Fact: In this current era of Netflix & Chill, there’s been a gradual decline in the quality of dates among the sexes. With Valentine’s Day surfacing soon, I implore all you gentlemen to revert to the classic date, at least just this once. I know ditching the cozy confines of your residence for a night out with her, seems counterintuitive to the Netflix & Chill logic––especially in 2016––but think of the alternative. If you’re wondering what has overcome me, it could be that I’ve fallen victim to the February love bug and reduced to a romantic for the next 4 weeks. I mean love is in the air, along with lust or whatever have you. My question for you is rather simple: at least for one night only, why not indulge that woman you’re interested in, to a proper date?
I’ve heard the excuses and made a laundry list of them, so go ahead and pick your poison: is it not wanting to give her the wrong impression or is a V date too serious and breaks the casual code? Need I remind you that Valentine’s Day is more than just a celebration of couples, but rather the most opportune time to ask a single woman out? While she’s rejecting endless Netflix & Chill offers, you instantly distinguish yourself from her throngs of admirers by proposing a proper date out. Your reward? A post-Netflix & Chill nightcap if you play your cards right.
RELATED: Asking Her Out On Valentine’s
Sadly enough, with chivalry and date offers nearing extinction, proposing a night out is keenly met with excitement by women. I dare you to show me any woman who does not wish to be celebrated––especially on V-day. None. Fun fact as per single women in February: Netflix & Chill has been postponed till further notice. So put down your TV remote and ask her out, or I will.
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