“Sex with Dr. Jess” Bachelorette: Grace! If a smile, as they say, is worth a thousand words, then Grace’s ever present one reveals a lot about this feisty ...
On March 17, 2014 / By Eligible Magazine“Sex with Dr. Jess” Bachelorette: Lili! Lili is a busy entrepreneur in health, wellness & the arts. She is adamant about energy work and only pursuing the things ...
On February 11, 2014 / By Eligible MagazineEligible Magazine is a lifestyle magazine for urban men and women who want the best from their dating life, their relationships and themselves. It features articles and video content on dating, relationships, sex, wellness and lifestyle by some of the country's foremost experts. The magazine is available online, for sale on Apple's Newsstand for your iPad or iPhone and soon to be in print.