Better Dating Ideas Los Angeles offers weekly tips for the best places for a date in your city. Check out our weekly postings for unique and romantic dates in LA.
Coachella is upon us! A time where thousands of music lovers camp out and enjoy one of the biggest music festivals there is to offer. This years lineup is nothing short of genius, with A$AP Rocky, Calvin Harris, Disclosure, Ellie Goulding, Ice Cube, M83, and Zedd, we honestly don’t know where to begin. And these are just a small taste of other amazing artists to see. Who knows, you may just run into a celebrity in the audience while you’re there!
Dates: April 15th, 2016 – April 24th, 2016
Harry Potter Roller Skating
For witches and wizards of all ages, Dumbledore’s army invites you to the Moonlight Rollerway Skating Rink this weekend for a night full of all things Harry Potter. Skate around and enjoy a costume contest, purchase some Harry Potter merchandise, and check out the games and raffle prizes while you’re at it.
Dates: April 16th, 2016
Los Angeles Dodgers
This Sunday, the Dodgers are tackling the Giants in what’s sure to be a knock out game! Grab a beer, have some nachos, and show some team spirit in the way only a true Dodgers fan can.
Dates: April 17th, 2016
Bone Thugs-N-Harmony
Back in the day, Bone Thugs-N-Harmony where everything! Spend a night back in time and relive all the hits that you used to jam out to when you were young. Admit it, you’d absolutely die to hear the song Crossroads performed live. All hail 90s rap!
Dates: April 15th, 2016
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