During the season of Valentine’s Day many people will have hearts forming in their eyes as they spy a lover of their own. While you have intimate thoughts of future romance, here’s what you should keep in mind.
If you are looking for Mr. or Mrs. Right, begin with loving yourself. This means living with faith, confidence and gratitude for the blessings you have already received in your life. The beautiful thing about love is that it’s meant to naturally fall into place. When you’re working hard on making a better life for yourself, people doing similar things will show up in your surroundings. This is why the best way to form interdependence is to start by being independent. Too many people walk around like the letter C looking for someone to complete them, hoping to form a letter O with a partner. If this were to happen, you will now have a power struggle with 2 drivers behind the wheel, and an accident will bound to happen.
Know what you want this Valentine’s Day
However if you’re a letter O on your own by being independent and you meet a fellow letter O, both of you can take turns driving the wheel (by supporting each other), and you just formed a power couple. Find Mr. or Mrs Right by first knowing what you want. Go ahead and make a list of characteristics that you admire in a fellow mate. And I don’t mean material things; I’m talking about genuine personality traits.
Also know what you don’t want. Be sure to learn from past relationships of the traits that are not conducive to your own personality. When doing this be honest with yourself, for example if you are a non-smoker and can’t stand the smell of cigarettes, don’t think you have the ability to change someone’s habits.
And finally, have a willingness to give exactly what you’re looking for in return. People usually hang around like minded individuals. If you’re looking for someone with a sexy body, you should hit the gym pretty hard yourself. If you looking for someone successful in business, your career should be on track as well, et cetera. This especially goes for personality traits, if you want a kind-hearted soul, you will definitely attract one like a magnet with a kind soul of your own.
This Valentine’s Day season look around to see who’s also on the journey to achieve their own success, maybe share a latte, it may lead to a kiss, and you may find your life partner with euphoric bliss!
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