“Be confident” might seem as easy advice, but for a person who’s unsure in life it is like a burdensome task. So why are some people more confident than others? And why can’t you be as proud of yourself as they are? Confidence is not only about accomplishments, it the way you look at yourself and how you encounter challenges that come your way.
These are some tried and tested tricks of becoming more confident:
Take Action:
Set goals and strive to achieve them. Go one step at a time, and be proud of moving in the right direction. Always remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day.
RELATED: Learning To Love Yourself
Stop Being A Self Critique:
What do you see when you look in the mirror? Focus on your positive attributes. Stop hurting yourself with your own words. We would never dream to be half as mean with people as we as with ourselves.
Don’t kill your self-esteem with negativity either, forgive yourself for committing mistakes, forgive yourself for that wrong person you fell for, for the time you spent sulking on the couch.
Every day is a new day; it is our chance to a new beginning and new life. We have that power in ourselves, each one of us has this power, it’s only YOU that doesn’t believe in it.
Become your own cheerleader. Every day!
Do What You Really Like To Do:
Find your passion, something that makes you feel alive. Find your purpose in life, there is something everybody was meant to do, something that only you can make a difference at. Find your niche, if you can’t make it your career do it as a hobby, but give your time to things you like to do.
Indulge yourself by believing in your inner voice.
Skip Self Critique:
Don’t do anything half-heartedly, give your 100 percent and strive to achieve excellence, but know that perfection is just an ideal. Don’t beat yourself up for trying hard to attain what it is that you want with all those unwarranted peaks and valleys you’ll encounter along the way.
Don’t Compare:
All you are required to do is work your level best; results don’t determine your worth. Results are hardly a measure of the amount of work accomplished. Unnecessary comparison leads to anxiety and stress. We are not here to compete, we are sent to this world to just excel in our game. Everyone is dealt different cards in life; we all are armed with a different set of skills.
RELATED: Goodbye, Stress!
Get Away From Destructive/Negative People:
Get away from destructive and negative people; they always criticizing, a negative crowd will just get your morals down. You don’t have any place in your life for pointless drama. Cut off toxic people slowly and grow your friends circle. Become friends with confident, positively driven people. Attend lectures and sit in the company of people you aspire to be like.
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