Do I have your attention?
Yes, those are my two favorite things. I promise you I have found the answers to enjoying these yummy flavors as part of my daily routine. I am not talking about the kind of cheesecake we order after our steak dinner or the cookie dough we steal from the bowl. I am talking about protein bars that have figured it out.
Now, before you go jump the gun and criticize me. I am completely aware that there are several companies around who are tossing low grade protein together with a sugar loaded chocolate bar and calling it a protein bar. Essentially this is what it is. The unfortunate thing is that many consumers (myself and clients included) have made the mistake of reaching for one of these CANDY bars with good intention.
With fancy marketing and product placements in stores health section I can see how so many of us are going wrong.
The “What to eat” emergency is real. I know. The convenience of having a bar is awesome. I have only a short handful of bars that I will turn to, but I promise you, once you try them you will never be in a snack-attack dilemma again.
The two that I love are all natural. They both have no artificial flavors or sweeteners and will not mess around with my blood sugar levels. Huh? You know exactly what I am talking about. I’m talking about that feeling that has you literally raging for more…. crap!
I’ve done my homework and two that win my heart and tummy are:
All Natural Quest Bars and All Natural OhYeah Victory Bars. Both of these are gluten free, have no artificial sweeteners, no sugar alcohols, low carbs, high protein of high quality and high in fiber. They pretty much have a perfect profile.
My other golden rule is that my snacks remain under 200 calories. They both get a wicket check mark here too. Now, I challenge you to taste the cookie dough by OhYeah or the strawberry cheesecake by Quest. I promise you will never want another destructive sugar filled anti-results snack again!
Now remember, consuming food it its natural state is the always going to be the winner when it comes to health. Realistically not very realistic, I know. All you can do is make smart choices. Don’t let the “healthy” section fool you at 3pm snack attack time.
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