In the documentary “Surviving R. Kelly”, R. Kelly’s alleged patterns of manipulation and abuse are exposed. R. Kelly begins most of his abusive relationships by promising young girls ...
On January 31, 2019 / By Heather DouglasThis week’s episode of The Bachelor was a perfect case study in why the show is so fascinating, and so contradictory. On the one hand, it provided viewers ...
On January 28, 2019 / By Sarah SahagianIn the era of #MeToo, many straight men have suggested it’s become impossible to date. Well, The MeToo Movement isn’t about making it harder to date; the movement ...
On October 16, 2018 / By Sarah SahagianKaveh Nedamat an Katrina Lavasseur-Nedamat had their first date on the first day of summer. It was back in 2008, before Bumble and Tinder were even invented. Now, ...
On October 3, 2018 / By Sarah SahagianEligible Magazine is a lifestyle magazine for urban men and women who want the best from their dating life, their relationships and themselves. It features articles and video content on dating, relationships, sex, wellness and lifestyle by some of the country's foremost experts. The magazine is available online, for sale on Apple's Newsstand for your iPad or iPhone and soon to be in print.