Happy New Year everyone! I hope this is your best year yet; one full of love, adventure, and learning. I’ve written 5 resolutions for you if you’re single and 5 if you’re in a long-term relationship. Feel free to add your resolutions to the comments below!
Resolutions for Daters:
I Will Be the Partner I Wish to Meet: I will work on being my best self and define what that looks like.
I Will Love Myself as I Want to Be Loved: I will speak to myself with loving kindness and make decisions that support my highest good. I’ll only accept a mate who does the same.
I Will Make a Dating Action Plan: I know my actions must support my words, so if I want a mate I need to actively put myself out there. This means designing a plan, like joining two online dating sites, writing ten people a day and trying to set up two dates a week. I’ll do what’s under my control to regularly meet singles.
I Won’t Let Rejection Stop Me: Part of dating is rejection but I won’t reject myself in the process. I also won’t reject lots of dates without getting to know them
first and giving them a few chances.
I Will Feng-Shui All Limiting Beliefs & Past Love Baggage: I will not let negative thoughts (in the present or from my past) stop me. I won’t listen to limiting beliefs about dating and love and I won’t let thoughts of old loves or betrayals stop me from moving forward. I will move on.
Resolutions for Folks in a Relationship:
I Will Be Myself & Authentically Communicate: The right partner will want to know the real me so I don’t need to pretend to be someone I’m not.
I Will Try to Understand My Partner & Compromise: I will try to see things from my partner’s perspective and will remember that we’re different people. I will try to meet them in the middle so there’s enough room in our relationship to honor both our needs and perspectives.
I Will Say More Positive Things to My Partner: I will notice the attractive power of my words and will try to speak positively towards my mate and about our relationship. I will focus on what I do want instead of what I’d like to be different in my partner or the relationship.
I Will Take Responsibility for My Part in Things: I will notice when I get righteous and point the finger and will consider my part in conflicts. I’ll try to grow in the places where I can be more flexible and am not loving.
I Will Catch Myself in Unhealthy, Unconscious Patterns That Drain My Energy: I will notice the unconscious patterns I’m replaying from childhood (for example being needy, demanding or withdrawing when insecure). I will recognize how these patterns elicit the same negative reactions again and again. I will try to make different, more conscious choices that will be more adaptive in our relationship. I will also ask my partner to remind me.
Let me know how the process of doing these resolutions work for you.
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