Ladies, are you tired of dating men who disappoint you time and time again? You know what I’m talking about. The kind of guy who comes and goes as he pleases. One minute he’s there with all eyes on you, making you feel like the only woman in the world, and the next minute he’s gone – no text, no phone call, and not even a Facebook message? What’s up with that?
Feeling deprived, unloved, needy, and dependent is not going to bring you closer to Mr. Right
I’ll tell you! He’s treating you the way you’re allowing him to. Since you’re not setting healthy boundaries, he feels like it’s okay to be selfish, inconsiderate, and self-absorbed. Even if he knows he’s not being respectful towards you, he’s getting away with it, so he sees no reason to change. And, it will all be on his terms, until you show him otherwise.
Ladies, you know you deserve much better! The type of guy that takes you for a ride, makes plans then breaks them, and disappoints you over and over again is only doing so because you’re giving him permission to. If he’s constantly letting you down, set limits and show him how to treat you. You don’t need a man to make you feel special, beautiful, and loved. Your happiness is a decision and you will be as happy as YOU decide to be. Give to yourself plentifully and others will follow. When they see you taking great care of yourself, they’ll know that you’re the kind of woman who knows what she deserves and they’ll step up to the plate and start delivering. No more disappearing for days after they said they would “call tomorrow”, because they’ll know that you don’t tolerate that kind of disrespectful behavior.
So ladies, are you ready to start dating yourself in order to show others how to treat you? Awesome!
Firstly, if you’ve recently met a “great” guy, remember that you don’t know anything about him, so don’t start planning your wedding or imagining what your kids would look like. As you’re still getting to know him, ask him lots of questions, flirt with him, meet his friends, and simply enjoy your time together. This is an opportunity for you to discover his character, his personality, and his goals/values. The best thing you can do early on in the dating game is make sure your needs and wants are met – not by him, but by you! That means if you like flowers, chocolate, and fancy dinners, it’s time you give yourself these things and yes, even the latter one.
When women are fulfilled, they’re able to evaluate future prospects much better. So beautiful ladies, if you’re looking for a life partner, not just a weekend partner, you’ll have much better judgment if you’re satisfied and in love with yourself. Feeling deprived, unloved, needy, and dependent is not going to bring you closer to Mr. Right, it’s going to bring you closer to Mr. Right Now. If you don’t want to get blinded by a man’s swag, his good looks and his sexy car, the best thing you can do is take care of your needs, your wants, and yourself! A quality guy who is going to treat you like a queen will only do so if he sees you treating yourself like a queen.
Rather than day dreaming about your fairy tale future with a guy you don’t even know, start focusing your energy on yourself, your well-being and your health. Do a cleanse, hit the gym, and love yourself abundantly! By doing things for yourself while you’re dating him, you’ll have better judgment, more realistic expectations, and healthier boundaries. In other words, you’ll be less likely to carelessly fall for his swagger.
Remember, in order to attract a healthy, loving relationship, you’re going to have to have a healthy, loving relationship with yourself first. Women who end up with partners who constantly disappoint them have some work to do on themselves. It’s all part of the process of recognizing their self-worth. Once they realize their awesomeness, their beauty, and their amazing gift, Mr. Right will show up at their door.
Cheers to dating yourself beautiful ladies!
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