Recently single, today’s woman would rather a casual dating status for now, until she ventures again into a long-term relationship. With the possibility of exclusivity put on hold for now, most single women still have an active sex life regardless of their single status. Yes, she might not picture you entirely as her Mr. Right, but rather, Mr. Right Now.
In those cases where the attraction between you two is at its peak right from the gates, all the pleasantries of formal dates could be bypassed, especially during the dreadful winter season. This is where the notion of “asking her in” takes it course.
Having a knack for when to invite a woman over takes great timing, skill and patience. When she comes to your place, she’s likely anticipating an intimate encounter between with you, post-Netflix movie. “Asking her in” is as sexually direct an approach as ever, given high levels of attraction between you.
Barring her minimal interest, asking her in is met with the sugar-coated “I’m busy” etc. responses, all of which in effect mean no. Social media and texting platforms have championed changes in the modern-dating paradigm, and subsequently, altered date proposals. Simply put, whichever medium you often communicate with her, will suffice in your transition to asking her in. For example, if you regularly text each other, calling to ask her in might appear out of place and overwhelming.
Be date-smart. Save your phone calls and date proposals until you’ve established this fact: before you even intend on asking her in, there has to be some minimal level of comfort and interest on her end for you. Under no other circumstance will it be met with any sort of positive reception on her end.
After inviting her over, three major scenarios play out: She either says yes, maybe, or no. How do you react accordingly? Find out next time.
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