I am going to assume an unapologetically radical posture on this subject, and so before crucifying me, consider the following: My Tinder manifesto.
I am of the opinion that the majority of men on Tinder are simply looking to instantly hook up or casually date. “Casually date”, being the euphemistic phrase for hooking up––after she’s warmed up to your advances, of course. So essentially, we’re all vying to hook up with an attractive match. Sure, there have been some tinder matches that have flourished into exclusive relationships, but that’s occurring at a 10% probability. An exception to the Tinder rule, really, as it’s infamously known for being a legitimate hooking up app.
Before I expose the machinations of Tinder, here’s a distinction that will save you headaches in the future: Tinder serves two very distinct purposes for both sexes. That women experience boosted egos as a result of their matches, which in turn speaks to their attractiveness. And they subsequently, intend to score dates and possibly hook up with their most promising matches. Conversely, for men, our primary intent is to hook up and skip the formalities of a first date.
This inherent divide needs to be addressed if you intend on flourishing on Tinder. Sure, you matched with an attractive woman, which is synonymous with approaching a woman in real life and getting her number. But numbers don’t mean anything, until of course, you score a date/hook up with this woman. While men are notorious for their unabashed and tragic approach to scoring a tinder hook up, majority of Tinder’s women, are scarred with endless and cringing propositions from said men––without engaging in conversational foreplay, aka warming them up. Matching with a prospect is one-half of the battle, so navigating through the unspoken rules of Tinder is essential.
So how do you score a Tinder date or hook up with her after a match? Find out next time.
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