To Tinder, or not to Tinder: that is the question. Over the course of this summer, I will be delving into the digital wonders of the greatest dating, errr, hooking up app invented to date: Tinder.Actually that commands capitalization, so here I go: TINDER! A few months ago, a good friend of mine kept regaling me with tales of Tinder and how at the mercy of swipes, throngs of prospects and single women were readily available. “What for?” I asked. This simple questioner sparked my curiosity and drove me to an unexpectedly great Tinderific journey.
Two months later, I have scribed the do’s and don’ts of Tinder, its top 10 commandments, and how to flourish in this online dating platform. I’ll be sharing on a bi-weekly basis, my anecdotal findings on the rave and craze that is Tinder. Understandably, for all the singles that are skeptical to take the electronic leap into this online dating plateau, be rest-assured, as I will be quieting all your doubts. I will be exploring the inherent rules, pros and cons of Tinder and how it’s changed the dating game. I’ve lived by this maxim: Evolve or Dissolve. So if you’re going to be dabbling in Tinder world, you’re better off being familiar with its unspoken and cardinal rules, before you get burnt.
What is Tinder you say? It’s a dating app which populates a list of singles within proximity of each other. Now, after the singular profiles have generated, a magical phenomenon ensues: the power lies in your hands, as you either swipe left to indicate noninterest or a right swipe signalling your interest in a potential match. If both users have swiped right on each other’s profile, a conversation window pops up to confirm you’ve officially been matched. At that juncture, you have made it to the first level of Tinder. Stay tune, from 0 to 100, there are levels to this. Find out more next week.
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[…] recall writing a piece last year, on one of the most important questions of modern dating: To Tinder or Not to Tinder? Fast-forward to 2016, Tinder’s popularity has skyrocketed and is now the leading online dating […]