If you’re living most of your life online, it might be a good idea to test your humanity, to make sure that you still have a healthy heartbeat and that you can interact, face to face, with real human beings. The Humanity Index is a way to gauge your willingness and capacity to be a decent, fully functioning, powerful human being—with a sense of humour. It will provide a measure of how engaged you are in life, how committed you are to being fully you, and how much you believe in your ability to make a difference.
(If you’re too jaded to fill it out, or if you just can’t find the time because you’ve got 5,000 friends on Facebook, a million people following you on Twitter, and a dinner date with CSI, then you might want to consider how significant your life is and the kind of impact you might have if you were to actively join the human race.)
If you’re willing to take a test drive, answer the questions below, adding up your scores as you go, and then read the relevant description for your rating, at the bottom of the page.
- Are you true to yourself—speaking and acting in alignment with your values and beliefs?
Usually – 3 Sometimes – 2 Rarely – 1 Never – 0
- Do you feel compassion for others and act on it in practical ways, taking time to listen/provide support?
Regularly – 3 Occasionally – 2 Rarely –1 Never– 0
- Do you express what’s in your heart and tell the whole story (not just the ‘safe’ bits)?
Often – 3 Sometimes – 2 Rarely –1 Never – 0
- Are you fully committed to being the best that you can be, actively doing your utmost to realize your dreams, and to staying healthy, fit and engaged in life?
Always – 3 Sometimes – 2 Rarely – 1 Never – 0
- Are you connected to your gut instincts and do you trust/act on them in all important decisions?
Always – 3 Sometimes – 2 Rarely – 1 Never – 0
- Do you give money to support your community and give to the homeless/selected charities, spontaneously and with an open heart?
Regularly – 3 Occasionally – 2 Rarely – 1 Never – 0
- Do you explore and engage in creative activities that inspire you and feed your passions?
Regularly – 3 Occasionally – 2 Rarely – 1 Never – 0
- Do you take time to cultivate friendships, without being needy or a pleaser?
Regularly – 3 Occasionally – 2 Rarely – 1 Never – 0
- Are your relationships based on trust, respect, healthy self-acceptance and understanding?
Yes – 3 Sometimes – 2 Rarely – 1 Never – 0
- Do you openly and confidently express yourself verbally, creatively and in the way you dress?
Regularly – 3 Occasionally – 2 Rarely – 1 Never – 0
- Are you connected to your feelings and fully able to connect with others by expressing and receiving affection and intimacy, and by sharing the deepest parts of you (the good, the bad and the ugly)?
Regularly – 3 Occasionally – 2 Rarely – 1 Never – 0
- Do you take responsibility for your emotions, reactions, actions and circumstances, regardless of whether others blame bad luck, politicians, the economy or any other ‘outside’ force?
Always – 3 Sometimes – 2 Rarely –1 Never – 0
Your rating on the Humanity Index
If you scored 30–36 points:
You’re almost angelic and an inspiration to humanity. You have exceptional magnetism and can effortlessly attract and create amazing things in life. Consequently, it makes no sense to disperse your energies on things you’re not passionate about; focus instead on what fills you with joy. You are a natural leader and a mentor. You could be using your wisdom and awareness with young people, if you’re not already, and this would bring you great fulfillment. Deepening your emotional and spiritual connection to yourself and to others is likely to be the most rewarding pursuit for you—but don’t forget to include large doses of fun and laughter.
If you scored 18–29 points:
You’re unsure of yourself and your role here on Earth. You blow hot and cold when it comes to personal and/or professional commitment. Because of this, you experience patchy success and fulfillment – attracting some great stuff but also some real downers, which keeps you stuck in unrewarding cycles. You have significant skills and would do well to focus on solidifying your personal boundaries so that you become more fully defined as an individual—and more magnetic, as a result. Avoid making any choices based on fear; say no to anything that feels wrong and only say yes to things or people that feel really good. You would also greatly benefit from exploring your creativity more deeply. (You’ve really only skimmed the surface, being careful and playing ‘safe’.) Delve more deeply, challenge yourself and play more; your creativity is the key to you thriving. Acting, working with children, or being a Big Brother/Sister would also help you to solidify the emotionally wobbly parts of yourself.
If you scored 10–17 points:
Your humanity has only been partially activated and you’re likely to experience difficulty attracting or connecting with good stuff in your life. You need to come out of your self-absorbed little shell and start interacting with the rest of humanity. Your magnetism is barely registering, but only because you’ve kept yourself turned down so low. Increase the volume, speak up, show up, dress up, wake up! It’s all up from here, for you. Focus on giving to others and see how it feels when you allow yourself to be generous, present or simply open to being liked. Breathe more and move your body. You’re like an iceberg, with only a tiny percentage of yourself visible or available to others (or yourself). But even icebergs thaw with a little consistent warmth. Get active, join a club, volunteer at your community centre, take up singing—and you just might be surprised to find that there’s a worthy, lovable human being in there (somewhere).
If you scored 0–9 points:
Hello? Is there anybody there? HELLO??? Anybody? Mmmmm… I guess not.
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