Better Dating Ideas Los Angeles offers weekly tips for the best places for a date in your city. Check out our weekly postings for unique and romantic dates in LA.
Nina Daniels: The Prop Comic

Photo Credit Via @ninasplayground
Comedian and actress Nina Daniels takes the spotlight on this comedic stage, bringing together hilarious moments from her life, musical instruments (like her cello), and a whole lot of laughs.
Dates: February 25th 2016
Noir: The Romance of Black in 19th-Century French Drawings and Prints

Photo Credit Via The J. Paul Getty Museum
An art exhibition that celebrates French artists from 1840 who began depicting shadows, the nocturnal, or twilight scenes where forms emerged only to sink back into darkness.
Dates: February 9th – May 15th 2016
Illusionist Ivan Amodei

Photo Credit Via Ivan Amodei Facebook Page
Take in a night of magic with legendary illusionist Ivan Amodei at Beverly Wilshire Hotel for 9pm on Saturday night.
Dates: February 26th – March 5th 2016
Edwardian Ball

Photo Credit Via Marco Sanchez
The 7th Annual Edwardian Ball is being held in Los Angeles on February 27th. This ball is a whimsical event that celebrates music, art, theater, fashion, and the circus. It’s a costume event, so make sure you bring you mask.
Dates: February 27th 2016
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