Having flown into Toronto just 24 hrs prior, these gentlemen from The Bachelorette and Bachelor in Paradise were nonetheless full of energy and excitement. They arrived here to participate in TIFF festivities and to meet their passionate Canadian fans at a party held in their honour and sponsored by Eligible Magazine. The TIFF Bachelor Party hosted at Toronto’s hotspot Everleigh received a massive turnout, with fans lining up hoping to get some one on one time with these single hunks. In a sit down interview, Vinny Ventiera, Jared Haibon, Robbie Hayes and Brett Melnick opened up to me about their life after the show and even gave some good advice to future bachelor hopefuls.
EM: What advice would you give to the next season of Bachelors? What if anything would you have done differently?
Robbie: I would say to the next season of Bachelors, you need to just be yourself. People ask me a lot of advice who are just going through the application process and i say just be yourself. If you’re not, they’re going to be casting someone that isn’t you. Your character traits of who you are really show through situa- tions that you normally wouldn’t be put in.
EM: Do you think the way you were portrayed was an accurate depiction of you? Robbie: 100% Yes.
EM: Is there anything you want people to know about you that wasn’t seen on the show?
Robbie: That I’m doing alright after it. You don’t really see that. It kind of cuts off after Thailand. Everything about how I was portrayed as a person, those are my characteristic traits. Its the person I am. Its who my parents raised.
EM: Whats the one attribute you look for in a girl?
Robbie: The way she carries herself. With maturity, elegance and class.
EM: Did you have a better experience on the Bachelorette or Bachelor in Paradise?
Brett: Bachelor in Paradise. The environment and setting was more comfortable for me to be in. I could really be myself as opposed to the Bachelorette. It was weird being one of 25 guys chasing after one girl. On the bachelorette you have to kind of have an aggressive personality in order to get your time to talk to her. Im not an aggressive person so it was not my ideal situation.
EM: Did you learn anything about yourself after going on these shows?
Brett: I’m a shy person so it made me step out of my comfort zone to talk to someone when I normally wouldn’t talk to them or would say “oh ill just talk to them tomorrow or somewhere down the road”. In that situation you had to talk to them in that moment or they would be gone.
EM: You’re known as the guy who swipes lamps from hotels. Should the hotel staff be worried? Brett: (laughing) They should be worries yes. No lamp is safe.
EM: Whats the one attribute you look for in a girl?
Brett: Personality. At the end of the day you want someone who will have fun with you and be your best friend. So humour and personality.
EM:You said you’re done with Bachelor in Paradise. What’s the next step for you?
Jared: To not go on Bachelor in Paradise!( jk ). Actually right now I’m just living my life. Going back home and finding stability and direction in the next couple of years.
EM: What advice would you give the next season of Bachelors?
As Robbie said, be yourself. Its the only way to make it though this process. Try to keep sane. Try to focus on your relationship and block out everyone else.
EM: Easier said than done?
Jared: Absolutely!
EM:Do you think a platonic friendship is possible after a romantic one fizzles out?
Jared: You’re goddamn right I do. I think is very possible to be friends with someone you had some sort of romantic relationship with no matter how long or short the duration. A lot of my friends are friends with their ex-girlfriends. I definitely think you can be friends after a relationship.
EM: Whats the one attribute you look for in a girl?
Jared: I think authenticity.
EM: Whats been your impression of Canada these last 24 hours?
Vinny: I love it. I love Toronto. Im from New York so this reminds me of home. Everyone is really nice. Its beautiful here. And so far so good. Everyone’s been treating us with hospitality.
EM: Whats advice would you give to the next season of Bachelors?
Vinny: I think my problem on the Bachelorette was I didn’t really.., time isn’t of your essence on these shows. Especially when you’re not the only person dating the girl. You kind of have to step out of your comfort zone and talk about those things that you typically push off. You have to put whats on your mind out there as soon as you can because 24 other guys might do it before you. I think thats something that didn’t work too well for me in that aspect.
EM: What do you want people to know about you that wasn’t on the show. Vinny: I think I got a pretty good portrayal. I think what you saw is what you get. EM: Whats the one attribute you look for in a girl?
Vinny: As much as we all say the same thing I look for personality and I am looking for that best friend. Also someone thats driven. If they’re driven Im driven and I want to be that power couple.
Written by Nicole Zand
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