Ever since we were little our parents had to force us to eat our vegetables, even to a point where they would bribe us with incentives to finish ...
On June 14, 2019 / By Connor BullenWe all know the movie Mrs. Doubtfire. It’s about a kind-hearted housekeeper who babysat three children and took care of their house. Oh, also, she was actually a ...
On March 12, 2019 / By Rosemarie De CesareThe research of world renowned Experimental Psychologist Richard Wiseman shows that only 12% of people achieve New Year’s Resolution success one year after setting them. Why is this ...
On January 2, 2019 / By Jacquelyn JhingreeI have always wondered what it would be like to go vegetarian for the rest of my life. I figured it wouldn’t be too hard, but then I ...
On May 7, 2018 / By Victoria Meyer“Be confident” might seem as easy advice, but for a person who’s unsure in life it is like a burdensome task. So why are some people more confident ...
On April 17, 2018 / By Anja PotkonjakIt scares me that I’m going away on a retreat for 10-days. It’s a demanding course from Vipassana, where you meditate for 10 days. From morning to night, ...
On March 28, 2018 / By Kevin LeeEligible Magazine is a lifestyle magazine for urban men and women who want the best from their dating life, their relationships and themselves. It features articles and video content on dating, relationships, sex, wellness and lifestyle by some of the country's foremost experts. The magazine is available online, for sale on Apple's Newsstand for your iPad or iPhone and soon to be in print.