Here’s to the beginning of summer! Although the season technically began a month or so ago, we did not see, or rather feel, the seasonal weather we are accustomed to come mid-June. This past week however, was a glimpse into true summer heat. With that came shedding of layers, more casual dressing, and the need for breathable clothing.
Many fabrics are said to be breathable, made from both natural as well as synthetic fibers. Linen is one of these natural fabrics, made from the flax plant. It is inherently very durable and strong, can absorb and lose water quickly, is lint-free, and actually gets softer the more it is washed. It gets a bad rap mostly due to its tendency to crease quickly and easily, however not only are high quality linen garments less susceptible to creasing than the common belief, but minimal creasing actually adds to the fashion and style appeal of linen clothing.
Garments made of linen have been available for years, yet modern renditions are functional, stylish, and couldn’t be more perfect for the summer, which seems to have made an appearance. Try a semi-casual button down shirt with walking shorts, jeans, of even dress pants for more formal occasions. These shirts are great additions to your look for extremely casual occasions and more formal events alike (think bbq’s at the cottage, evening patio dates, and casual summer weddings). Other garments commonly available in linen include shorts, pants, and blazers. All make great additions to summer wardrobes, as well as holiday/vacation packing lists – although creasing is an issue, such pieces pack well, as the creases loosen simply by being hung up.
Here are some great linen items available now:
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