It’s the end of May and the sun is finally out. It’s a time of new beginnings, clean slates and spring flings. But before you can move forward, sometimes you have to look back. Below are 5 ways to create a clean love slate so that you can attract the relationship that you want. And I’ve even thrown in a bath ritual for each of these 5 steps to go with this washing analogy, since my upcoming book, ‘The Book of Sacred Baths: 52 bathing Rituals to Revitalize Your Spirit’ is out this summer.
1. Wash Away the Anger & Hurt– Sometimes we harbor feelings of hurt, betrayal and limiting beliefs from past relationships gone awry. It’s important to work them through so that you can invite new love in without baggage. In The Book of Sacred Baths there’s a bath ritual where you can wash away your ex by imagining all the negative feelings going down the drain. You can get my book to use the meditation or create your own version.
2. Forgive & Wish Them Well– They say that forgiveness is more for you than the other person and it’s about being happy, not right. You don’t want to carry around rage and mistrust. Let the past stay there and allow a sense of peace to wash over you and that situation now. Imagine yourself and that other person moving on, so that neither of you are stuck in that old situation. And yes there’s a forgiveness bath you can do too to practice this in a relaxing setting.
RELATED: Breakups: Doing It Or Dealing With It
3. Learn the Lessons & Banish Behaviors that Don’t Work- Difficult experiences can sometimes teach us the most valuable lessons. And although breakups are often hard, they are opportunities to learn what did not work and to know more about what you are looking for the next time around instead. So, ask yourself how you will be wiser in love the next time. It may give you more of a sense of empowerment and mastery in dating and relationships. There’s a karma bath that helps you learn lessons through your most challenging experiences.
4. Release Limiting Beliefs about Love- We often form limiting beliefs from our negative experiences because we think that these beliefs will protect us from being hurt again. But often these negative beliefs imprison us. Here are some examples, ‘Men will cheat on me,’ ‘They break up with me before I break up with them’ or, ‘It’s safer not to trust in love.’ Obviously, there are many more. I want you to look at the limiting beliefs you’ve adopted from your difficult past relationships and imagine washing them down the drain and embracing new, more positive ideas. There is a bath meditation in my book to help you examine negative beliefs, challenge them and adopt ideas that will move you forward in love, or whatever area you desire.
RELATED: How A Bath Can Improve Your Love
5. Open Your Heart to Love Again- This step is very important. If your heart is not open than no date will know the real you, so how can they love you? Plus, how can you really love another person without a true connection, trust and transparency? This is why it can feel scary to be vulnerable and to be rejected but it’s the only way to know who will accept you and stick around. There is a bath meditation on opening your heart and trusting others where you focus your awareness and intention on doing this before your dates to get into that heart space and release fears and defenses.
These are just a few baths out of the 52 available in The Book of Sacred Baths, so get your copy on Amazon today and date with a sense of freedom, lightness and presence. Enjoy Spring!
Happy Bathing & Dating,
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