With positive tonality, your words are confidently spoken in a manner which naturally draws in people––leading to impacting conversations, long after the interaction has ended. The smooth talker has mastered the art of enhanced conversations with women and revels in dating rhetoric. Establish positive tonality by using the following:
I. Articulate
Speak clearly by enunciating your every word to prevent conversational phrase-fillers such as “uhh”, “umm”, etc. Be wary of those fillers as they can easily be a nuisance in conversations
II. Slow-Paced Speech
Your words carry a lot more weight when you speak slowly and clearly, in lieu of fast-paced speech. The slower you articulate your words, the more powerful your words leaves listeners
III. Low-Resonating Sound
This is characterized by a deep resonating sound, reminiscent of your morning voice. The lower and deeper your voice, the more commanding and dominating you sound. Seducers are known for this particular ability of being able to speak in an almost rugged and echoic tone
IV. Timing
Pausing occasionally during your conversations gets your listeners more attentive. It creates suspense and leaves them curious. Make this pause more dramatic with women by breaking eye contact briefly––only to re-establish it by focusing on her face––before resuming.
V. Humour
Humour is instantly disarming of women’s defences. Humour and banter breaks down her barriers, and in a playful tone, you could get away with every conversational don’t.
The plus of the tonality and body language series, is in remembering to display quiet confidence (positive body language) and spoken confidence (positive tonality) in your interactions with women. With the New Year in sight, it’s time to do away with old dating habits and cultivate newer styles of expanding your dating lifestyle. What better way than to distinguish between modern-dating myths and facts? Stay tuned for this new series.
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