about and I’m not certain he’s not married , all I know is I can only see him on Thurs nights and I have my Sister drive me back the next Thurs so she can see this man for herself, the one whom I’m so desperate to be with even if it’s only on Thurs nights and not certain he might lose his interest in me or stop coming on Thurs nights. This passion for him is so intense and beautiful, I’m reminded of an old song by The Moody Blues. Maybe he’s an angel or a devil, I don’t care, all I know is I want him to want me the way I want him, true and timeless and forever. Inevitably I wake up desperate to go back but it’s already too late and I have to get up and pee but I’m still trying to chase this dream down the rabbit hole as the details quickly grow murky and I’m left clutching nothing but such desolation and longing. Where did you go my beautiful phantom ?God how I loved you ! JD
Im only 13 and I had a dream about a girl that I never seen before and this was not a wet dream but I do remember details so now the actual dream, I was standing or sitting but waiting for someone I had no idea who it was but I was in my house and they were in my shower then she finally walked out and she had blonde hair and was shorter than me I almost remember her face but not completely but she was amazing and beautiful so we approached each other and as we approached I felt this unexplained feeling as I got closer to her it started to grow and it was love and when we approached each other we hugged I felt this amazing power of love it was overwhelming and this was not a wet dream but I couldn’t let go of her it felt so good but in real life before this dream I always thought of me meeting some beautiful girl and just hugging her and never letting go but im home schooled so not alot of socialism now back to the dream but the love was still amazing and I looked in the mirror and I saw me….., and I had long hair I was taller, muscular and I looked a littke bit different but I new it was me but as we continued to hug the love kept growing I dont know of this was a lucid dream but I could control it I dont remember the whole dream but at one point I did see my dad and my uncle and the girl I saw was shopping for glasses and I was taking a shower but I do think that we ended up sorry for mentioning the but I do think we had sex but like I said this was not a wet dream but the love through out the whole dream was amazing and powerful and that was my dream I still cant stop thinking about her at all she is literally my dream girl and I can some what still feel the love and believe it or not in real life sometimes I can feel this love its a warm feeling in my stomach its almost like the butter flies but its better and you never want it to go away but thats all I have to share plz reply back to me if you have any idea of whats happening nut thanks
I had a dream last night about a man that doesn’t even exist,but in the dream we loved each other deeply. Now today I miss him terribly. HOW CAN THIS BE??
I dream about a guy who was exactly guy I wanted in my life, but the weirdest thing I have never seen him before, he said hi and same time he new my name and I couldn’t speak was speechless when I woke up forgot how he looks like but my heart was warm and was so happy, so what does this mean! Was is it just a dream or something else
I had a dream last night where the guy I liked in rl wanted me to dance with him. Slow dance. I felt so happy inside. But in my dream I was conscious that he still had a gf. It’s weird cause normally I just have dreams where this guy is working. But then last night it was different and he was being so kind. It makes me have this feeling he was dreaming or thinking of me too last night. What do you guys think?
I am a twenty something college studnet I have never dated or been on dates. I had this dream where I had a sort of amnesa and was looking for my husband. I was walking around a grocery store and knew I was pregnant and had to find him, but I couldn’t remember anything about our past. I then as I was walking saw my two daughers who were in their teens and was over come with so much joy that they were mine. I then saw my twelve year old son and then my little toddler daughter I felt so over come with joy. Then I suddenly walked out of the store and onto this patio ( almost like at a house or something.) and I saw a few men and was thought no none of them are him. And then there he was smileing at me and I just saw him and knew he was the one I started almost crying and then he just kind held me and danced me around and we were both so happy we found each other. All day I have felt overly happy and just cant shake this feeling of love.
i started hanging out with this girl then all of sudden we walk down a aisle were we kiss and then we walk in a store and she says come but when i woke up i felt so happy and in peace.
Last night I had a really vivid dream, I came around a corner in which looked to be an office building and there was a girl I had never seen before in real life wearing a black wool jersey, but in the dream I felt like we were in a relationship, plus this dream was in the future it seemed because I was older in the dream maybe mid 20’s to 30 years old, as I came around the corner when I saw her I hugged her and I didn’t want to let go of her because it felt real warm and amazing to hug her, still hugging we walked back and I lowered her on to a couch and we kept hugging. But she said she married someone (can’t quite remember the name she said) and I stop and I said “Oh thats great” in a sad but good for you kind of way and started walking away when I woke up 1 minuet before my work alarm. I thought about this mystery girl all day today and it bothers me a lot because I don’t know who she is or where we were or even what sort of relationship I had with her.
I had a dream about a week ago and it was about a gay crush (In real life I am too shy to tell him that and I worry he will eventually fade away) and we were and a mall and his dad was shopping. So when I saw him his dad was just silent and my crush walked away with him and I ran toward him and I saw him again but after that I lost him and I was left in a deep dispare and the dream had alot of different things but this was the main and only thing I remember by heart.
So any thoughts?
By the way I am a Gay Male
Hi, I had a weird dream in the wich I returned to the past and hanged ut with the Rolling Stones and in my dream I suddenly had a headache and my boyfriend Mick Jagger told me put my head on his shoulder, and when I did, I just kept looking at his face and felt that I was completely in love with him, I felt so happy because I knew that I had found the love of my life, I didn’t want to let him go, it was a pretty great dream hahaha
My mom was always the person I turned to when I needed something. It was her advice I counted on, and her that I talked to about my most needful things. She died 18 months ago, and at first I was so lost without her I did not think I could function. But then I found Priest Andrew. He has filled that empty hole in my heart from the loss of my mother. I can turn to him for guidance and spiritual advice. He is always available and he always cares. It is not about money for him. Even better, I finally asked him to perform a love spell on me, and it worked! I met with a man who had also experienced a great loss and we were able to become close friends and provide support to each other. We fell in love and got married. we are living happily with our kids. Thank you, Priest Andrew, for helping me through the worst times of my life, for being such a great spell caster, and for giving me a love spell that has brought me so much joy. If you doubt his ability, trust me. You should take a chance. It pay off in ways you could never even imagine.Email him ([email protected])
I woke up in my dream with a girl that I really like she was on top of me with all clothing on when I woke up snapping but when I opened my eyes and saw who it was and instantly I feel a warmth of love she was smiling at me hugging me kissing me and said good morning baby then I smiled and she laid on my chest and fill asleep.the girl I had a crush on every since elementary all the way to high school
Hi i recently last night had a dream about someone who ive been having a crush on he is a older guy but in the dream he fell in love with me back it got phisicl in the dream idk if he likes me back though we flirt sometimes but hes married and i dont know if he likes me back in my dream he did does this mean he does in real life or am i just the one with the feelings here?
I keep having a dream that I meet a beautiful women who has all the physical and emotional qualities I long for. In the dreams I fall deeply in love with her and she is very loving and kind to me. When I wake up I feel as if I just lost the love of my life. I fell it in my heart as if it were real for a few days after the dream. I started writing down what the women looks like and she is never exactly the same but very similar in appearance and how she treats me. By the way I’m single.
a few nights ago I had a dream that I met this guy and we fell in love then but then we had an argument over something and didnt speak for a few days, then we got back together. That’s where it ended and woke up. But last night I just had the same dream, it started with meeting this guy again(never really a face to him) but this time it was longer, everything that happened before happened, but then we ended up getting a house and re-doing it. It was quite a strange experience as it was like a movie in my head and I’ve never ever had a dream like that.
I had a dream multiple times actually, to where I have fallen in love with a guy whom I apparently know in my dream but I never say his name nor do I know him in real life. In this dream I hold his hand, share intimate moments with him, I feel absolutely in love with this mysterious man. Yet I never remember who he is our anything. The only thing I can remember is that he had brunette hair.
Is it possible to like a man I’ve never met
I was crushed when my lover of three years left to be with another man. I cried and sobbed every day, until it got so bad that I reached out to the Internet for help. I threw away so much money – all for nothing – until I hit on the real thing. And that is you, Priest Andrew. You were different from all the rest – you are the diamond in the rough. Thank you from the depths of my soul! I am extremely happy now. I hope God blesses you as much as He has blessed me. Love, visit him on ([email protected]) he can be a great help to you all.
This dream was rather weird.. It all happened at the beach and there was a storm, I had a bunch of friends with me but I didn’t know them at all and the first thing was this guy grabbing my hand dragging me somewhere and where we were was this picnic house it had a shelter but not a lot. All my unknown friends were there as well, the guy turned around to me but I couldn’t see his face or his hair colour and the next thing I knew we were sleeping together just sleeping, it was nice, warm and cozy like it was actually real I could feel the warmth of him, I had this bubbly feeling inside me and knew that I was in love with him but who..? The next day in the dream I saw the clear blue sky with the deep blue sea it was a sight but everything was messed up. My unknown friends started running towards the beach but I didn’t see him.. (Guy). As I walked towards the beach I saw him swimming so I sat down with the other unknown friends which were the girls because the guys were swimming we chatted and laugh but I didn’t know what we were talking about… He (guy) turned towards me so I assumed he was smiling at him cause I can’t see his face and all so I smiled back and that’s when the dream stopped. I was never really the type of girl to fall in love like this but it happened.. I didn’t know him but he was very protective of me I think but I fell in love with him.. I was a bit sad I didn’t see his face and all and I just can’t stop thinking about him.. I hope I dream about this again but what does this mean..?
Omg I need advice,, I had a dream where I was so in love with this guy .and he was tall , and I like tall guys he couldn’t let me go just like I couldn’t let go of him we in the the ocean in the sea he kept hugging me and kissing me all over and with my legs wrapped around his waist i’ve never been inlove with any guy like I was with that guy in my dream the problem though he just changed into someone else and it’s we were in an act on TV but I really felt the connection with him and it was to special for words
You know, it’s funny because now that I’m thinking about it I’ve had that kind of dream and I remember the feeling very well. What’s funny is the fact that a few years ago, I went to Gander Mountain to look at fishing equipment. My dad was at the gun counter and as I was standing there waiting for him I saw this guy. I’ve never seen him before but when he looked at me and we made eye contact, I swear it was the exact same feeling like in that dream. I honestly never believed in love at first sight until that day. It was like an instant connection and it was beyond weird. So weird that I froze and couldn’t move or look away. He walked past me and smiled and I couldn’t do anything. I regret to this day not saying something to him.
(I’m a girl by the way) this is weiiirrrd but i’m not complaining…I just recently had a dream about dating this boy in middle school who I used to have feelings for, but I eventually gave up on those feelings. The day I woke up I started feeling feelings of love?? But I also recently just moved to a different city so it’s not like I ever had a chance, eheh. And today, I had a similar dream, instead this time it was a boy who looked like him (and there was kissing involved) (take note that I am a lip virgin so I don’t really know what kissing feels like :/). Of course I woke up with those same feelings. But I don’t really know why this is happening now?? Maybe it’s just temporary..but it makes me feel all happy 🙂
I’ve been having the same dream over and over: I’m so in love with this blonde headed guy. I’m a dancer and so is he and all the sudden we are dancing and it’s so magical buy I’ve never seen this boy before but he’s so familiar. If only I knew who he was
I had a dream with a guy that I know because he’s a comedian, quite popular here, but not a “superstar”, in my dream I asked him if All that was a dream and his answer was “don’t be silly, look at your cell phone” I dud it and there was a few messages from him like “this is real”. I woke up and it took few minutes to realized that all was a dream, no messages, nothing… untill I check my Instagram and there was a new follower, yes, him. (I follow him in Ig too, maybe he likes my photographs… I dont know.
I had a beautiful dream last night the likes I’ve never had before well maybe lately I’ve been dreaming a lot and remembering my dreams too.I was in a basketball court wich is weird because i dont play ball anymore im in my 30’s with 3 kids and happily married so there was a lot of people there and then i saw her she was beautiful with tan skin brown eyes and silky smooth black hair we exchanged looks and smiled at each other and the scene changed we were still in the basketball court but my wife was also around but we were in the bathrooms talking and feeling each others touches she was smiling at me with that beautiful smile of her, i was caressing her face but my wife kept coming over and everybody in the court were kind of hiding us from her the scene changed again but we were back in the court everytime the scene changed was like a different day in the same place we were in the bathroom once more but this time we kissed for the first time i instantly felt all the love she had to offer just rushing inside me no not all her love i felt the love of the world all the beautiful and wonderful things the world has to offer i remember she said dont ever forget me because i will never forget you the real you the man that i fell in love with and will always love and then i woke up.I cant stop thinking about her and i still remember everything about the dream it was like i had control over it but i never asked her name…Why would i dream this if im happily married and I’ve never cheated on my wife nor my wife cheated on me …..
Could really use some insight. I continue to have dreams of this girl I dated for 2 years during highschool, and in my dreams it often varies. One dream she is back in love with me and the next she is not. And I’m wondering if my dreams are fueled by the fact that I’m still in love with her or was I just in love with the fact she was in love with me? Because since her I have not found anyone I’m interested in and when we were together it was always her who was obsessive with me. But now that I don’t have her attention like I did. I can’t tell if I was really in love with her all along or just in love with the fact she was so very much in love with me.. And I also had another dream of a girl who made me feel like I haven’t felt for someone in a very long time but in that dream I could not remember her name, only her face. And I had never seen her before. I’m just completely lost since all of this is so scattered and different.
I had a dream about the girl i love she quite famous and then someday i see she run in middle of city i keep chasing him but when she stop she already with some guy this broke my heart then i decide to not falling love ever again
and after that its fill like couple years past i meet him again and guest what he had daugther as beauty as her mom
her son go talk to me, what i never guess is she told me find your love and stop hurt your own self
im cry and hug that kid
couple day past and i go meet her mom on fans meet
i seen this girl, i dont now why but i fall for her
guess what ^^
Two days ago I dreamt a story, almost a romantic novel. I had met a girl who didn’t seem interested, she was edgy, different to the ‘safe’ girls I have met previously, she sent me texts of other guys to make me jealous. The story went on and blanks were filled so to speak but all in all, we got together. It was amazing, but I lost her, she passed!
I awoke to the feeling of extreme loss and pain but also real love, surreal to say the least, I’m struggling to get over it
hi guys., same situation.,. i have wife and 1 child,. but i have a girl in my dream., and were happy togerther., shes name is jen, i dont know the full name., shes pretty and sweet., and true telling im in love with her,. i hope someday we will meet in real life.,.
Hey, I’m 16 years old and while I’ve had an emotional relationship, I’ve never had a physical one. The past 8-11 days I’ve consistently had dreams of a romantic nature. They’re never the same or involve the same people (All but one of which have been imaginary) but in the dreams we always end up touching/kissing/necking/ anything of a sensual nature.
Is this a manifestation of my desire to experience a physical connection?
Help me please, i`m really confused. Last night i had a dream about me walking inside a mall i don’t know which mall is it seems like a place i never been there before but i met this girl she`s so cute, her laugh, her smile, her eyes, and i think i`m in love with her i doesn`t really know that girl until i log in to my facebook, and i found that exact same girl on myfriendlist, what should i do? should i start talking to her? this is driving me crazy..
I am twelve yet had the most vivid dream in which had feeling when he kissed me on the side of my mouth and I literally melted, it was nothing I had ever felt. I have never loved and he was so sincere I don’t even know what to call it. How could my mind imagine something so perfect if I have never felt it? I just don’t understand. Please help.
I also started panicing when I couldn’t find him. My heart needed him. It didn’t make sense.
Hi my names Jose and I’m 15 my problem is I always have a dream of a beautiful brunette girl that I fall in love with and I get to shy to tell her I like her then she goes with a different guy and I’m too late. And that’s in every dream I have. Then after that I can’t stop thinking of that girl for days. And every time I have that dream I try to change what happens and try to find out her name but I can’t.
I recently had this dream where i see this girl..and something happens..there were these familiar faces..and as what happend with others above i didn’t knew the girl or remember her face..and damn i married her in my dream !!
And the same thing also happend before too..so is there a possibility that these are connected…and that girl really exists..and i just have to find her ??
Maybe but I feel you wouldn’t experience the same felling in real life even if you fell in love
I had multiple dreams in a row… in which when I woke up my eyes were still closed and I fell back asleep immediately… this girl… I heard her name Kristianna or Kristianne. She had black hair shoulder length… crystalline blue eyes.. and she was very short around 5’0″.. I was working somewhere tropical… and then it was here in canada.. then it was tropical again on a little island… then it was in spain. I don’t understand why I can’t stop thinking of this girl… but I only saw her at the beginning… we kissed… made love and I was always sweeping her off her feet like it was the day of a wedding but without any wedding dress. (Like the groom picks up the bride after the wedding..) I have never seen this girl in my entire life… yet I cannot stop thinking about her… when I got to the island I was waiting for her but she never came… and apparently in spain i thought I saw her but it wasn’t her… she had a yellow shirt on I remember… that or a dress.. I sat around a fountain where I looked in the water…. I feel so heartbroken..
I remember that the water was very clear very calm around the island… the sky was bright blue..and there was a canopy we laid in…. but I can’t connect any of this I don’t know what to do.. it feels like I lost the love of my life… yet I don’t even know who it is…
I had a dream when i met the girl it was in a cold snowy place, we were strangers at first then she started talking to me. End up we were at her parents house. They were very wealthy, i didnt have anything. But her mother wouldn’t approve of our relationship. So she sent these drones to take me out but i survived. Then her mother saw us cuddling and how happy we were that she approved then a few days later she fot the news that she was moving to Germany. I was really bummed out but oh her, she was really devestated because she just found someone that takes her for who she is. She was petite, about 5’4, tan skin, her hair had been cur but she was beautiful. When she was at the airport, i had to climb a very steep hill because the airport was on top of the hill. And when she saw me, she ran to me and gave me a big hug and started crying. I held her and i told her that it was okay. I will come visit her in Germany. Then she left just like that i woke up. Sigh. Send me back to sleep.
Hi I’m Krista, I just woke up from a dream with a guy who I honestly fell in love with. He was loving and caring and devoted to me. I don’t know if I dreamt of him because that’s what I want in a guy or he’s actually out there. I can’t stop thinking about him I woke up and im desperate to know who he is, where he is, and if I’ll ever meet him. In my dream he searched for me for years because he loved me and truth is is I fell in love in my dream.
I had a dream of a boy and he took me on a date and I knew I was older, it wouldn’t happen soon. He had a face in my dream; I can remember the other faces in my dream but somehow his is just the only one I’ve forgotten?
I just dreamt I was lying in bed with a girl I do not know in the real life but I truly felt what to be in love is. Anything sexual because she said to be in her period. Currently I am quite worried because I miss being with someone. Might it be related? My mood today is completely determined by this dream.
i wish these dreams were signs to lead you on to someone that perfect looking that gives you that mushy feeling. But it’s a dream and it’s just a figment of our imaginations 🙁 it sucks.. Because I have these dreams often and every time I meet that girl she’s different looking but I do notice they all act in the same way. I love having them. But I hate when you’re getting somewhere in it and they end or something happens that makes you wake up in the middle of it, like I was literally gonna ask her name and age. We were stuck in a car together in the back seat real close. Her face was so close to mine. She was divine.
I had a dream not too long ago of me kissing this beautiful yet mysterious girl…and I’m a girl myself too! After we kissed, we then cuddled and spoke sweet nothings together…she was so beautiful with her long dark hair and emerald eyes. I was seriously in love with the woman. too bad it was just a dream.
Hi, I’m 14. I haven’t had a boyfried yet ever but I keep having dreams about random guys that don’t exist. I end up falling in love with them. When I wake up, I find myself crying because I know they are only figures in my imagination.
I just had one of those dreams today, except for I know the person but I don’t know where from and it’s driving me insane! I would have probably been able to figure it out, unfortunately i jolted myself awake before I could 🙁
I had a dream about my old friend in high school. We never meet since we’re graduated. But since i woke up, i end up falling in love with him. Then what should i do?
Im not sure exactly what it means. I dream about being in a relationship with this person, and have been dreaming about him every night for at least the last 3 weeks. In the dreams, he is everything that I want, and nothing that I have. Hes protective of me.. loves me, and holds me, stares into my eyes, and I can FEEL that love. I understand the “Your mind cant make up faces,” But why not? Minds can do incredible things. If they can figment amazing dreams, why not faces? Anyway, if hes real, I wish I could just run into him, so that I could get through this, but Im sure that is unlikely. Perhaps what I am encountering is dreaming about things that I need and want from a relationship, but are not receiving in my current ones…..
Every single month, i dream of my crush. Why is that so? Does he dream of me?
I just met this guy in my dream and it was love at first sight, but I’ve can’t remember his face. All I know is that he had a blue shirt and we met at a supermatket’s cash register..?
I myself, I am a married man. And I am very happily married. My wife is pregnant, and we have a great relationship! However, the last two nights, I have dreamed of falling in love with two different women. Both of these women, I know. One very personally, and the other just an acquaintance. The acquaintance was far more enjoyable than the first, and like I said my wife and I are very happy with each other, and we have definitely grown closer together, my question would be, why do I have dreams about other women, when I am madly in love with my wife? Now I will say that my wife is not as feminine as others when it comes to her personality, but her body type is definitely feminine. So it has definitely thrown me for a loop.
Last night i had a dream about this guy. He had a fair skin tone, brown hair and brown eyes. I remember having his big adventure with him. Also his hugs and kisses, they just felt so real! Another very vivid memory was that he was sitting down and i came up behind him and kissed his forehead. I became best friends with one of his good mates during that dream. And then i woke up in tears.
I had this dream where I met this girl at a party. I met her because I got a seizure and someone called her over and she gave me this shot that helped me. She then after helped me up to a couch near by (by the way this all took place in my home) and after talking with her I just began to fall in love.. (Butterflies hit my stomach like a storm) so I told her that I didn’t want her to go, I didn’t want to lose her (because I had full control of my dream and know this was a dream.. She also knew this was a dream). So I opened my hand and created this ring (powers) and I put it on her and said “if you keep this on, I should be able to see you again” and the moment she touched it, it became awedding band. And she replied that it couldn’t be.. So she ran off.. I chased her till the sun rose and she stopped at a halt and turned around quick to warn me of a truck that was about to run me over, I dodged it in time (I always feel that I was supposed to actually die there and wake.. And she possibly turned the tables to save me). So when I finally caught up to her because after that she stood there.. I held her and told her again that I didn’t want to lose her and that I had to depart soon (wake up).. So she looked down with doubt.. But then cracked a small smile as if she remembered something and then said “maybe.. Let’s see..” So when I let her go, I shot up into the sky and woke. The strangest part is that when I woke.. I had butterflies in my stomach.. Like if I really was in love.. I even have a girlfriend currently which I am greatly in love with considering I’ve been dating her for a long while now.. I know its just a dream and maybe it won’t relate to anything in my life.. It just left me really confused.
The big thing is I know her name address and phone number in the dreams but can’t remember them when I wake up. She keeps coming into my dreams we never got Intamate but holding her feels so good I feel so peace full so much that I start recognizing it as a dream and wake up. I return to sleep only for her to be waiting. She has been in my dreams since my teen years and I’m in my mid thirties. We always seem to rekindle even after arguing it’s like a real relation ship we talk joke she wins the arguements it’s as real in my mind as the relationship I’m in. I can’t talk about how she makes me feel because I just can’t explain it in words. Why is she always there and what should I do if one day I remember her info like the address or name and number. Would I be wrong to check it out or let it go if I do wake up and remember.
I’m 28 and I’m in a relationship. I just woke ul from one of those dreams, it must’ve been the fifth time in my entire life.
I was in a small party with family and some friends, there was this girl across the room, everyone was so quiet, she aproached to me and we started talking. I liked the way she looked and we simmply connected right away.
Then her family decided to leave the party so she stood in front of everyone and said “This has been a great tine for us, thank you. I’ve met some great people, even felt like falling in love with some of you” (she looked at me), “Bye!”. Then, right before leaving she said “come” and outside the room she said she really enjoyed being with me, I quickly said “Give me your number!” And after writting it down she said “meet me at the station at 2 pm, I would love to hang around”. It seemed like she was not from the city.
The day passed, we were still at this house, then the dream became some sort of light horror film. I was so worried about not making it to the station on time. Suddenly my phone rang, it was a message, she wrote some sweet thing and I smiled. That was the end of the dream.
I’ve been thinking about her this whole time, I remember her face a little bit and I still ha e the same feeling I had when I read her message.
5 years ago i had a dream of this guy ive never seen or met before and the next day i end up meeting him, in my dream i fell in love with him at the time i didnt know it was him, but couple years later we started dating and i had a deja vu and relized it was him i seen in my dream..
So, for the past couple of months i have had a guy in my dreams who I have never seen, over time I have grown a VERY strong connection with him. I canlt stop thinking about him and I was wondering if there is any hope that it could mean something like, hes real or something. I know its strange but I can’t get him out of my head.
I also had the dream of falling in love last night, but I couldn’t see his face, he just hugged me from back and touched my hair and kissed my hair. I was acting like I was sleeping but I was not (in my dream) I just liked the way he was giving his love to me. When I woke up I felt that nice feeling of being in love which I can’t describe. I was in love once but this is something different, which I think you may not experience in real life.
I’ve had these dreams where I fall in love and it’s amazing. In the dream when I hug a person or kiss them it’s complete ecstasy, almost like a fairytale. I know it’s weird, but it’s almost like I recognize the person because of there lingering scent. The bad thing is I have a boyfriend and I only ever felt half as good compared to the guy in my dreams. It makes me feel like I am not in love with my boyfriend, because I mean what I felt for the guy I’m my dream makes my heart feel like a bubble and I just want to go back to sleep. It sucks when I have to wake up and realize there’s no great love☹
I experienced a similar lucid dream today.
In my dream
I met this girl whom I dont know at all.. in fact, I dont even remember her face! And my conscience in the dream totally fell in love with.. so did she with mine.
There were random scenes and they made no sense at all. She used to pop in between them and I felt happy whenever it happened. Things were going real good but then I woke up.
Now I cant stop thinking about her and the fact that she does not exist drives me crazy..!
Please. Help.
This is very real.. and very disturbing. I had one of these dreams 2 days ago. I’m still desperate to know who she is and it’s interfering with my marriage. I know I should talk to my wife, but I can’t. How do I tell her I’m in love with a dream..l and it’s insane.. I fight the feeling of love for this woman I met in my dream. If I don’t I’m afraid I’ll fall into a depression or I’ll lose my mind. She was the most beautiful, perfect woman, and I miss her terribly .. too much really. I wish I could be happy just to have met her.. but she has changed my life as if she were real. I remember every detail of her.. like I knew her for years. I don’t think I’ll ever get over her.
I wish I could remember more about the girl in my dream man… consider yourself fortunate
I fell in love with a celebrity I have actually met in my dream the other night. We were in a relationship and trying to have sexy time together… I felt silly even while I was dreaming it because I don’t have strong feelings for this man in reality and I know he’s happily married with a family. But it was vivid and real in the dream. He even offered me a substantial amount of money to keep me happy while he was away on tour. It was sweet and surreal, and kind of strange… I wondered if we were so intimate because I got to meet him in reality in the past away from the character he’s famous for playing. It’s left me feeling sad, tbh… I’ve been single for a number of years now and although I’m not pining for this man in particular, it’s highlighted my need for love and affection. I’ve been feeling haunted and kind of sad ever since. I didn’t sleep last night because I don’t want to dream about him again.
I’ve been having this dream for a few times in my life. I can’t really remember the details but what I know is that in the dream, it felt so real and so familiar. In the dream, I was in a university. I was checking out the classes and all. Then I enter this one class and I found this one guy leaning on the teacher’s desk. I don’t know who he is but in the dream, it’s like I know him all my life and we have some history together but I don’t know what. But the way he smile at me it makes my heart beats and what I know is that I fell in love with him instantly. He’s the drama professor and I immediately applied his class and when I told this to my family, they literally laugh at me. And then when I enter his class, we had this moments together, like he always looks at me and smile secretly .The dream was so fast forward. We didn’t kiss or hug or anything, it’s like being near him and knowing he feels the same way as me is enough to make me feel so high. And after that, while I was busy being happy and denial at the same time with my professor, suddenly my first love came. And when she came (yes my first love is a girl) I was trying to impress her just the way I uses to do but the feeling is different. Like I’m close with her just to get the professor to like me but believe me, even in real life it’s always the other way. I always use other guys to make her feel jealous no matter how many times I had move on with her. And this is bizzare for me cause I’m not the girl who’s into secret relationship or teacher and student relationship. And for some reason I feel so calm in the dream. I just wish that I could remember his face.
Last night I saw a girl in my dream who i love in real life but i can’t propose her in real life.
In my dream my friend locked me in a room i still don’t remember.I said him please open the door and i heard a voice and turned around I saw a girl who i love in real life.She told me that”I know you love me.I was suprise and told her “how can you know.”She said me that she know and say me that she love me.I was suprise and dream over.When i wake up i felling happy.Please help me what does it means.Help!!
I had a dream that I was re-falling in love with my actual girlfriend. That’s about the only thing I can remember besides breaking my friend out of some crazy high tech prison sorta thing…
Last night I dreamt that I was walking and came upon this small beach. There were dark gray clouds in the sky and it was about sunset, like that time when its just about to get dark. I looked out over the ocean. It was big and dark navy blue and the waves were big and violent looking but slow. I saw flashes of white lightning underneath the waves and then the ocean started speaking to me in a soft female voice that sounded as if it were about my age. I sat down on the dark sand with my knees tucked into my chest and we kept talking even after it got dark and well into the night. Eventually, we fell in love. I stood up and let myself fall into the waves and she carried me out to sea. The water was warm and soft, kind of like ironed silk. We talked all night. I saw her face through the waves sort of like when you’re talking to someone in bed and the covers block their face a little. I have such a clear vision of what she looked like, sounded like and felt like even though I’ve never met anyone like her in my waking life. At one point in the night we touched hands but since she was water my hand sort of went through hers. She craddled me all night in her waves and her current brought me all the way back to land. Her waves helped stand me up and without even turning back I began to walk through the waves towards the land…
I’m female dreaming of a female…so what does that mean? am I actually more in touch with my animus most of the time? Or is this something different?
I keep having dreams about falling in love with my best friend. We’re both guys, I’m gay but he’s straight.in the dream I always end up being next to him and he grabs my hand and we hold hands and look at each other knowing we are both in love with each other. I feel so happy in the dream but when I wake up I feel so depressed, and that really down feeling goes on for a couple of weeks because I know it won’t happen (even though my friend is very feminine but says he isn’t gay). I always hate it and it’s eating me up inside…
Is it weird that I fell in love with a drawing? I never saw a drawing like that before? What is wrong with me?
I have had these dreams before but never, ever as vivid and as real as today. It was complete love, the relationship was built from scratch through what seemed the perfect set of words and actions on both sides. The relationship was shy at the beginning, and grew with subtle talking, smiles and jokes. Then we begun to admire each others kindness towards one another, our feelings grew slowly as we talked, and finally she started to tear up and she said : Look this has been so perfect I don’t want anything to go wrong. We were walking. I put my arm around her and I looked into her eyes and I said ” You are so kind, and caring, and selfless and understanding. “Those are my qualities…” she replied, still crying mildy. “and beautiful” I said. Shortly after this I had one of those moments when you half wake up from the dream, and my phone started ringing at that exact time and I had to get up. Wish it never rung. Wish I could see her face again. I have never been so in love with someone in my life (and I’m in a committed relationship) and understand that this story is only what I could remember from it…or manage to explain. The feelings, the humbleness and subtlety, it was like we caught each others attention from the start but there was no embarrassment, just kindness and yeah I’m rambling on now. Btw I’m 19 🙂
This happened to me the other night and the guy is Instagram famous so I know that will never happen..It’s been making me fell really depressed
I had this dream last night that I was moving out starting my life as a young adult it felt so real and when I was moving all my stuff into my apartment this girl came and helped me moved in and I was just talking to her and in my dream I just wanted to be with her no matter what and later in my dream I got to meet her parents and I was getting along with her family and helping her dad build a engine for a car and next thing I remember was that we were getting married and starting a family and it all felt so real I woke up way late than I normally do like at 5pm just having that dream and I wanted to go back to it and live that life what does this dream mean and I really want to meet that girl in the real world
Last night, I had a dream about sophie turner, we were together in GoT, we kissed several times and it was like we were going to live together but it makes me really disturbed this morning or you may say sad or depressed. It is not even possible. But yet, the dream happened. I didn’t even have any crush on her. I feel more sad when I remember the fact that I am single
I “fall in love” every night in my dreams. It’s usually with girls that have similar personalities to eachother. What’s really odd about these dreams is it’s always during a war.
I once had a lucid dream as well. He told his name to me ! Unfortunately, I can’t remember his name by the next morning. I see the picture of him when I closed my eyes but it suddenly fadeaway, it made me sad ! In my dream I saw him as a dog ,a few minute later the dog turned into a human. He carried my hand and run passed my garden.I felt so excited moreover it made me happy and my heart is bumping ! At he end of the dream I got lost and I hug him. He said to me with some surreal line like this so…I have been dreaming about the same person but I can’t remember his face ! It borther me so bad ! Hate it !!!!!! :(((
I just had two dreams about a guy…the second was a possible continuation of the first. The first one involved him having amnesia for the longest period of time. I could feel the frustration throughout it. When he remembered me, I couldn’t stop holding him, hugging him, mussing up his hair… But then my dog woke me up.
After falling asleep a second time, time had passed. I only messaged him on Skype instead of meeting apparently. But when we arranged for another get-together, I could still feel the same connection and love I felt in the first dream. I’m only 50% sure I heard his name correctly. I really wish I never woke up.
Hey there,so I had a dream about this guy and I remember it clearly.This will sound crazy but here it goes.So,my school is organising a student exchange programme to Germany and i got in ,so we went ti Germany and i met this guy,he was tall ,fair ,hazel eyes and brown hair.He looked really good.So turns out ,he was hosting me,and sooner over the two weeks in my dream,we became really close really fast and he was like my best friend.On the last day,before leaving Germany,at the airport he hugged me and pulled away,i felt so alive and happy but then he started leaning in and i could feel this unexplainable feelings,he was about to kiss me but then i woke up.Now,its been over a week and I’m still thinking about him.What should I do?
Well, a dream is still just a dream. But I’m sure you’ll find your significant other in time. Just don’t force it. I swear, there are such things as happy endings and perfect matches, you just have to wait.
I’ve been having dreams about falling in love one after the other. And also everytime I have a love dream it’s not the same guy its different guys.
I am a Lesbian. This dream got me fucked up in the head . Like the whole dream felt real, or like it’s going to happen , but truth is I don’t believe in marriage but in this dream I was married to a beautiful white woman with natural blond hair which is another weird thing because I never even thought of a blonde before but anyways, we just connected and things were perfect, & how we met was we both were walking our dogs in the park and she was thick, I looked but didn’t turn away in time, she came back and said hi, we introduce ourselves and she kinda just stood there smiling so I told her I’m always up here walking my pup so maybe I’ll see her around, she smiled and said ok…I sat on the bench while my pup laid in the grass, she came back which was weird because she was almost 10 years older than me and surprisingly she asked for my number, I asked was she flirting with me 🤔🤔 she said she was trying to and me being a little slow when people flirt with me..my reaction was different, I asked why ? 😂 her response was “I don’t know, I always see you walking your pup here but something stopped me today, I felt more comfortable today to talk to you”, me still in shock I’m just there like 😯😯 and she runs off with her dog yelling for me to call her. I let a few days past but finally called her, I’m usually the romantic type who surprises others but she offered to take me out on a date..it was romantic…something I’ve never came across before but I really thought someone was pranking me but everything felt real , more romantic dates happened and we both were ourselves but she asked me to marry her only after about 6 months of dating….our vides with one another was perfect and she no longer wanted to wait, I became her soulmate as she was mine as well, I immediately said yes (but I don’t believe in marriage once again) but yes was my answer and we literally both lived a happy life together! #iwishthatdreamcametrue 🙏🏾🙄🤔🤔
I see this is an old post but I need some help on this one, there is a girl that I’ve liked for years now, thing is she’s gone through a handful of boyfriends and has never had an interest in me. Eventually I finally moved on but then I had a romantic dream about her and I woke up again as in love as I was before I got over her. It’s really getting to me because I’ve basically come to the realization that it won’t happen. Therefore when I have the dreams they are unwanted as they make me experience something that I want but I know will never happen.
There was a boy that I met. I did not know him,but I felt like I have seen him before. A name for this being was established: Alan. I’m a emotionally messed up person and I thought this was real life and he had been assigned to me to protect me when I got all suicidal and stuff. I felt truly connected to “Alan”. When I woke up, not only was I confused. I know I have to find him even though he does not exist?
So my dream started off absolutely fantastic, I met this girl, and I have never felt this happy or complete. She embodied everything that I ever wanted. It was amazing because I woke up for about a half an hour and then fell back into my dream. Then it took a hard right, suddenly she disappeared, and I became lost without her. I was looking everywhere for her witch seemed like days, until I finally found her. This dream does not have a happy ending, so I finally find her and she’s being killed. The worst part was that I had to go on in that dream never being able to be with her again, and that was the worst feeling I have ever felt. I hope one day I actually meet her.
I have been single for 5 years. I dreamt last night I fell in love and it was reciprocated. It was magical. I was so happy. I could feel everything. See every feature on his face. And I was happy. Peaceful. Elated. And when I woke up I was fine. But as the day dragged on I felt more and more saddened that all those feelings were just a dream, and none of it happened, and none of it was real. I couldn’t shake it. To feel those feelings– and it was all just a silly dream, made me feel such a deep seeded pain. I know I am lonely. But to only obtain that kind of acceptance in a dream, and to snap back to my lonely reality is so hard for me to let go of. I try to ignore my feelings of how lonely I am. And now my mind is cruely making me confront these feelings. I just don’t understand. I can’t shake this sadness now.
In my case i know the person i am falling in love with in my dream and what’s bad is that i know that in real life it is impossible to happen …and the worst part is that i am loving it….. is it possible that he is feeling the same too? Although both of us have partners.
Same happen to me, i just dreamt i meet a girl at a small cafe or bar or something, she was about to leave but i looked at her when she came to the door and she turned around and looked at me and we smiled at eachoter , then i just had to run over and give her my phone number , ended up with took the buss together sitting in the same seat hear head leaning on my shoulder and holding hands , we was in love and accepted eachoter from the start without even knowing eachoter , then wake up 🙁
I dreamt about a guy I didn’t know but it all started in this weird situation. I was buying a calculator at some local store but unfortunately there’s no calculator that I wanted (I didn’t know why I remembered to buy it in my dream). So I left the store and went to my mom’s car but there is no car at there. Where’s my mom? I thought. I don’t care though so I walked to this weird place (looks like a field but naahh, it’s not and it’s full of soil or whatever) and I saw everyone is running away from the teachers. And they are wearing our school uniform too! I wear it too, this is weird. Then, one of my friend came to me and told me to run with her so I just followed her and one of my friend joined us. There are so many teachers at there but I don’t see our principal. The teachers are chasing the students (included us but we’re hiding). Then, they are many teachers maybe like a thousand, came towards our hiding place. Out of nowhere, there’s a boy (a very handsome and attractive boy) with a bow kill all of the teachers. He told me that he was saving me. After he killed all the teachers, he took my hand and then the scene was like have been cut up. The weird thing is, I felt the electricity when our hands touched.). Strangely, the scene continued and I was at the cloud sitting next to him. He called my name and told me he loves me. I was too stunned to react but then I felt the same way so I told him I love him too. We talked and talked until I brought family topic. His body stiffened amd his eyes turned hard. I asked him why? what happened? and all I could hear is “My father..” and then everything he said was blurred. He spit out a word in anger and I saw lightning appeared besides him. Then, I fell off from the cloud and the next thing I know is he jumped from the cloud and embraced me in his arms. I woke up during the falling but I don’t seem surprised like I dream about falling before. It’s like I’ve been saved by him. And it’s look like a clue that I was falling, for him. The strangest thing is, I remembered that I forgot to buy a calculator in real life and I decided to buy it in the dream, I was being myself in the dream not like others dream that I feel like an actress in it and I felt electricity and I have this L feeling towards him. But I couldn’t remembered his face after I woke up. It’s look like only his face have been blurred. I can’t stop thinking about this guy and this dream for about a month and a half now. Help?
I and my boyfriend were meant to be forever but he met another girl at his work place. She did everything to break us apart B’cos she was younger and attractive, and finally my boyfriend moved in with her. I tried few cheap spells but to no avail then I ordered the most powerful love spell from (Robinson.buckler@ (yahoo). com) and I don’t regret it! i and my boyfriend are back together and happier than ever. if you are heart broken and you want your lover back contact this spell caster Robinson, he is A top spell caster of the season, he has such a perfect view on love spells that I believe he can solve any case given to him. I recommend his love spell to couples in need of help. Use his services……
I fell in love in my dream last night. This girl came up to me who knew my name and was extremely happy to see me. She was a white haired girl who was a little shorter then me and she had the nicest smile ever! I barely remembered her name, as it felt i had only met her once before. But as soon as i saw her smile and her enthousiasm i immediately fell in love and we became instant soulmates. We took a car ride together, talked and flirted during that ride, untill I eventually woke up. Thats all I remember at least. I hope someday ill meet this girl in real life…
I have such vivid dreams about this love. The first time I met him, he wrapped me in this deep, immense love. He made love to me and it was godly. I woke up and couldn’t move. I was in disbelief for what had just happened. Like this love was so deep I couldn’t shake it. Well he came to me again last night. We held each other and made beautiful love again but something happened and I thought he was killed. And somehow I had this connection with the deceased that he was able to write me a letter and it said, “I love you so much, but you already knew that.” That was the first tine he told me he loved me. I wrote him a letter back and that was that. So I grieved and next day, in my dream, I went somewhere I think to work and found him! But something was off at first. So I just felt very depressed. By this point I had awoken but I layed there and tried to push through the dreaming barrier for at least an hour and I did! We left work together and rode in his truck hand in hand.
That’s all I remember. I really feel as though this is happening in the spirit world or something.
Last night I saw a Dream in which a very pretty cute girl of my age picks me up from nowhere in her sedan along with her sister and then she let me sit with her , I was so shy there and with time being she slightly and gently touched my face with her cold white hands , It give me a very pleasant feeling of love, I don’t know who is that girl, and is she really existed in the world or not, anyhow from that moment of dream in which she gently touched my cheeks with love, that scene is not leaving my sight. Its a very pleasant feeling and giving me goose bumps, I wish it wouldn’t be a dream and I really met such a loving girl, can someone interpret this dream of mine, I’ve never seen such a dream before, My age is 25 years… 🙂
I have an experience where I fall in love with my dream girl and I have the time of my life twice but the second time last night I got my heart broken in the dream and it was terrible I woke up feeling like I got my heart broken
i often find myself dreaming about someone and the dream is always me and that person spending the whole day together and right at the end we will kiss or right before in the dream i tell her i love her but before i can kiss her in my dream or tell her i love her i wake up.
Just had one of these, uh she was this gothic chick who did drugs and was very against the grain, where i am neither goth, used to be into drugs but am now 3 years clean (besides weed). she was haunting me really bad in this dream and i’m pretty sure its reoccuring. Though usually shes rides away at end and disappears, this time she falls for a God who is raging looking for love and finds her, she has the choice between me and him and chooses him of course. I wind up sulking and dejected. Then I wake up, go to Br, really depressed mind you, go back to sleep, and the next dream is me trying to find her phone number in her “made-up” friends phone. Very torturous and bizarre, feeling that results: extreme lonesomenes.
I just woke up from this dream and I feel so sad. I fell so deeply in love with a girl in my dream that I was crying when I woke up. It felt like years had gone by I’m laying here literally heart broken now.
I’m 23, married, and I have a great life. But thses dreams are killing me and I’ve had so many of them.
When I first started having these dreams it was just a feeling, but now I see every detail about her. I never know her name though and ive never seen here in the real world.
Shes very tall, average build(not thick or thin but evenly proportioned), she got a long rounded face and jet black hair that hangs down past her shoulders. Her eyes are what really get me they’re brown and black and she has dark eye shadow that really make them pop. She is so beautiful but the feeling in my heart is that I need to save her.
The scenario of this dream started out as a wet dream, but as the dream continued, the feeling of pleasure turned into love and then fear for her life and I had to save her. There were these people that had her locked up in a storage room and ‘visit’ her and do things with her. What was weird is that she didn’t seem to care. But after I found her in the room i heard someone else coming and i hid underneath some racking. 3 people entered the room- 2 guys a woman.
But before they could grab the girl I jumped out and attacked them. I knocked all 3 of them out cold and there was a lot of blood from where I broke the younger of the guys nose. It felt so real and I remember my heart pounding out of my chest from the exhilaration. That scenario played out in several different places and chase the girl would disappear and I’d have to go find her and save her again. The end of the dream though right before I woke up is what killed me. I was in a parking lot full of cars and at the end of the main drive aisle there was a blue car that was running. As I got closer I could see the the girl was in the back seat on the right side. I started running to the car and then I noticed that there were 3 more people in the car. Them I know personally. They’re my best friends and as I got to the car I reached my hand out for the girl but they told me to leave her alone and they drove off. The girl was smiling at me and it looked like she was gonna cry as they drove away. Then I woke up and all that I had fought for was gone. So now I’m just sitting here trying to get a grip on reality again. At first its hard to figure out what’s real and what’s made up fro my dream.
I am !6 and i had a dream where i saw glimpse of me in a relationship with someone i havent even seen before. I saw what it seems to be a school and i see her showing me to my next class then it jumps to me saying my vows. Then having a intercourse with them. Then holding my baby daughter in my arms. I woke up very attached to this girl who i havent met. i want to know what this means. I think i love her but i have a girlfriend right now. Please help.
Okay so firstly i would like to say im a 18 year old male i have been in a relationship for about 1 year 10 months but a few nights ago i had a strange dream that i met a other women and that we had sex and afterwards in my dream that women was telling me i must leave my current girl and be with her (i have no idea who this women is) and when i woke up i had these strong feelings towards this unknown women and its been bugging me for a few days now
I have been dreaming about strangers since I was in junior high (now I’m in 2nd year in uni), I felt comfortable most of the time when I dreamed of them. But I didn’t really take it seriously. Sometimes the dreams were intense, sometimes I didn’t dream about it for weeks. Just depends on my days.
Anyway, I haven’t dreamed about it for months now until last night, out of the blue, I dreamed of this guy. He happened to be an actor but in my dream he wasn’t an actor anymore, he retired early and became an ordinary guy. At first, I asked for photos with him, from normal pose to hugging pose. The feeling of hugging him was so real, it was warm, and comforting. Then, I didn’t want to creep him out so I slowly walked away. But as I walked away, we went to the same direction. He tried to talk to my friend but my friend didn’t realize it so I helped and stuff, then we ended up sitting together on stairs. We talked there, I had my ice cream. He was few years older than I was, he was mature, I felt safe with him, I felt I could do anything with him and he could protect me although we only met just now. Then as we talked, my hair got messy because of the wind, and being gentleman as he was, he repaired my hair. And I swear I’ve never felt that way in my life, I swear I was about to fall in love with him. Until my mom woke me up.
Sure I’ve been dreaming guys in romantic way but it was the first time I felt love; or I was about to fall in love. Is that even possible? Is it? Now I feel like.. not empty, just craving for something I felt in my dream last night. I swear it felt so real. I didn’t realize it was a dream.
I feel empty and lonely most of them but not nowadays. I feel okay, I don’t feel sad, I feel kinda happy instead but then I dreamed of it. What does it mean? Is it possible for us to actually be in love in dreams with some.. fictional characters?
I’m so curious of it that i googled it lol and found some pages. I don’t usually share comments but here I am, sharing my dream last night.
I think the bottom line is I’m empty, no?
I dreamt about a girl who invited me to the pool. At first I didn’t love her, but I liked her. I got there, and after swimming their parents had to give me a ride. I got in the back with her and she started talking about kissing, and then I kissed her. That was my first kiss. That was when I felt in love with her. I felt dizzy after the kiss and super happy. Nothing could ruin my feeling after. I wanted to be with her forever, so we went on a trip just the two of us. The bad thing is in my dream I had a girlfriend (the same one I have I never real life). I did not love her. But I liked her. I did not know wha to do! I am so sad to have woken up 😭😭
Recently, I have had dreams about this boy in a hospital. His story is quite interesting. The dreams seem so real. Everything about the boy is familiar. He seems so real. It all seems so real. In the dream, its like he understands me and I understand him. I fell in love with a dream boy who most likely doesn’t exist. What do I do? And what does it mean? The dream is all I can think about.
I had this kind of dream first time …I m 19 I felt her really connecting ..She was nurse in pink uniform with curly hair ..Natural curly I guess and her skin was pink I had some brain break down in my dream and she was assistent doctor or nurse it’s very blury now ..But I would love to see that person in real ….And who to all of u who is wondering whether their man of dream or woman odf dream really exist or not u r all to know that yes he/she does exist coz ur brain might make up all scenario but but mind does not make faces u have seen him/her before …although I m not seeing much man here I just was wondering if the stranger I dreamt of saw me in her dreams to so this is my way to approach her ….If u have dremat of me ..I m not to much fair not to much dark with black hair ND bown eyes with height of 5.10 feet I didn’t look what I was wearing in my dream so sorry lol hope I see u
I’ve read many stories in the comments and now I also feel like sharing mine. I don’t really talk about it with anyone, but the last few days I’m feeling confused and really don’t know what to do. I am having dreams of this specific person for probably six years now. It’s not just a person, it’s someone I started seeing when I was 15 and I’m 21 now. It’s the guy that I cheated with on my ex, which I feel really bad about, but the tensions between this guy and me are HUGE. Afterwards we didn’t really have contact anymore, but he was in my class at school. That’s when the dreams started.
The dreams seem really simple. I just see him and we only look at each other. It’s always the same. Not more. A couple of nights ago I have had this dream of him, but this time I really felt a rush through me. Like I am really in love with him? It’s been almost a week now and he’s on my mind constantly. It’s something I don’t want, because I have a boyfriend at the moment. In the past the dreams about him have also been one of the reasons of the split between another ex of mine and me. Afterwards I started seeing him for a bit. Then I met my current boyfriend and ignored him. But the dreams keep appearing!
These kind of dreams are going on for six years now. And always after dreaming about him, I keep thinking of him for a couple of days. Then I let it fade away, but a few months afterwards I will have a dream AGAIN. It doesn’t seem to stop. Does anyone knows what this means or what I can do about it?
It amezes me that so many people had love dreams, i at first felt realy weird when i woke up, i never felt that love can be so strong. Now i feel very happy becouse of my dream and hope that one day i can find girl from my dream. Hope you all find you’r dream partners, good luck.
Seems that most of the comments here, people have a similar dream and everyone want to know who the person is. I’m fortunate in that I had the same kind of dream many years ago and like most wanted to know who this woman was in my dream. By complete chance one day I met someone who seemed so familiar and it took me a few seconds to click that this was her. Unfortunately she wasn’t interested, and yes it took some time for me to realize that so chances of any kind of friendship with her are non existent, but even worse she still appears in my dreams regularly to this day. I’m not sure if the universe is trying to send me a message or if there is some deep meaningful lesson I’m supposed to have learned but I have learned not to wish for all your dreams to come true because one day they just might and it might not be what you expect.
I keep dreaming of an unknown female and each time I just more in love but yet we don’t speak we just stand and look at each other and i can remember every detail of her face now. I can remember her blue beautiful eyes and dark blonde almost brown hair but I just wanna keep sleeping because I just wanna know who she is so I can actually meet her ( if she’s real ) im not sure if it’s because im wanting to find that special person or because I’m just so lonely and wanting to be with someone but not knowing who she is , is just killing me
I have had this dream many times. And I fell in love with him so strongly that I feel if I know he really exist I would go anywhere for him. Everytime I wake up from the this dream I feel so happy that I got to spend time with him even though in a dream. But it also makes me so sad, it breaks my heart that I don’t even know where is he. I so wish I could meet him in real.
I keep dreaming of an imaginary girl with whom I am madly in love with. Everytime I a wake up I feel immensely in love and have a warm type of thing that I never had before. I hope one day I would get to meet her.
Hi my name is love and I don’t know why but I had a dream that I feel for a guy hard and it may sound weird but I think I know him and I think he was dreaming about me but I don’t believe in true love cause I have been hurt to many times but I liked waking up and having that feeling
I had a vivid dream where I got married. I saw great details of my dress and saw him in white tuxedo and his handsome tanned features and black hair. I thought that I knew who he was in real life, but the more I looked at him the less he seemed to be. We were walking towards the priest and I didn’t really want to get married with him, so I said rudely “I will never love you! Are you sure you want to marry me?” I was hoping that this would change his mind, but he remained calm and said “Yes.”
In the end I got married with him. He put a diamond ring on my little finger, and he got a simple gold ring that teleported on his ring finger.
Then some time later, in another dream. I saw a man laying besides me. He was trying to get my attention and wanted to cuddle with me. I was a bit annoyed as I was tired and only wanted to sleep, so I turned away from him. Suddenly he leaned over from my side to kiss me. And I felt his weight over me and his warm lips on me.
It startled me awake, thinking that a devil was trying to seduce me in my dreams. I later analyzed that the man could’ve also been my “dream husband”.
i am excited bout this latest dream! i have been a strong prophetic dream all of my life..i have a tendency to dream of others and then meet them later…in this dream i was interacting with a very handsome, tall, blue eyed man..we were sitting face to face, staring into each other eyes….i had that falling in love feeling. firs time i have experienced this in a dream! he then sang to me. i am looking forward to meeting this wonderful man who has a strong connection to music!!!!
Had a dream about a red headed woman last night, she was a police officer named Doyle thin build about 5.9 (my height) with the most beautiful ginger hair and she had freckles on her face shoulder and neck(the rest was covered) not only gave I never seen her face but i cant remember meeting anyone with that name all i can feel is anxiety, all day in work I’ve searched and found a girl whos almost exactly the same but she’s not a police officer and her name isn’t Doyle……feel helpless right now and struggling with the guilt as im in a relationship….do i message this dream girl or do i leave it as that…..so confused????
Lately I have gone through a breakup with a person that I used to love…. but not to its full potential. And only this night I have dreamed of the crush guy (call him Nico) which I’ve known and befriended for these last 7 years. It’s always been my dream to have at least a date with him… Now I’m trying to get in touch with him, but he wouldn’t respond. I feel hopeless for loving a person who would never reciprocate back… I’ve had countless dates and two boyfriends since I met Nico…. but he always stays in my mind.
I keep forcing myself to wake up when I have these dreams. What does that mean?
I had a dream about my crush. I loved her in the dream. It was like we were ment for each other. When I woke up I could like still feel the love like it really happened. I deal depressed because we arnt together. I think about what it would be like if we were together. It’s just depressing thinking about. Almost like I can’t live without her.
I had a dream about a guy who saved me from someone trying to attack me. I can’t remember what he looked like or his name and it bugs me so much. He was so sweet though. But then I knew that I was waking up, so I said to him I had to go. So he kissed me and I started crying as I woke up to the cold truth that no one loves me.
Ive had dream 2 times in a but just today did i figure out who guy is it is my freinds ex i am still kind of freinds with my best freinds ex i used like him but ever seince a month ago i stopped liking him but in my dream he had a secret love for me and we ended up falling in love
I had this dream last night that me and this girl danced hugged and thing I don’t remember. All morning I have been trying to find who it is but I can’t. I just wish I could feel this way in real life.
Last night I had a dream of kissing this guy that I know from work but it felt so real and when I woke up I felt happy.
Hello the names Jesse and I woke up this morning and here I am google-ing dreams to find out why I feel this way and was is this feeling so intense. Not only that but I can remember most of it which never happens only once ha e I experienced this same feeling years ago yet still not anywhere near as strong as this morning. I red it has something to do with your prior day but nothing made sense or matched up. Then I red it could be a certain someone but even tho I can remember her face she looks like a few people. I have never felt emotionally attached to ANY woman like this and I believe I’ve had 3 women I actually fell in love with. It’s strange and the feeling is so strong I’m actually ha ING a hard time dealing with the fact that it was just a dream. Why are the feeling this strong, why can’t I shake it, why have I never felt or found some one I could have had these feelings for. I’m almost craving it like a crackhead for his rock lol. This is insanely weird and here those feeling are as real as the dream was not. I feel like a kid in school with no clue what this class is. Just looking for a little insight I guess as to why
In my dream, I saw a handsome and tall male teacher came to my class to teach Chemistry. I got attracted by him and fell in love. During an introduction session, he gave a paper where he wrote down all of his intros and passed it around the classroom. When is my turn to read his intro, most of his favourite matched me. Then I saw that his wanted partner horoscope is the same as mine.
So guys, what does it mean?
hmm.. like you all, im also curious whether the same person dreams of me too. It leads me here as I wanna know if its possible to prevent or to stop already having those ‘sweet’ dreams over the same person.So the story is I know this guy in real life. We been in same class before but we didnt talked that much. On our first year my other classmates been tripping on me.. and telling me lies that this guy likes me. Of corz I just ignore them as I know what my face looks like. Im just unfortunate unpretty girl in a corner. So who am I to think about it. Years passed and we never seen each other again. I remember the last time I saw him was in his gf’s house. I tried to smile but was badly surprised about the face reaction.Damn, I think I made a mistake to put that smile. From there I wish I would never see him again. NOMORE. Its true till this present day. However, I dont know why my subconscious life is bringing him back to me. He always visits me on my dream. This year, I think almost everynight but with diff scenarios. As I could remember the feelings, there were dreams we were both strangers, but then got connected, sometimes liked him alot, then hated him, feeling of wanting to cry, then momemts we were friends, and lovers to the point we got happily married . …. Its comforting and warm as many of you says. But the truth is the truth. We could never be like in my dreams. We have diff lives. He has his family now. I dont even remember myself thinking that much about him.By the morning, its heartbreaking to realize these one by one. Sadly , but this wakes me up from my dream… I hate the feeling of fooling around.Its annoying already, so how am I to stop my self from dreaming of him? Well just a thought,in case I would see him in a day, I think I need to pretend I didnt see him then run. I hope that way it will remind myself to run away too whenever I see him on my dreams.Then there will be none of his presence the next time.
I recently I had a dream about my childhood best friend and we was sitting on a chair looking at pictures of him when he graduated high school. Then all of a sudden we looked at each other and kept eye contact for at least 10 seconds (not the regular eye contact you have with someone while you’re talking but the “I’m in love with you” eye contact) then we looked away. This kinda startled me when I woke up because 1) I have a boyfriend 2) Out of boredom I would take fun quizzes like “Who will you marry?” “Who is your dream guy?” etc etc. And the funny thing is I don’t have a male best friend but that’s the answer I kept getting (this was before my boyfriend). Help I don’t know how to interpret this dream, I don’t know if I should let my boyfriend know, I don’t know what to do.
For about 4 years now I have an ongoing relationship in my dreams with a former crush. Some times we are in love some times we are not some times we are very distant some times we have hug a lot kiss or have sex. We are always doing different things and it’s really quite an amazing thing to have a somewhat relationship in your dreams. The dreams come maybe 2 times a month. Sometimes a month or two go by but it’s quite frequently. I’ll realize after a while has gone by where I haven’t had a dream with this person in it. Then within a couple days I do. HOWEVER THE STRANGE THING IS. Our relationship in the dream builds abon itself. We talk about things we have never actually done in real life that I can’t remember in real life but in our dream relationship we talk about then reminiscently as well as do new things that build on top of the experience. Not everything always coordinates with the time line however in most cases including just last night there is a history being built with this person in dream world.
For about 5-6 years now I have an ongoing relationship in my dreams with a former crush. “In 26 currently” Some times we are in love some times we are not some times we are very distant some times we have hug a lot kiss or have sex. We are always doing different things and it’s really quite an amazing thing to have a somewhat relationship in your dreams. The dreams come maybe 2 times a month. Sometimes a month or two go by but it’s quite frequently. I’ll realize after a while has gone by where I haven’t had a dream with this person in it. Then within a couple days I do. HOWEVER THE STRANGE THING IS. Our relationship in the dream builds abon itself. We talk about things we have never actually done in real life that I can’t remember in real life but in our dream relationship we talk about then reminiscently as well as do new things that build on top of the experience. Not everything always coordinates with the time line however in most cases including just last night there is a history being built with this person in dream world. This former crush and I talk sometimes but not more then two or three times a year. Also whenever I have a dream about this person the love and warmth felt is very very strong. Often times I can not wait until the next time we are spending time in dream land together. It’s more love then I have felt in real life tbh.
I had a dream last night where I met this girl, she was just perfect, kind, pretty, smart, caring. Let me tell you how it went. So I was a scientist in some kind of a lab that worked on innovative solutions for different problems. One day my friend told me that some girl signed up for a drug trials in our lab and that they gave her something that was not supposed to be tested on humans. I located that girl, went to her home we talked and we kept on seeing each other, then one night we slept together which sparked a feeling of love so strong that I can feel it even now that I’m writing about it. In the morning, through her tears, she told me that they’ve infected her with some kind of a patogen that was supposed to be used as a biological weapon and that she is a patient zero, not long after that they took her and locked her up in one of our secret labs to which I did not have access. Somehow I found out where she was kept so I snuck up together with my friend to her room, as I opened the door there she was, sitting in a tub filled with water. She wasn’t the person I knew before, she was devastated, almost dead, bruises all over her body. I found out about the experiment, it was used to create zombies, I know it sounds stupid. But the patient zero was not in danger of becoming a zombie. The real problem was that the patient zero would die no matter what cause the patogen was too strong for a human body. One day as I was working there was an emergency, it seemed that zombies created out of my love’s blood broke out, everybody was running away. All I could think of was to get to her and spend the last minutes of my life with her. So I did, I went to her and I went to her room and even though she was a shell of a human I lied there next to her as the facility was crumbling down, she looked at me and smiled. And then I woke up. And the feeling of pure love, the feeling that I would give anything to save that girl and to spend eternity with her filled me up, I can still feel it. I know the girl’s name and how she looked like. And I feel guilty that somehow I can’t have this kind of feeling towards my fiancee, is it something unnatural? I would give anything to go back to that dream and feel the embrace of love once more.
What a bunch of hetero bullshit… Finding feminine anima when you’re male? So what, me being gay I am an amina male looking for my male animus then? I’ve felt a MORE powerful love then any of you will ever feel, it’s more then just simple love, it’s some sort of dream magic love, something more intense… I call that dream boy, Jason.. Something I will NEVER feel for real, and all you nasty primates care about is sex, lust and hurting eachother, primitive minds… 🙁
I don’t know what happens when you have a dream about a guy. Theres this guy in my class who everyone ships me with and ill call him L. I was in my house and say mylifeaseva and I took her scissors and went into my room and jumped on my bed and L was there. He hugged me and I hugged him. I don’t know why but this part always flashes back into my head it just has me looking at the wall then at his body and wrapping my arms tighter around him and he hugs me tighter. It felt very relaxing. When I woke up I had this warm fuzzy feeling in my stomach and was smiling from ear to ear. Almost two days later I’m still wondering what to do. Please help me.
I’ve dream recently & frequently about the guy who interesting me.i’m not sure the same guy.but they love me so much i felt that even when i wake up and my heart beat too noisy.i neve have a boyfriend before so please reply me
I’ve had multiple dreams about a boy with black hair and blue eyes. When I wake up I cannot remember what his face looks like but I remember the name Sam. It feels like I’ve known him my whole life (which sounds crazy since I’ve never known anyone like him or even someone named Sam). I hope that he is real and not just a figment of my imagination, even if we never meet.
Lol my name is Sam but sorry I don’t have black hair and blue eyes and my dream I dreamt it was a girl with blonde hair and I can’t describe much but she was pretty it sucked to wake up
Funny you should say that because I happen to be blond. But it does suck to wake up and lose that feeling. I hope you dream of her again.
I hope everyone love dreams all come true. Well im cyn and mine might shock you a bit. Long story short this guy in my dream the love for one another was so intense it was like it dont exist in this world! I never knew love can feel like that. The kisses the sex the eye contact the connection like my goodness! !!! But in my dream he had his friends over one them call him to living room and some how he threaten him and told him leave and never return so i follow him. And this guy end up murdering him and his family thought he left , i had to tell them how his own friend shot him. So as i was waking up from this dream i felt a hand touch my thigh as if the person was giving me that dream and saying im here or something but i wasnt scared. All day that day i just wanted him , like my soul was connected to him i just wanted him. If he do exist 😉 but if it just dream then bring on all the dreams! So my point is true love feels great!
Had a dream I was in school, and my friend and I met this guy around school he was sooo cute..young and calm. So then my girlfriend said she likes the boy and was tryna flirt with him by borrowing his note. But instead, the guy was smiling towards me and tryna correct me in class, I later find is the note with me. Trying to use in updating mine, and after some seeing 4 sometime I was standing with a lecturer and course mate he came behind my back and hug me so tightly and I was like what.*surprised *..he smiled and stopped tho I luv it. Lol didn’t act like I did. the next thing was me looking for him to get his note back. Couldn’t find him I gave up. While going home saw him with his friends he immediately excused them and ran after me. I was smiling and fell in luv with already. .while he was seeing me off, He was smiling and so happy and the next thing he asked was how’s my younger brother doing by mentioning his name. I was like “wow” “how did you get to know my brother’s name “we stopped walking because I was shocked. He came closer to me and said YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL, HAVE FALLEN IN LUV WITH YOU. and then I woke up..I feel good anyone know what this means? Plsss
I work nights and have never been in a relationship. At 35, I’m getting more and more concerned that my time is running out. Anyway, I usually try to sleep during my break but end up tossing and turning.. However, tonight, I was actually able to fall asleep and dream. In my first dream I was very tired and taking the train home. A cute girl with what sounded like a Russian accent came up to me and in broken English seemed to need my help. She asked if I could walk her home. I told her what stop I was getting off at and she told me that was her stop as well. I agreed to walk with her and she put her arms around my neck and told me she liked me and some of the stuff I do (which most women don’t like). Something told me she must have seen me before and had the courage to come up to me and flirt, which I found to be very sweet. Of course that’s when I woke up. Not halfway through my break I tried to get myself to fall asleep again so I could continue my dream. Sometimes this works if I imagine walking through doors, each one getting deeper into the emotions, scenery, people, time of day, etc of dream I left. I did manage to fall back to sleep but this time I was at a holiday party with friends (who I don’t know in real life). I met two cute redheads while sitting by an indoor pool and flirted with both. One didn’t seem all that interested but the other one was very flirtatious and we agreed we should hang out after the party. We danced a bit and got close to kissing and I was looking forward to seeing her again. That’s when my alarm clock went off and I had to go back to work. Ughhh
Last night i had a dream about falling in love and being in a relationship. I’ve had dreams like that before but this one just kicked me in the face. I started off with me sitting next to this person in the train to school, me and this guy start to talk and it felt like a really deep talk (no clue what about but it felt good) after that he walked with me to college and joined me for a class. While is class we start to talk again and it feels like that went on for ages. Out of nowhere I decided to hug him from the side while sitting next to him. That hug made clear what I felt. He wrapped his arm around me and the whole room turns towards us and goes “awwww”. We held eachother for a while and then i got woken up by the sharp pitch of my alarm clock.
Now this may seem like something not THAT important, but I have always known that I am gay, but never really dreamt about guys before. This dream however made me feel like an emotional wreck because up what felt like being complete was just a dream. For the first time I actually yearned for a guy, THAT guy.
The rest of the day I had both a warm fuzzy feeling as well as a big hole where that feeling of love was that night.
Sorry for such a cliché story. Just really needed to get it Out!
i Had a wonderful dream about falling in love with a beautiful girl. She had blond hair, blue eyes, was wearing a light blue dress and was super nice. The dream was a bit fragmented, sometime we were walking on old Army bases inside barracks, other times we were in dorms with other people wandering around. We were heading somewhere but no particular destination. My only concern about this dream is that I am a woman, over 40 an have never been involved with a woman. And in the dream I remember telling her apprehensively that this was going to be weird because I am a woman. But even as I type this and think back to what I felt during the dream…..I was in love an it was wonderful. We were not intimate, Ionly touched her once as I was helping her up onto a bunk bed ina dorm. But oh my goodness, I felt so wonderful, and my mind knew she felt the same for me. I just remember being near her, and knowing that she was “the one” and it felt, and still feels wonderful. Nothing like I ever felt in reality.
I had a series of dreams lasting a few weeks, night after night, the same girl but different situations. Her name was Stella, blonde hair and blue/green eyes a rather mixed color. Every night my dreams seemed to pick up where it left off the night before, ranging from first dates, getting married and growing old and having kids. Some nights I’d dream of our memories of when we met and of our early days.
I’d wake up every morning, arms stretched out looking for Stella. But the more lucid I became the more I realized I was alone and it was only a dream. I’ve never met any girl like that, I don’t know anyone named Stella, so it’s not like I know anyone or anything, she’s just a girl from my dreams. But I still think about her, as if she was real, my heart goes crazy when I think about her, I even catch myself saying her name out loud.
It makes me wonder if there’s a Stella out there dreaming of me. I know it’s crazy, but a dream this powerful can’t just be my subconscious imagination. Maybe in a parallel universe we’re together and I’m dreaming their lives. But I’m just over thinking it.
I was like 12 or 13 something like that i was super young. Reading a lot of these… i remember their face and name just not there last name for the life of me! Anyway so it stared of when i moved to the east school in the district. ( my family would never make me change schools but… the Spanish immersion is considering on moving to that school for more room… weird right!) anyway so it was love at first sight. We stayed together till high school ( me trying to play it cool i don’t remember much XD ) I don;t remember much about him witch hurts but he was so nice to all my friends and could always make me laugh.Then while biking at night together down a hill together,, a drunk or reckless driver fan him over. Its indescribable the pain that i when’t though in a dream i woke up crying , Anyway this probably sounds super stupid to fall in love with someone in a dream and cry when they died even though its just a dream. But even thinking about it i’m getting teary.. I may not remember much about what happened and it sucks but as i said before i do remember his name.. It was Danny.. he was tall and had black hair , he also had bright blue eyes that i could easily get lost in. But ya kinda like Jonathon, i wish i’am not insane and Danny had a dream about me…..
I dreamt a girl I met 5 years ago. That dream filled me with happiness and love. Now it has been 8months , I have dreamt more pleasant dreams of her. I believe am in Love with her. I have felt riding from my cycle three times , because her face flashed in my mind. The best thing is,after the three pleasant dreams, this November 2017 in a ceremony at my school , I saw her next 15 seats to me. Still I didn’t yelled a word out. I was busy in seeing her smiling , laughing etc., Suddenly my mind said to click a pic of her. I borrowed a phone and she disappeared. It was sad but happiness more than sadness in the sad!. I just know her face ,name,area she lives in. No particular address , phone no etc. I believe am in love but still can’t believe ,A boy like me loved someone from his dream. Finding someone who could clear it out.
Firstly on the dream – the dream is a manifestation of your sub-conscious. You created your dream girl/boy. They come from inside you. That doesn’t mean there isn’t someone out there you can love just as much though. That feeling of bliss, love and happiness is real and you can release it by loving yourself and finding the right person to share it with.
And you will find your dream love! Trust me. I searched for 15 years for my dream girl, and I had the exact same powerful love dreams you have all described, but one day I found her, and you will too!
Do not give up. Do not settle for second best. Just wait, and eventually you will find them. It doesn’t matter how pretty or ugly you are, I have always found finding a lover easy, but that didn’t make the process any quicker or easier, in fact it added an element of doubt each time I finished with someone. All that matters is that you are patient and optimistic, you will find them!
Lastly I want to say this, my mum once said I needed to lower my standards, that I should settle down with someone rather than looking for “the one”. I told her I would wait for 20 years or be single for the rest of my life rather than settle for anything other than a love that is true, that is blinding. Stay true to your convictions. You will find them, your life partner is the most important decision you will ever make, take your time, stay positive and one day you will find a girl who you feel as strongly about as the one in your dreams. Good luck, and enjoy the search.
So I see that this is a really late comment lol but Im 16 yo girl and had a dream last night where I was in a house with a friend but like it was not a very see house to be in and I believe we were being chased lol don’t ask me. But I remember that somewhere in the middle of the dream a guy came out of no where like he jus walked into the room we were in and offered to help keep us safe and get out of the house. So we go through a series of “obstacles” n stuff and I remember that i felt a weird connection or something with him i jus felt safe and trusting, this is odd lmao. So fast forward and I remember I hugged him but I could physically feel the hug, j was completely asleep but I felt the hug, I didn’t want it to end. So more in the dream we jus kept holding hands, kissing, and bugging and it made me feel happy in the dream but when I woke up I was really sad so idk this was a weird and good dream soo lol
i’m only 14 an so had a dream about this guy i met at this party and he was so nice and attractive. we just talked the whole time and it was amazing it felt like we had a strong connection idk. then i woke up and really missed him but like i dont even know who he is. and it’s really weird bc i can still picture his face in my mind. i literally can’t stop thinking about him it’s so weird
I’m just a teen but in my dream, my brother had a new friend and I felt as if I felt so close to him and we had a very obvious connection. I’m certain we were in love but now all I can think about and wonder is if this dream will come true. My brother always has new friends coming over as he does in this dream but this one, idk but this one felt as if it was a sign. We spent the entire day together we were kissing hugging laughing and actually being ourselves. I’m happy I had this dream but bummed at the same time because it wasn’t a reality. If it becomes a reality I know it won’t just be a high school sweetheart though this dream made it seem as if we were meant to be and it sounds creepy but my mind would NEVER have thought of any of that just for a dream. NEVER. It must be a sign.
So I’m 16 and in some store and I see this beautiful girl at a shelf so as I’m walking into the back room I smile at her and she smiles back and I go into the back room and some how she’s in their also and so I walk I’ll to her to make conversation and some stuff like “oh you work here also” what’s her name and of course we talk all day just until the end of our shift and she says “let’s go back to your place” (and then it all goes black I have no idea what happened after) but then I came back and their we are my work friends and her sitting on a couch just talking and then I have my shirt off idk i just do and I was doing some dumb dance to prove a point to a friend and she starts laughing and I remember the had the cutest laugh I’ve ever heard and it made me fall on love even more so then the end of the day (my shirt is on) we’re walking to the door and just talking and then we again go back to my house and the dream ends I got so sad when I woke up ( at one point in the dream I said I hope this isn’t a dream and me in the dream woke up so I guess that was that black part in the beginning it was like a dream inside a dream)
I had a dream that someone over the phone threatened me not to fall in love …What does that mean??
last night I had this dream about girl. I don’t know why but I fell in love with her. but the thing that bothers me is that I can’t remember her face،name or anything else. The only thing that I
can remember is her blonde hair and the feelings. is she real? is she dreaming about me too? are we in the same dream? can i find her if she’s real? if she is not real why does it hurt? these are my questions about her.
To lose a loved one is never easy and people go through this pain in different ways.
Ilost my mother few years, we were very very close so it made it difficult for
me to let go. i was in pain physically, i missed her so much it started affecting my
personal life, work and family.
My husband was scared because i was depress as hell, He came across a man that is
that practice divination, reincarnation etc…..
My husband employed is service, and it works! i saw my mother in my dreams it felt real.
i started feeling better, my husbad asked me if it was okay to reincarnate my mother,i didn’t knew
it was possible…. so we tried it and it works. I gave birth to twin and they bother have my mother
qualities and character. I am still amazed that is why i am recommending him to others who desperately
needs is services like me.
you can reach him yourself……. [email protected]
You will thank me later it’s a promise.
I had a dream today. I don’t really remember most of it, but I do remember that there was this vaguely familiar guy whom I’ve DEFINITELY met before, I can’t place him though. So basically, it was pretty normal but I just felt really connected to him. It wasn’t sexual or anything, just comforting. I do remember that there was this one bit where we were sitting at a table in a cafe adjacent to one where my mother was. This hardly ever happens as I’m not allowed to talk to guys (in front of my Indian parents) and I get scolded for this a lot. Anyway, in the dream, he defended me against her and we flirted a bit and went to a pool. I also dreamt of him as a member of my school’s football team (as most of my exes are football players). I don’t know why this is affecting me so much, but I REALLY wanna find him, even though I currently have a boyfriend of 7 months. He was amazing. I am a 15 year old girl.
I just woke up after a dream of falling in love with an unknown girl on the street. I was happy while dreaming but as I came to senses I have this intense grief developing inside. I have been having dreams of falling in in love or being with with the my real life crush ever since I first fell in love at school. These are mostly in the morning or just before waking up. As a child I had heard that dreams seen in the morning come true. But I read recently that dreaming of love or being in love means I will never actually be unable romantic relationship in real life. I feel so down.
I know how you feel, I have also had a dream of my crush during the morning and another one with a random person. Hopefully whichever dream we want, we can experience it
I had a dream about a girl who I’ve never met. (I’m a girl too btw) We went to a little two story plant shop and looked at the succulents and walked places together. At one point we sat on a bench and we both ranted about our problems together and hugged after that. I just remember feeling intense love and I’m pretty sure it was reciprocated from her? I’m not completely sure, but I know the dream ended when I heard a school bell ring and I said that I’d see her later, and we could work on some project for school together later on (I didn’t have any projects to do irl so I don’t know where this came from) I’m also not completely sure but I think she was wearing a beret so once I woke up I wanted to make sure I would remember her, and nicknamed her French girl😂 We were like the same height, and it was a recurring theme in the dream that we were kind of perfect for each other because we never ran out of things to talk about. Sooo if you guys know of a girl who’s like 5’4 and is probably French that would be great lol. Then again, I had this dream early- to mid- January and haven’t wanted to write it down because someone once told me that saying a dream out loud or writing it down means you’ll never have that dream again and I wish I could. I miss her a lot, and I hope she’s real, considering there’s >7,000,000,000 people in the world. 😕
I had a dream where I was in my room but in my dream it was like more luxurious but anyways I dreamed about this Blonde Girl she was a little older a little taller and was wearing a Nike tank top,I also notice when I’m driving on a highway in my dream I see the same billboard I don’t remember what it said but it was something about God I think I attempted to take a selfie with her,so I can brag to my friends look at my new girl as a joke,but the camera button wasn’t working and Apple ID verification kept popping up in my dream and she got bored and left for a little while,I also had a dream about a blonde girl who I had sex with but in my dream when I pulled out my semen was clear idk why but it wasn’t a wet dream and I remember where this one birth mark is on her body on the right side of her genitals and a few nights ago I dreamed about my blonde crush,and I’m like not extra comfortable talking to girls, but it was like in a school it was weird and I see this girl staring at me in waking life in the middle of the halls,I don’t know if she’s thinking of me and it’s some kind of superstition but reply to answer me if you know what’s going on thanks
I had a dream last night about this guy I’ve been watching on YouTube. In his YouTube vids he has talked about what he wants in a relationship and his perspective on a lot of things. Certain things he has expressed meets a lot of things I feel or see or think the same about. Well first I think he’s cute. But anyways I started watching him everyday almost all day. I feel like I’m attracted to him. In the dream me and him were together. I introduced him to my family and it seemed like they liked him at first. After that it seemed like neither of our families wanted us together. We stayed together throughout the entire dream. We loved each other and didn’t care what anyone else thought. We also had sexual intercourse in the dream. Someone please tell me what this means and if I’m crazy.
Last night/this morning (today is Mar. 31, 2018 during night) I had 3 dreams, but the later 2 correspond to this topic the most. Starting with the 2nd dream; I’m with my crush he’s a senior and I’m a sophomore, we’re in the same elective. Anyways, I get to be around him more and have physical contact like hugging and clinging arms. I don’t remember much after that but it switches to my final dream. The dream has 2 parts, so part A I don’t recognize that I’m in a strange place. It was like an office with a lot of hallways and you could look outside, a particular hallway didn’t have any Windows but a stone railing. To my point I go back to the office and there’s this guy that I’ve been drawn into? Strange but we have some cameos and such, then in Part B a little girl enters the office and he starts to flirt with her. I’m not sure what’s going on but I get jealous and apparently pretends to fall asleep with ear buds in. Very childish and stupid I must say but then the dude comes near me and I feel a light kiss sensation. I’m not sure if I woke up at that point, pretty much If I woke up a bit more later than that…I forgot the rest in the dream. At least those are the details that correspond to this topic from my dreams. Strangely enough, I still think about the guy and have butterflies in my stomach.
Oh I’m also wondering since my crush was in that dream, I had other friends inside but he was the main focus; that he had or will have the same dream as well
So now I know that the dates update, anyways I’ve had another dream but with my childhood friend. It was like a casual day with him and our families were hanging out; he then wants to go inside of a bedroom. Nothing too inappropriate, he just sleeps on a sofa and I get sleepy so I sleep on the bed. I’m sort of awake at that point but feel like someone’s hugging me. I presume it was him and his head was on my shoulder. Note that I’m sleeping on my back and he’s on his belly hugging me. Weird but comforting, I’m not so sure about this dream.
Okay so I just woke up from this dream where I had to kill this girl but I could do that and I told her, then she killed herself? But strangely i somehow went back in time to where I can see her again and I ended up living with her and her three younger brothers since her parents died (And my mother passed away as well so that was interesting) but the weirdest part is that she only had weeks to live because of an ilness. Any thoughts?
I’m 24. Male. In a 2 1/2 year relationship.
I’ve been having these dreams very frequently lately. It’s the same girl everytime. I couldn’t forget her. She has the same eyes that are so blue you get lost in them. I’ve been having some rough relationship times and the previous one ended horribly. This girl I dream about I fall in love I just want to keep sleeping I never want to wake up when I dream about her. I can be so comfortable, I can be me. I’m introverted by nature and she is extroverted but she understands me completely. Is caring and passionate but firm and decisive. It’s everything I want in a woman. I wake up everytime just euphoric I had the dream but it’s a double edged sword of sadness because she isn’t real. After so many times I hate it now. The only thing it has shown me is that my current relationship isn’t the right one.
I’m surprised how many people see all this as a good thing.
Every single time, i dreamed of the perfect fitting girl for me that i am falling in love, i die a bit.
Because every single time, i remember her, how she looked like, what she did – why i loved her.
And when i wake up she’s just gone and i get aware of the fact, that this situation will stay impossible to happen.
She never existed and probably never will.
These dreams destroy me. I already started to take drugs for a better and deeper sleep, but i cannot control my subconscious and the more i fear her presence at night, the more i’m sure i’ll get a visit.
I always thought of dreams as some sort of a thing i have to accept as some kind of reality.
At least it is real, as long as i’m sleeping.
And the feeling of being left behind seems to be damn real, i can tell that….
Hey i have dreams alot and i am now 13 and i have dreams about falling in love and when i was 10 years old i dreamt that i was running in a maze and i chewed a girl and a week later I dreamt it again and i caught her and went or with her a week later and went on like that for 5 weeks and different girls and then there was this one girl I could see from behind but i couldn’t catch her until the maze was finished and i saw 3 girl who I chased and caught next to eachouther and then the girl I can’t catch u dreamt the same dream over and over for weeks until above her head something saying future and i dreamt it for months and 1 year later I dreamt about the same girl she had brown hair and i dreamt i went to school and saw her and i knew it was the girl from my outher dream and we fell in love and we went to an iceskate event and we danced to together and we came second place and today I dreamt of the same girl and i looked older and we went to a party and we saw eachouth in that place and fell in love and had a graet day and from today I haven’t met her and remember her face and name in the dream what does it mean
My dream girl had straight, long black hair and was also wearing black. In the dream she was reading %90 of the time while I watched and just looked at her beauty. Even in public events she was reading and I could only watch/stalk her
I know they’re reflections or not real but the person is. From what I could find, our brains can’t generate new faces. Think about it, the things you lived with this person isn’t real but the feelings AND the person was real. I’m pretty sure we can find this person. But how? No idea. If spiritualism or lucid stuff is real, we should be able to ask questions and get real answers when asked and find them using it, if one manages to remember the information.
If someone manages to find their dream crush who was a complete stranger, confront them and tell them you saw them in your dream. I think I read about a few stories like this, with everything in the dream coming true. Wouldn’t blindly believe in those things but I sure as heck will be looking for this dream person
I dream with my guy classmate whom I really don’t like in real life. But I knew that he had crush on me. But with that one night, with that dream, I fell in love with him which is really very strange to me. And now I was dying to see me. 🙁
your experience seems simlar to mine. I dreamt a few weeks back about a co-worker who I don’t even find physically attractive. We have good rapport at work though, & I admire him professionally. After the dream, I was sad & disappointed when I woke to the realization that it was only a dream, & now I have a major crush on him. I feel silly & a little obsessed. I’m 42yrs old & he’s happily married. I wish I could undream it because now its a problem. I feel like lovesick 14yr old.
I dream with my guy classmate whom I really don’t like in real life. But I knew that he had a crush on me. But with that one night, with that dream, I fell in love with him which is really very strange to me. And now I was dying to see him. 🙁
I had a dream I fell in love with 2 different girls I also killed 2 different guys by hand in the same dream.
I have met my Dream guy in my dream.. I have never seen him before.. I’m 12 and I dreamed this 2 days ago.. on July 2.. and I want to know will I ever dream of him again? Or is there a way?
I’ve fell in love with the same girl in my dreams over the past couple years. Last night was the most powerful one yet. I remember everything down to the very last detail. She rode up to my house on a yellow four wheeler wearing a black tank top and cut off blue jean shorts. She had long sandy blonde hair, slim build, a smile that made my knees weak. Shes wild and adventurous and makes me feel a way I’ve never felt before. As soon as I see her every time it’s like a switch flips inside of me and I am flooded with love and confindence which is weird because when I normally try to talk to girls in real life I get very nervous. But with this one in my dreams I’m very confident and everything goes perfectly. I write down my best description of everything I remember as soon as I wake up when these dreams occur. I’m not sure if I’m just being crazy but I always feel like I’m going to meet her in real life when the timing is right like she’s my soul mate and we were meant to be together. Could this be? Or is it just my brain making an image of my version of a perfect girl? Would like some feedback from someone with more knowledge than me on this subject. Anything helps though! Thanks for reading!
I always dream about kissing someone i don’t know or a stranger girl before but now i have a dream again and this one is so strong and also fall in love with that girl. Its really bothering me and can’t stop thinking of her because i can clearly remember her. She’s about height of 5’2 i think coz im 5’4, she has white skin, her hair is short and color black, asian eyes, she has small face and her lips are small, she has slim body (common body of girls), she’s wearing color gray shirt. The kiss is like so real for me coz she’s kissing me back too, can even still remember the smell,taste and color of her lips then after the kiss she leave, i tried to enter lucid state so i can chase her but i failed. My lucid ability is not too strong anymore like before. Hope i can dream about her again later. 🙂 im so excited to see her again lol, if she show in my dream again i will enter lucid state again so can freely hug and kiss her again. 😍
(July 16, 2018) – Philippines
I dreamt about my crush and me kissing in a very strange place. We never knew that both of us were at the same place that day. When we saw each other, we looked directly into our eyes and uncontrollably walked towards each other. We didn’t know that we both had feelings for each other deeply. There was a table, with a table cloth so large that it covered the whole table. Without saying one word, we went under that table and stayed there for a while. We stared at each other in the eyes for a long time, without looking away, until impulsively we came very close to each other and we kissed. Can someone help me here? (I’m only 13)
The next day, I dreamt about my crush again. We had a giant argument that was misunderstood by me especially, that I never wanted to see my crush ever again. I was at his house, and I wanted to run away, but before he was able to grab my hand roughly. He stared at me sternly, I felt his breath which helped me calm down, and I wanted him to let go, but he just didn’t. He said, ‘I know that you want me as much as I want you, and no matter what we do, we won’t be able to separate from each other. I’m obsessed with you deeply, and I’m sure that you feel the same for me.’ I decided to go to prove him wrong, but it didn’t work. I opened the door, and uncontrollably ran to him and stared at him, and then kissed him. He told to let him go, and stared at me for a few minutes. He whispered, ‘you are the only girl that makes me feel totally crazy” and he kissed me as strong as he could, proving that we were obsessed with each other.
Last night I dreamt about guy, he was so perfect for me. I have never felt that kind of love in real life. When I woke up I was so sad because it was just a dream.
This happened to me last night. I think it was when everyone was walking to their buses after school. This really cute short girl with medium long brown hair was walking back with me who I felt like I knew, but really didn’t in real life. We were just pushing each other back forth playfully, and I felt like even though already knowing this girl, that I didn’t know what to really do in that situation, but whatever I did to play along made her laugh with me. It never felt sexual, just cute and playful. I felt like as everyone else walked by a little faster than we were, that I was so different from them. When I got on the bus even in my dream I was thinking about her while staring out the window staring back at the school, and then I woke up. I think I need to start keeping a dream log so maybe I can go lucid and find her, but any copy of human probably has a doppelganger somewhere else in the wold, just like how she may exist in real life.
Last night i dreamt about this women i have never felt that way before, i can remember that she seemed ugly at first yet I don’t know what happened and I ended up loving her ,this feeling is bothering me, I mean I need her , if anyone knows anything about how to create a human out of dream model please help me hhhhhhhb
Interesting article.
A few points to make:
Not all men repress there sensitive side . Some men are naturally very sensitive by biological doing
Also, if you’re bi, then you dream of falling in love with men , so, the feminine male repressed theory doesn’t work there .
I dreamt about my buddy mark and we were in love . It was amazing. I had to avoid him for next few days as he is living with his gf lol
I’ve had a dream where I met a guy (didn’t know him in real life) and I knew he was the one. He was kind and sweet to me, and loved me too. We felt that we had a connection and immediately started dating. After all that I had to leave, I got his number and we started texting, but we didn’t live in the same states. That was a problem for us. Then I woke up. Ever since I’ve woken up I’m thinking about him every second and wondering if God was showing me him for my future? but I have to say I’ve had dreams like these before and it could be anyone!
I’ve dreamed about this man I’ve never met before since i was 14 now I’m 18.He will appear on my dream once or twice a year.He got matured from year by year when I dreamed about him.He will always help me when i was in trouble.Now i think my in love.
I hate it just can’t stop thinking about this one person don’t even remember what she looks like it’s pissing me off so much
I had a dream about two months ago and I woke up intensely in love. No details or memory of the dream, no person to remember, only an intense and undeniable feeling. Was the weirdest experience. It’s been two months and I still cannot shake the feeling. I feel like I’m in love and there’s no one. But I’m happy, lol. I’m fine with it – simply enjoying it. But I don’t think it’s going away. And it’s a bit distracting. I mean…here I am researching it online for goodness sake. It’s like something came and woke me up. I’m single and have been enjoying my singleness; no intention of pairing up. And cannot shake this in love feeling and there is no one I even have a crush on in my life. Although I am starting to feel this impending love coming my way. Like someone is in love with me and I’m sensing it or something – something really weird is going on (I am not the type to believe in that stuff but I have no other explanation). Like I need to start preparing for it. Get my act together. It’s hugely weird is all I can say. Anyone else experience this?
I had a dream last night, a classmate from high school, she looked exactly like her so I assume that she was. (I really liked her at some point but didn’t mean much for longer period) The part when I saw her in the dream, I’m in a cafe and she was standing at the centre, I was looking at her face directly and came up close, then was just staring at her eyes, she was looking elsewhere after a moment she was just turned her head and stared back at me. She had a beautiful face, I stared at her for the better part of a min and felt something I’ve never had before, saw her 3 times before woke up in the morning. Still my heart hurts when I think about that moment. I know it’ll pass but I’m trying to enjoy that moment, cheers.
I’m 22 btw, anyone else experienced something similar?
Hey there! I ‘m a male, 16 yrs old, and totally NOT single. I am prolly the most popular guy in my school, due to the fact that I am the captain of my nation’s junior basketball team, former leader of my school’s dance crew, 2x mathematical olympiad champion, an all distinction ABRSM piano diploma, and lots and lots of other achievements. Yes, i know i am arrogant and could be a jerk sometimes, but I do take my future seriously. Those things above made me easy to attract other populer girls, and I dated a whole bunch of them. But something happened 2 years ago, when I was on my way back to LA. In the aircraft, i bumped into someone on my way to the restroom. I’ve never felt this kind of feeling before. I wanted to say sorry, but I was stunned on what was supposed to be called, that one true love. Wait a sec. I guess we both are stunned. Coz i think she does nothing but the same thing I did. Gazing into my soul. Of all pretty girls I’ve encountered, this one seems to be… special. Oh yeah.. her name is Lara, I suppose. I guess I just said, Hi. And I think I was blushing too. So I continued my adventure to the restroom, with those flowers blossoming *ugh* on the side of the road and all. The rest of the voyage was rather uneventful, countrary of what’s happening inside my mind. Things like these aren’t supposed to be happening inside of a playboy’s mind, is it? Haha. When the plane landed, my last moment with her would be… when we smiled to each other, again, near the restroom. Damn it!! Why didn’t I ask for her social media?! Ugh. Too late. 2 years already. Haha. Since then, I always had this dream about her almost every single week, for around 2 years, and still counting. I mean.. this whole bullcrap for a guy like me? I tried telling to my buddies about this, but they ended up bursting into laughter showing signs of disbelief. They began to understand only after I dumped all of my gfs. 2 years, only with a short encounter, series of dreams, and that one big smile with magnificent eyes, what seems to be a memory about a blushing girl has has gone eternal. This same kind of feeling I got 2 years ago, hasn’t even changed a bit. I know this might seem to be a made up about-to-be love story, but this ain’t some random bullcrap you’d find on the newspaper. This is for real. Is this the act of the anima inside of me, or is this the thing that you ppl called true love? My life has changed ever since. I don’t wear fancy outfits again, and now I ball for one purpose. With the hope house of highlights would catch me one day and my highlights would be seen by the girl that i bumped into on my way to the restroom. And yes, the dreams never stopped. Wish me luck fellas!
if you remember her face maybe one day next time if u have feeelings like dat ask her social media immediately
Why do I always dream about being in love with my ex boyfriend Joe?
He isn’t my only ex, he wasn’t my first love, hé wasn’t my last love (I am married now), but for more than 20 years I have been dreaming that we see each other and are in love again. He is the only person I have such strong feelings for in my dreams. I have dreamt of other exes before but never feel love for them in my dreams or in my real life.
In waking life I am over him, (he actually was rather awful to me after we broke up). Logically there’s no reason for me to dream about him like this. I don’t want to be with him in real life (because he was so awful to me). Yet in my dreams we are so overwhelmingly in love that it makes my heart ache. Each time after I dream of him, i wake up and I feel heartbroken and empty. I have to “get over him” all over again. I seem to get these dreams every few weeks. The longest time without dreaming of him has only been a few months.
What’s really strange is that I dreamt of him when I was 13 (with that same rush of emotions and overwhelming feeling of love), and we didn’t actually meet till I was 25.
Is it possible we are “twin flames”? I’ve read sometimes twin flames often have a love/hate type of relationship. When we were together in real life it was the most intense relationship I’ve ever had. It truly felt magical how strong our connection was. He said the same thing, and basically I don’t think he was mature enough to handle the intensity of our relationship at the time.
We saw each other twice after we broke up, once a few months later and then again a few years later and both times I thought I was completely over him but as soon as I saw him in person I knew I still loved him. It was like we had never been apart.
When we were newly dating, I remember him telling me about a dream he had about me. He said that we had met over and over in different past lives and something was always trying to break us apart.
Since we are both married to different people and he has kids with his current wife, I guess we blew our chance for this lifetime. How sad really. I think we could have great together, and better people if we had stayed together.
i was in the courtroom cause my mom killed bunch of policemen then she was not at trial but sitting in public seat like me so walked up to empty seat and sat there was a girl sitting there i dont remember her face but she was so interesting i fell in love i still cant forget her after the trial i was going to ask her social media so i can get to know her but shit happens i woke up but if i asked and got her social media and searched it after i woke up what would’ve happened i’m still wondering did she having same dream or she even exists is my real concern
I had a dream about this woman and I fell in love with her we spent so much time together in the dream and when I woke up I woke up confused and I felt depressed because it was a dream and I had a similar dream last night with the same girl but we were walking on a beach we sat on some rock’s and looked out to the distance and then we looked at each other and we kissed after that she told me to wake up
What does it mean when someone you’re close to and y’all actually love each other, but are not together(we’re now divorced) and she tells me she has multiple dreams that I fall in love with someone else in her dreams and leave high and dry? Does it means she’s scared at the thought of losing me? We still hang out and stay at each other’s place all the time and do stuff together as if we’re still together.
I would love to meet my vivian she chose me if only in another world
I had a dream yesterday where I was in love but I don’t know the girl in my dream. I only remember vivid details about them. I wish I could have this dream again
Hey, so this keeps on bothering me. Since 4 years or so I keep on dreaming about my high school bully. (Once/twice every month). In my dreams I am always falling in love with him (and I think he with me). The scenarios are different but the feelings are always the same. And it disturbs me greatly. Back then from 7th to 10th grade he treated me horribly and I hated him for it. And I still want to. However now ( I have finished school since 2014) my feelings get confused by the dreams. When I wake up I yearn to have this relationship (these feelings with him) in real life.
I want to see him and know wether he dreams/ feels the same way.
But of course I would never do that. For how he made my life horrible all those years, I hate him and would never activly contact him, becausevthat would be humiliating.
As you can see my feelings are so confused, does anyone have an idea about what to do?
And no I never had these “romantic” feelings while I was in school.
I’ve been having a reoccurring dream about the same woman for nearly a year now. They’re becoming more common and more intense. They’re always in different scenarios and some times the woman has different coloured hair, red, brunette, blonde…. At first I felt curious about this woman. Now it’s pure love. It’s strange because I have no idea who she is…. She doesn’t resemble anyone I know. Only very rarely is the dream sexual in content. Maybe twice it’s been that way out of around 50 dreams.
Other than when I dream of her, I rarely remember my dreams either!
Last night’s dream we were at a holiday camp and it was her birthday. Her and her friends were staying in group rooms which were all Harry Potter themed (I’m nearly 40 years old!!!)
Her boyfriend was being a proper pain in the backside so she went to her room. I went to find her but didn’t know which room she was in. Her friends gave me the 4 digit code for her room, bit I had to find which door was here. All the while I had to hurry because the bus I went there on was leaving to go to a football game.
It’s actually driving me crazy!!!
About a week ago I had a dream where I was just so happy and in love and I don’t know who this girl is but she feels like a missing piece of the puzzle that is me and I feel so empty without her
Probably before or during the eve of Feb 14, I had the most strangest dream that fell for someone. I don’t know who is though. I remember in my dream I was in a setting of an outdoor basketball place (in my country, these places arr for public and where basketball games were played). The game was over and people were dispersing and this guy sbowed up out of nowhere looking at me with a smile. He talked in english so i assumed he’s a foreign n doesnt understand the native tongue. he asked me something about directions and i told him. he still looking at me and smiling. It felt weird but it was charming then i remember i left, looking back as i did, to see him the last time. Then my dream shifts to different scenes, scenarios, etc. and i dont remember much bout them. then my dream shifted into a local plaza where their r pageant competitions or announcements. As d first one, people are everywhere but only a number now. I remember looking for my aunt coz she’s by herself (in real life, she is by herself coz of family). While i was looking, a hand came up on my arm and i turned to my side, and saw him looking ahead then glanced down on me. he said something like hi or a greeting and he smiles at me. then we talked and i probably blushed or smiling too, i dont remember much but i remember i wanna hang out with this guy. then it was interrupted by my aunt calling for me that we have to leave. I said bye to him and he waved back but still with his warm smile. then i thought again that i want to spend time with him again. It was a very odd, warm, strangest feeling ive ever had n i think thats what love feels like… what stranger is that it happened in Valentines day morning… so i had a happy or jolly feeling all throughout the day and i keep thinking who was that and if what i felt is what love is…
sorry for the long post. i never told this to anyone…
I wonder how long ago you wrote this, and if you have found him yet, or the feeling of real love, in real life.
Hope so.
In my dreams I met this girl who i have got a liking to. We chat on facebook whatsapp etc and occasionally went out together-this is my dream before
But this morning i got this dream continuation of before…
We still hang out kisses and what not. But a time skip occur, her numbers,facebook a/c, Instagram. Seems like i have forgotten it all, i kept on searching but to no avail.wth is this is this delusion.
So I’m in a slightly different situation. I’m very happily married. We’re actually expecting for the first time. And things are great between us. But the last week, every night, I fall in love with this mystery guy. There’s intimacy and love. And craving each other in all aspects. And some of the dreams I’m crying and telling my husband I love him but I also love this other man. It’s so strange to me. And at the same time, I’m almost looking forward to going to sleep and meeting him again. Which in turn, makes me feel incredibly guilty. Why???
Wow! I have had exactly this before. Idk what it means but i can absolutely relate! Married but kind of look forward to sleep hoping to see this woman i met once in my dreams. So strange. Yes it also causes guilt. Odd
. I just had a dream like this , ive had dreams like these in the past b4 my divorce and marriage , when i was a teenager , after my divorce, took me 2 years to heal and start dating again. And well since ive been dating i dont recall in having any of these dreams. Till lastnight, it was a very long dream by the way. We both (me and the stranger guy) where repeatedly going out in dates . We had 1 of those intense nights where you can really feel that strong bond and you can honestly feel like had made Love with that person. Not just casual sex. I felt his strong connection towards me too. And what really bothers me is that 1 day to another he started to ignore me, right infront of people. Im a single mother of 2 and he grew love 4 my kids. And we went to go visit him at his job and i was calling him by a distance and we both locked eyes and i waved at him 2 come and he looked very sad from the look of his eyess. But men tend to avoid the sensitivity and try to mask it by acting like they arent even in love with you in the 1st of place , when surprisingly they find out something disappointing. And he ignored his way out like if we wherent even there ( me and my kids) I knew in my heart that wasnt his intentions but rather him needing time off . i knew deep in my heart some1 might have caused this . and theres the weirdest part of all .. When getting into my car and putting my kids in their booster seats . i heard like some knocking on my trunk . and went to go open it . When i found 1 of my exes trying to catch his breath, he was sweating in tons. Bkus the lack of air on the trunk. I have no idea how long he was their. I had troubles with this ex boyfriend. After the 2 years of my divorce we where dating for quite some time but i found myself not being very happy bkus he lived 3/4 hours away from me and his family (mom) always wanting him 2 stay over there . kus their be excuses in why he couldn’t make it . he would come and see me every other weekend . and thats not what im looking 4 in a relationship. I already dealt with feeling alone n what lead 2 my seperation . i needed some1 there 4 me just like im sure im there 4 that person when its needed. And had 2 call it off. He was very manipulative and didnt want to end it . but i couldn’t be with some1 i stopped liking . he would buy me flowers and try 2 buy me off . but i just aint that person. I hate being used so i dont want to be that person..kus it feels horrible . well long story short. Idk what that meant in my dream. When finding him in my trunk. I woke up when i didnt even have the chance to say anything to him. We said some hurtful things and hes very immature and revengeful. And in my heart i know 4 in fact he had something to do with why my “love of my life ” was not talking to me, even though i dont know who he was . The nasty feeling in my chest and nod in my throat is making me miserable. I dont know why but i feel the need to talk 2 that guy and have him tell me why is this happening. He cant just go on and let any1 break this beautiful thing we both had. I camt forget the look of his way when i walked away. I walked away so hurt . i felt like the world came crashing up on me . i cried so much in my dream. I stood by a balcony (it was night time and was looking up in the sky and was asking 4 GOD in why was this happening 2 me. I was so heartbroken and still feel that way . i never felt this bond 4 some 1 ive never even met not even in those dreams i had when i was in my teenage years. I hope i have more dreams of him. Im so in love with his Babyface . i will never forget that experience and feeling i felt when we gave in to each other and made love . UGH i cant believe im even saying all this in plain media . i need advice 😞
I dont know who was she but was probably a punjabi girl.i dont think if i ever met her in real life but she was so real in my dreams.i wish i could love someone at first sight but we didnt fall in love like that. The story began with fight. And when she is getting married to someone else, at that time i realise how much i love her.holy jesus i dont know how but that feeling of love and affection for her felt so real that i doubt i ever loved someone so deeply in real life.i talked to her mother not to let her marry someone else.but she(mother) and her two sons(girl’s brother) tried to console me to let her go as nothing can happen now.but before i woke up i saw tears in her eyes and a belief that she can do anything for me and is ready to run away with me.
I cant believe how real and true that love felt to me. I just wish i could find her one day
I know how everyone feels… I just had a dream. I thought it was real, until I woke up. I had just met a beautiful, kind girl. I was over at her house. We were talking, having fun, and I even took her through the city. Later, I had to leave her home. Let me tell you, this part of my dream was the part that was upsetting, not because of how it went, though. She hugged me, and I started to walk away. She called my name and I ran back, asking what she needed. She kissed me on the cheek, blushing. I was astonished. I thought that she would be the one. Until I hit my head on my bedroom wall, and was brought back to reality. I thought it was actually real. I looked around me and realized that it was a dream. I started crying. I’ve been rejected by a few women. 5 maybe? Ok, maybe not a few then. I wish she was real. So I could feel this wonderful feeling everyone calls love some more. But I worry that like all my other dreams, that it will fade away, leaving no trace in my memory, leaving me alone forever… People say that I might be able to find someone. I thought that girl in my dream was that special someone. But she wasn’t. I know it was a dream, but it felt so real! I wish she was real… Her name was Chloe, about the same height as me. (Don’t know my height…) She had dirty blonde hair, and she was extremely funny and kind. She was beautiful. Tell me if you wish your dream girl was real too, or if you have advice for me, because I just can’t let go… Thank you.
I fell in love in a dream back in either 2012 or 2013 and since then not a day goes by that I don’t think of that person I still feel the love from that dream and I’ve since been in relationships and felt like I was cheating so I ended them and now it’s 2019 and I still have the same feeling
I keep having dreams of my opposite gender doppelganger who ive seen in real life once.. The dreams were we were happyly in love and enjoying life together.. In waking life ive seen her once but didnt apporach her cause i was so in love with her.. So i hope to find her and could use some help… Ive tried twin strangers but the payment didnt go thru. Any suggestions on what i could do? Ive tried facebook and reddit but i get only nasty comments
It’s been 2 years I got a bad break up I have been single since then ,I always think about an imaginary girl friend that I really liked ,sweet and innocent but I went back to my teen age I don’t why suddenly I was in my highschool ,so there was this dancing competition I met her their she is of avg height beautiful and we became friends she connect to me like an entity forcing her to, we are dancing together she is such a beauty and she said she has bad habit of eating ice creams too much and she said she got some family troubles and we were so happy together and later we had a moment and I’m about to kiss her but all of sudden something thing happened and I woke up and it is 12 15 in the noon and I was sweating all over my body for a sudden I felt sad I thought I missed the angel I found in my dream and I never really loved someone so much like this angel and I don’t know this feeling inside me but I’m really happy ,I never been happy like this
Im 20 at the moment and in my highschool time i had a dream about a girl , we were at a school but not mine and we were walking together and being like a couple , later on in the dream we were being chased and i picked her up and escaped from the guy chasing us , when i mentioned her name she responded , when she responded i woke up , and i kept repeating her name till i fell asleeo , the dream continoud as if i froze there i went searching for her and found her walking with her friends i called for her and she ignored me as if she was mad at me , the dream was so real that i got sad , i gave her space and in that time she got attacked , her father contacted me and i went to her , she was poisened and i had a cure for that poisen i saved her and i woke up shortly after that , all i can remember is that her name starts with an M and how she looks , i just can’t forget that dream i remeber everything except her name
I Had A Exciting And Wonderful Dream Last Night On 6/23/2020!
Though It Was Sad That The Future Stella Had Ran Away, I Had Chose The Closest Girl That I Could Find And She Had Opened Up Her Conversation To Me. I Had Hugged Her & We Had Immediately Fell In Love With Each Other. But, I Didn’t Get Her Name.
I had a dream last night. I was walking in a crowded street, maybe a fair/festival. Oddly I was alone. I say oddly because I’m married with 2 children and am almost never along.
In my dream for some reason i was heading to an entry to an underground sewer or s well? Lol idky really. I was getting. Lose to the door to head underground and i noticed a natural pretty blond woman. In one split seconf i noticed her hair, tan skin, light eyes, cute nose, soft lips and plan simple clothing. She wore khaki shorts and a light blue shirt and i didn’t see her footwear but i imagined a pair of converse.
She was pure, simple, not done up but man was she cute. In that split second of passing one another i felt a weight. Something pulling me to her. So i turned back a moment. It turns out she did too.
At that moment i smiled. She smiled a half, almost nervous, smile back as she tilted her head down and tucker her hair behind her left ear with her left hand. Wow i didn’t realize i even noticed all of this…. anyway, we were not very close at that moment of our glance, but suddenly we were close enough for me to speak and her hear me as if the crowd had dissapeared. It was he and i and I said “hi how are you?” She said she’s good and i asked if she wanted to go in (gesturing to the starbucks we were in front of all of the sudden. I don’t even go to starbucks in real life. She accepts. I don’t remember her words but suddenly we are ordering. She gets a bare claw. Idky but im just watching her movements and she is just so cute. So pretty. So idk i love watching her it makes me happy. I explain no bear claw for me i am on a keto diet and a coffee black will do just fine.
Next we are sitting (still at the counter idky) and interacting for i think hours but it felt like a flash of time. We laughed and shared looks of enjoyment and happiness. We talked about everything (although that is only implied and i don’t remember the content).
During the interaction i started eating a cupcake….idky or where it came from.
Then we were sitting outside on a bench and getting to know each other more. Suddenly I felt ashamed. I have no ring on but I’m married. But i was really feeling something real and didn’t want it to end. Still, i ended it.
We were suddenly having to part ways. I was going back to work i think. i didn’t ask for her number and thanked her for a wonderful time. She was poised and a lady so she didn’t push for the next interaction. She let it go. But her eyes said to please take her number. I didnt.
Suddenly I’m in the car with my sister lol and tell her “ugh! I didn’t want to let myself find someone. I didnt want to feel for someone else. But i just met this amazing woman and I really liked her. And the feeling of her.” My sister began to get mad at me and said don’t be a jerk. Let it go.
Then I’m suddenly walking into starbucks again i guess days later and she was there. We grabbed the handle at the same time and we just knew. This time i asked for her number and to have another time to meet up. She gave it to me and agreed and said “i was so confused why you didn’t ask for it last time. I wondered if i would see you again.”
I felt so happy and at peace. I woke as i seemed to have been watching her and i talk to each other at the wndowseat of the starbucks as i panned out from above as if i was flying and watching myself with her down below. Then i slowly wake up.
I woke feeling love and nice. It was comforting. Then concern struck me. Why i am dreaming of meeting someone new? But that feeling of getting to know someone was so warm. So fun. Exciting. It was nice.
I can kind of still feel it now. The vision of her is fading a bit as i am more awake now. I close my eyes to see and feel again. It’s fading. 🙁
So, I just woke up from a love dream. There were many parts but the only thing I can remember at this time was being blindfolded or something (not in a sexual way. Come to think of it nothing was sexual at all about the dream) and and her reaching out for a kiss. With her lips on my lips she said “I’m right here”. At that moment I woke up. I woke up crying. Like I lost my spouse. Like I lost my lover. Like I lost my best friend. I woke up wishing I hadn’t ever fallen asleep in the first place. Like I’d never sleep again.
I don’t know what you call that or what it meant on an unconscious level. It was deeply profound and I’m just angry and sad and confused at this point. Maybe it’s what I ultimately what and what I’ve been lacking in a real relationship, but it was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever experienced in my life. Conscious and/or unconscious. Maybe I should just stay up until it wears off.