I think most of us would agree that sleep is important. A good night sleep helps our brain function by forming neural pathways, helps our organs (including our heart and liver) regenerate and repair, maintains a healthy balance of hormones and keeps our immune system strong. Overtime if we are not getting the rest our bodies need our health begins to suffer and needless to say we just feel lousy and tired.
There are a few key acupressure points to help treat insomnia. Acupuncture and acupressure is a system related to Chinese medicine that looks at the body as an integrated whole and finds specific points along particular channels/meridians to help re-balance our system. There are different reasons why people suffer from poor sleep such as eating late at night, working long hours, worrying about life, drinking alcohol, side effects of medication etc… We may experience symptoms such as difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, feeling anxious, experiencing heart palpitations, night sweats, and disturbing dreams. Stimulating certain points on the body may help draw energy away from a busy mind, settle a restless heart or help build some of the vital substances our bodies need to have a sound sleep (ie. Blood and Yin fluids).
The points below are some of the more popular acupuncture/acupressure points to help treat insomnia.
Shimian (Lost Sleep)
Located at the center of the heel (look for a tender spot). Hold and massage for a few minutes.
Shenmen (Spirit Gate)
Located at the radial side of the wrist crease. This point helps quite a restless heart (palpitations, anxiety and brings balance to the heart system which in Chinese medicine houses the mind/spirit).
Toe tapping
Many years ago I heard someone mention this technique. While lying in bed bring your heels together and rhythmically tap your big toes together (lightly) and count to 100. This technique helps quiet nervous system and calm our mind.
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