There are tons of pickup materials and resources by so-called pickup artists who boast of their ability to charm any woman into bed. They claim any guy can attract any woman regardless of financial stature and social standing––the grandiose delusions of pickup. Actually being financially attractive places one in a favorable position with most women right off the bat, but that’s a different song altogether. In any case, The Mystery Method, The Game and Magic Bullets are regarded as the canonical texts of seduction and its contents promised to drastically change anyone’s dating resume.
Picking up “chicks” is all very well and has its advantages of ridding any social anxiety in approaching women, but over the long haul, the pickup mentality proves to be mechanical and absolutely void of that natural allure of genuine interactions and conversations with women. There are new and modern ways of being adept with today’s woman, without resorting to “picking her up”. Women, the great intuits that they are, can sense that bravado miles away and are instantly turned off by the drudgery that pickup entails.
Silly pickup routines have no footing in modern dating but rather a personalized dating style, tailored to your own personality is what matters.
The next series of articles will touch on how to improve your interactions with women in veering away from the old school pickup dogma. There are 3 main conversational styles to adopt in your interactions with women. The top 3 dating languages and conversational frames in flourishing with women are:
- Intellectual
- Banter
- Sexual
They say talk is cheap, but that’s never applied to the smooth talker.
Find out in the next installment how to hone your conversational skills.
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