Diet determines 80% of results. Think of it this way ladies: there’s 168 hours in a week, you workout 3 hours and that leaves 165 hours for diet to control if those workouts yield results or are just plain wasted. It’s tough. Temptation is everywhere, but if you’re serious my top 10 dieting rules will have you knocking them dead in time for festive holiday functions.
1. Eat every 2 – 3 hours.
From the time you wake to when you’re counting sheep, EAT! If it’s feeding time and you’re awake, go for it!
2. Eat complete lean protein with each meal.
Eat as much real food as possible. Supplements are great in a pinch. However, your body responds best to unrefined, organic, whole foods.
3. Eat vegetables with each meal.
Vegetables are alkaline forming foods that balance acidity from grains and protein. Ph balance is essential for immunity. Also, the fiber in veggies regulates blood sugar levels.
4. If want to lose fat, eat veggies and fruit with every meal. “Other” carbs only post workout.
Earn those carbs by exercising first. Rice, quinoa, oatmeal. Eat them all – just wait 1 – 2 hours post workout. Choose organic and if possible, gluten free.
5. Eat healthy fats daily.
Consume roughly 1/3 monounsaturated, 1/3 saturated, and 1/3 polyunsaturated fat daily. Consume monounsaturated (extra virgin olive oil, avocado), polyunsaturated (fish oil supplements), and your saturated fats will be topped up easily through your meat intake.
***Note: Every adult and child should take a fish oil supplement. This helps you lose fat, look leaner, protect against heart disease, cancer, diabetes and more.
6. Drink ONLY water, green tea, black coffee and coconut water (during activity only)
Anything not on this list is usually filled with sugar and chemicals. The only exception is the carb containing drink for during/post workouts (try trurecovery by www.truperformancenutrition.
7. Eat real food over bars and supplements.
Your food should come from as much high quality, unprocessed, and organic sources. Eat bars and shakes only when pressed for time.
8. If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail.
Newsflash. The hardest part of eating right typically isn’t knowing what’s good or bad. The problem is having the right foods at the ready – always.
Fortunately services like Fuel Nutrition, an organic, fresh meal delivery service, can help. For those who opt to cook, choose 2 days each week to shop and prepare food
9. Eat a wide variety of good food.
Be sure to eat organic, seasonal and fresh food. Rotate your food choices. Prepared meal delivery services come in handy to keep things exciting and saving time.
10. Plan to break the rules about 10% of the time.
If you’re eating 5 times a day, 7 days a week, that’s 35 meals a week. Ten per cent of is 3.5, so expect to have 3 – 4 “imperfect” meals per week. What is an “imperfect” meal? Well, did you miss a protein source? Skip lunch or veggies? Scarf down a piece of cake?
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