The expression you are what you eat relates to many aspects of your life including SEX!!!!! Of course there is no one food that’s going to magically improve your sex life or make you suddenly grow a bigger Johnson. Keep in mind though, you can’t expect to sit on your rear all day snacking on potato chips and be great in bed! Here are some foods that can help put a lot more bump to your pump!
Pomegranates, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, acai berries, think you get the picture! Name the berries and you will get plenty of antioxidants and fiber!!! Antioxidants help remove free radicals and the fiber helps push excess cholesterol through your digestive system before it is deposited on artery walls. Lower cholesterol improves blood flow! And if I have to explain why you need a good blood flow, then you probably need to eat the berries. You will know when the blood is flowing. Improve the circulation and you go from soft to kapow!!! Men with erectile problems definitely will benefit from eating lots of berries!
Remember… real men eat berries.
If you don’t like fish, learn to like it! You will be glad you added it to your diet. Salmon or really any fish especially fatty fishes, contains omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 is essential for a healthy heart which increases blood flow (remember what I said about the berries!!) Not only will you improve circulation, but you will also enhance the nervous system which helps improve nerve impulses. Nerve impulses create great sensations! And great sensations give everyone really happy endings.
Did you cut red meat out of your diet? You may want to rethink it. The protein in the meat will naturally boost levels of dopamine and norepinephrine, two chemicals in the brain that heighten sensitivity during sex! But don’t worry; other protein sources contain the same chemicals. Although, taking your date out of a nice steak dinner before may be sexier than getting two bowls of cottage cheese.
Steak also contains zinc, a mineral that boosts libido by reducing your body’s production of a hormone called prolactin. Prolactin may interfere with arousal and well that would just not be a great ending to a date.
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Turn up the heat! Chilies contain capsaicin which releases endorphins and stimulates nerve endings. We are going back to circulation again… improve circulation and there will be no need for Viagra. Chiles improve blood flow…….. remember the berries! Add chilies to food or if you like it hot, eat them raw if you dare.
No more one-minute man! Eggs contain a good source of B vitamins, thiamin, riboflavin, folic acid and niacin. All of which improve energy levels and improve the nervous system for again, increased stimulation. This is brought up a lot but as far as I am concerned, stimulation is on the top of the list for amazing sex. The B vitamins keep you from getting overly excited. Nothing worse than your first time with a lady and you become a one pump chump. B vitamins help calm the nerves and decrease anxiety.
They improve energy which will make you want to achieve greatness several times, making her want to come back for more!
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Now it can’t get any better than this! Not only can you enjoy a little chocolate now and again, but you can use the syrup for some fun in the sack while getting the nutritional benefit for sexual euphoria. The cocoa in chocolate contains methylxanthines, stimulants that increase your body’s sensitivities. Slight touches to the skin may get you more worked up the usual. Chocolate also contains phenylethylamine a chemical that can give you a slight natural high.
Think about a banana for a minute……. ok now eating a banana a day can prevent erectile dysfunction. The nutrients from a banana helps to regulate blood pressure. High blood pressure will take the zip out of your dip. And why not make your partner eat one with you, watching her eat it will increase the sexual benefits dramatically!
Conclusion… what is good for your heart is good for your “friend”. Exercising and eating right will get you back on track to a great sex life or make your already decent sex life, Bumpin’! You really are what you eat.
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